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Last active September 16, 2016 13:14
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Learning computation expressions
// trying to learn computation expressions
#if LINQPAD // doesn't actually work right in linqpad, but conveys intention, hopefully
let dumpt (title:string) x = x.Dump(title); x
let dumpt (title:string) x = printfn "%s:%A" title x; x
module AttemptBuilding =
// what I think may work better, let me finish copying/testing first before trying out this idea
// type AttemptResult<'a> = {Result: 'a option; AttemptsMade: int}
// type Attempt<'a> = (unit -> 'a AttemptResult)
type Attempt<'a> = (unit -> 'a option)
let succeed x = fun () -> Some x
let fail = fun () -> None
let runAttempt (a:Attempt<'a>) = a()
type Attempt =
static member Fail() = fail
static member Succeed x = succeed x
static member Run (a: Attempt<'a>) = runAttempt a
let rec bind p rest i max =
match runAttempt p with
|Some r -> (rest r)
|None -> fail
| _ when i < max -> bind p rest (i+1) max
| _ -> fail
let delay f = fun () -> runAttempt (f())
type AttemptBuilder (maxRetry) =
member __.Return x = succeed x
member __.ReturnFrom (x:Attempt<'a>) = x
member __.Bind (p,rest) = bind p rest 1 maxRetry
member __.Delay f = delay f
member __.Zero () = fail
let attempt = AttemptBuilder(1)
let retry max = AttemptBuilder(max)
open AttemptBuilding
module AttemptTests =
let expectedAttempt: Attempt<int> = attempt { printfn "throwing exception"; failwith "oops"}
let ``no retry`` () = runAttempt <| attempt {
let! a = expectedAttempt
return a
let ``retry three times makes three attempts`` () = Attempt.Run <| retry 3 {
let! a = expectedAttempt
return a
let successTest () = Attempt.Run <| attempt { return 42 }
let failIfBig n = attempt {
printfn "fail if n > 1000"
if n > 1000 then return! Attempt.Fail() else return n
let failureTest() = Attempt.Run <| retry 3 {
let! n = failIfBig(1001)
return n
open AttemptTests
// print something before each test, since the way they were setup before, some of the tests were firing before called (no parens at the end of test function)
let runTest i f =
printfn "Starting test%i" i
|> dumpt (sprintf "test%i result" i)
|> ignore
runTest 1 ``no retry``
runTest 2 ``retry three times makes three attempts``
runTest 3 successTest
runTest 4 failureTest
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