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Created May 27, 2017 16:48
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Define multiple instances simultaneously

Idea from

Works great for concrete types

data A = MkA

instance (Eq & Ord & Show & Arbitrary) A where
  (==) :: A -> A -> Bool
  MkA == MkA = True
  compare :: A -> A -> Ordering
  MkA `compare` MkA = EQ
  show :: A -> String
  show MkA = "MkA"
  arbitrary :: Gen A
  arbitrary = pure MkA
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Icelandjack commented May 27, 2017

Not so nice for type constructors

newtype B a = MkB a

type EOSA = Eq & Ord & Show & Arbitrary

instance EOSA b => EOSA (B b) where
  (==) :: B b -> B b -> Bool
  MkB a == MkB b = a `compare` b
  compare :: B b -> B b -> Ordering
  MkB a `compare` MkB b = a `compare` b
  show :: B b -> String
  show (MkB b) = "MkB " ++ show b
  arbitrary :: Gen (B b)
  arbitrary = MkB <$> arbitrary

Now all of a sudden (==) @(B _) :: EOSA b => B b -> B b -> Bool which is ridiculous. We should be able to tailor the context to each method or group of methods.

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It could be magic... (inferred from methods, and then crushed together) or determined from explicit instance sigs (and then crushed)

instance EOSA (B b) where
  (==) :: Eq b => B b -> B b -> Bool
  MkB a == MkB b = a == b

  compare :: B b -> B b -> Ordering
  MkB a `compare` MkB b = a `compare` b

  show :: Show b => B b -> String
  show (MkB b) = "MkB " ++ show b 

and the methods have the same constraints as provided, and the instances become

instance Eq        b => Eq        (B b)
instance Ord       b => Ord       (B b)
instance Show      b => Show      (B b)
instance Arbitrary b => Arbitrary (B b)

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So if inferred from method's required constraints, then we have

instance EOSA (B b) where
  a == b = compare a b == EQ
  MkB a `compare` MkB b = compare a b

resulting in

instance Ord a => Eq  (B b)
instance Ord a => Ord (B b)

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We merge the contexts of methods from the same type class just as usual

class  EQ a where  eq :: a -> a -> Bool
class NEQ a where neq :: a -> a -> Bool

newtype C a = C a
  deriving (EQ, NEQ)

instance (EQ a, NEQ a) => Eq (C a) where
  (==) = eq
  (/=) = neq

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