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Created October 10, 2012 16:53
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Mode-line code
(require 'battery)
(setq battery-mode-line-format "#%b %p %t")
(setq battery-load-critical 7)
(setq battery-load-low 25)
(display-battery-mode t)
(require 'network-speed)
(setq network-speed-update-interval 5)
(setq network-speed-precision 1)
(setq network-speed-interface-list (if (string= (shell-command-to-string "ifconfig | grep wlan0") "")
(setq network-speed-format-string "%NI#%RB#%TB#%RX#%TX#%AX")
(require 'cpu-stats)
(setq cpu-usage-format "%A %C0 %C1")
(require 'memory-stats)
(setq memory-usage-format "%R %F %S")
(require 'misc-stats)
(defmacro alias-face (name face)
"Creates an alias `name' to face `face'."
`(progn (defface ,name '((default :inherit ,face :slant r))
"A macro-defined alias face."
:group 'default)
(defvar ,name ',name)))
(alias-face my-green-face font-lock-constant-face)
(alias-face my-yellow-face font-lock-function-name-face)
(alias-face my-red-face font-lock-warning-face)
(alias-face my-important-face font-lock-keyword-face)
(alias-face my-unimportant-face font-lock-comment-face)
(alias-face my-note-face font-lock-doc-face)
(defvar my-battery-status-alist '(("#" "discharging")
("#+" "charging" my-green-face)
("#-" "low" my-yellow-face)
("#!" "critically low" my-red-face)))
(defvar my-vc-alist '((ignored "Ignored" my-unimportant-face)
;; Everything is ok:
(up-to-date "Up to date" my-green-face)
;; Kinda important:
(unregistered "Unknown" my-yellow-face)
(edited "Edited" my-yellow-face)
(added "Added" my-yellow-face)
;; Most important:
(removed "Scheduled for removal" my-red-face)
(conflict "Has conflicts" my-red-face)
(missing "Missing" my-red-face)
(needs-update "Needs update" my-red-face)
(needs-merge "Needs merge" my-red-face)
(unlocked-changes "Has unlocked changes" my-red-face)))
(defvar my-load-average-threshold 5.0)
(defvar my-load-average-image nil)
(defvar my-battery-status-image nil)
(defvar my-cpu-usage-image nil)
(defvar my-network-load-image nil)
(defvar my-ram-usage-image nil)
(defvar display-mode-line-images t)
(defun my-create-image (filename)
(create-image (concat my-stuff-dir filename)
'xpm nil
:ascent 'center))
(defvar my-images-alist
'((my-network-load-image . "updown3.xpm")
(my-cpu-usage-image . "cpu3.xpm")
(my-load-average-image . "tux3.xpm")
(my-battery-status-image . "battery3.xpm")
(my-ram-usage-image . "ram3.xpm")
(my-uptime-image . "emacs2.xpm")))
(defun* toggle-mode-line-images (&optional (arg (not display-mode-line-images)))
"Display various icons in the mode-line."
(setq display-mode-line-images arg)
(if display-mode-line-images
(mapc (lambda (nf)
(set (car nf)
(my-create-image (cdr nf))))
(mapc (lambda (i)
(set (car i) nil))
(toggle-mode-line-images t)
;; Eh a cool guy, overrides the default mode-line-format and doesn't afraid of anything.
(setq-default mode-line-format
(list "-"
'(:eval (cond (buffer-read-only
(propertize "%%%%" 'face 'my-yellow-face
'help-echo "Buffer is read-only."
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight))
(propertize "**" 'face 'my-red-face
'help-echo "Buffer has been modified."
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight))
(t (propertize "--" 'help-echo "Buffer is unmodified."
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight))))
'(:eval (propertize "%@" 'help-echo (concat "Default directory is: " default-directory)
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight))
" "
'(:eval (let ((file-name (buffer-file-name)))
(if file-name
(let ((state-face (assoc (vc-state file-name) my-vc-alist))
(revision (vc-working-revision file-name))
(backend (vc-backend file-name)))
(propertize (concat "%b" (when revision
(concat " [" revision "]")))
'face (caddr state-face)
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
'help-echo (concat file-name "\n"
(if backend
(concat "Version controlled by "
(symbol-name backend) "\n"
"Status: " (cadr state-face))
"Not version controlled."))))
" "
;; NOTE Fucking Org-Agenda, man...
'(:eval (let ((name (if (stringp mode-name) mode-name (car mode-name)))
(rest (when (listp mode-name) (cdr mode-name))))
(cons (propertize name 'face 'my-important-face
'help-echo buffer-file-coding-system)
;; ERC track with minimal distraction.
;; FIXME Frame title doesn't work when iconified.
'(:eval (progn (setq icon-title-format
(setq frame-title-format
(concat "Emacs" erc-modified-channels-object)))
;; Current battery status.
;; NOTE Required some hacking - defining custom format-battery-string breaks transient-mark-mode.
'(:eval (let* ((battery (split-string battery-mode-line-string))
(battery-level (string-to-number (cadr battery)))
(battery-icon (if my-battery-status-image
(propertize "⚡" 'display my-battery-status-image)
(unless (string= (cadr battery) "N/A")
(propertize (concat " " battery-icon (cadr battery) "%%")
;; NOTE battery-status-function inconvinience workarround.
'face (caddr (assoc (cond ((string= (car battery) "#+") "#+")
((<= battery-level battery-load-critical) "#!")
((<= battery-level battery-load-low) "#-")
(t (car battery)))
'help-echo (format "Battery status: %s\nTime remaining: %sh"
(cadr (assoc (car battery)
(caddr battery))
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight))))
;; CPU usage.
'(:eval (let* ((usage (split-string cpu-usage-mode-line-string))
(usage-level (string-to-number (car usage)))
(cpu-icon (if my-cpu-usage-image
(propertize "C" 'display my-cpu-usage-image)
(propertize (concat " " cpu-icon (car usage) "%%")
'face (cond ((>= usage-level 90.0) 'my-red-face)
((>= usage-level 75.0) 'my-yellow-face))
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
'help-echo (concat "Usage:\n"
"CPU0: " (cadr usage) "%\n"
"CPU1: " (caddr usage) "%\n"
"Average: " (car usage) "%\n"))))
;; RAM usage.
'(:eval (let* ((usage (split-string memory-usage-mode-line-string))
(free-mem (string-to-number (cadr usage)))
(ram-icon (if my-ram-usage-image
(propertize "M" 'display my-ram-usage-image)
(propertize (concat " " ram-icon (car usage) "%%")
'face (cond ((<= free-mem 256) 'my-red-face)
((<= free-mem 512) 'my-yellow-face))
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
'help-echo (concat "Main memory:\n"
"Usage: " (car usage) "%\n"
"Free: " (cadr usage) " MB\n"
"Usage: " (caddr usage) "%\n"))))
;; Current system load average.
'(:eval (let* ((load (mapcar (lambda (x) (/ x 100.0))
(load5 (cadr load))
(load-icon (if my-load-average-image
(propertize "S" 'display my-load-average-image)
(propertize (concat " " load-icon (number-to-string load5))
'face (cond ((>= load5 my-load-average-threshold)
((>= load5 (/ my-load-average-threshold 2.0))
' my-yellow-face))
'help-echo (format (concat "Average system load:\n"
"1 minute: %s\n"
"5 minutes: %s\n"
"15 minutes: %s")
(car load)
(cadr load)
(caddr load))
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight)))
;; Network load.
'(:eval (let ((net (split-string network-speed-mode-line-string "#"))
(net-icon (if my-network-load-image
(propertize "⇅" 'display my-network-load-image)
(propertize (concat " " net-icon (nth 5 net))
'help-echo (format (concat "Interface: %s\n"
"Received bytes: %s\n"
"Transmitted bytes: %s\n"
"Download speed: %s\n"
"Upload speed: %s")
(car net)
(nth 1 net)
(nth 2 net)
(nth 3 net)
(nth 4 net))
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight)))
;; Current uptimes.
'(:eval (propertize (concat " "
(if my-uptime-image
(propertize "⌛" 'display my-uptime-image)
(emacs-uptime "%h:%.2m"))
'help-echo (concat (format-time-string "Date: %Y-%m-%d\nTime: %H:%M:%S\n")
(emacs-uptime "Emacs uptime: %H, %M\n")
"System uptime: %H, %M"
(- (float-time (current-time))
"cat /proc/stat | awk '{if(NR == 6) print $2}'")))))
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight))))
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What about the images here?

(defvar my-images-alist
  '((my-network-load-image . "updown3.xpm")
    (my-cpu-usage-image . "cpu3.xpm")
    (my-load-average-image . "tux3.xpm")
    (my-battery-status-image . "battery3.xpm")
    (my-ram-usage-image . "ram3.xpm")
    (my-uptime-image . "emacs2.xpm")))

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