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RC Receiver PWM to SPI slave for ATtiny / Arduino
// RC Receiver PWM to SPI slave
// ============================
// by Calvin Hass
// This code implements a simple SPI slave receiver interface
// combined with multi-channel pulse-width modulation (PWM)
// measurement. Each channel's pulse width is measured in
// microseconds and returned in a channelized register interface.
// This code can be useful for using a remote-control transmitter
// to control an Arduino / ATtiny microcontroller.
// - A watchdog timeout is used to detect the loss of the transmitter.
// - Optimized IO commands are used in the ISRs to keep the
// critical sections as fast as possible.
// - This example demonstrates 6 channel monitoring, but this can
// be increased/decreased if needed.
// Includes for ISR and IO operations
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
// -----------------------
// General configuration
// -----------------------
// - Define number of channels to support.
// This is used when creating the array of SPI registers
#define NUM_CHAN 6
// - Enable periodic LED flashing of status
// 1 flash = No transmitter detected
// 3 flashes = Transmitter detected
// - Also emits 4 flashes at startup to indicate program running
// - Comment out the following line to disable
#define LED_FLASH
// - PULSE_TIMEOUT defines the maximum delay between PWM
// pulses on a channel before it is assumed to be inactive.
// This is used for the watchdog timeout. Generally, RC
// receivers should deliver pulses approximately every
// 20ms, but one should provide ample margin in case a
// pulse gets missed.
#define PULSE_TIMEOUT 250
// - STATUS_TIMEOUT defines the delay between flashes of
// the LED for indicating status.
#define STATUS_TIMEOUT 3000
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The pin definitions and mapping to port & pin change interrupts
// are very specific to the microcontroller model in use. The following
// values were tested to work with an ATtiny167 (Digispark Pro).
// Modifications can be done to make this work for other Arduino / AVR
// microcontrollers (such as ATmega328).
// - Pin definitions for LED & SPI
#define PIN_LED 1
#define PIN_MOSI 10 // MOSI / PA4
#define PIN_MISO 8 // MISO / PA2
#define PIN_SCK 11 // SCK / PA5
#define PIN_SS 12 // SSb / PA6 / PCINT6 (ISR PCINT0)
// - Define RC receiver pin connections to ATtiny
#define PORT_A_CH5 PORTA7 // PA7 / PCINT7 (ISR PCINT0)
#define PORT_A_CH6 PORTA3 // PA3 / PCINT3 (ISR PCINT0)
#define PORT_B_CH1 PORTB0 // PB0 / PCINT8 (ISR PCINT1)
#define PORT_B_CH2 PORTB2 // PB2 / PCINT10 (ISR PCINT1)
#define PORT_B_CH3 PORTB6 // PB6 / PCINT14 (ISR PCINT1)
#define PORT_B_CH4 PORTB3 // PB3 / PCINT11 (ISR PCINT1)
// Define mapping between physical pins and the pin change interrupts
// - Pin Change interrupts in ISR PCINT0_vect / PCMSK0
#define PCINT_0_CH5 PCINT7 //PCMSK0
#define PCINT_0_CH6 PCINT3 //PCMSK0
#define PCINT_0_SS PCINT6 //PCMSK0
// - Pin Change interrupts in ISR PCINT1_vect / PCMSK1
#define PCINT_1_CH1 PCINT8 //PCMSK1
#define PCINT_1_CH2 PCINT10 //PCMSK1
#define PCINT_1_CH3 PCINT14 //PCMSK1
#define PCINT_1_CH4 PCINT11 //PCMSK1
// Define data direction register for PIN_MISO
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// General channel indices
// - These are used primarily for register lookup,
// pulse counters and defining which channels are
// included in the watchdog timeout monitoring.
#define IND_CH1 0
#define IND_CH2 1
#define IND_CH3 2
#define IND_CH4 3
#define IND_CH5 4
#define IND_CH6 5
// Pulse values
// - Default pulse width used before we receive any
// from the receiver. Default is mid-point of RC
// PWM range (ie. 1500us)
#define PWM_MID 1500
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pulse measurement
volatile uint16_t m_anPulseUs[NUM_CHAN]; // Pulse width measured (latest)
volatile uint8_t m_nPulsesNew = 0x00;
volatile uint8_t m_nPulsesTimeout = 0x00;
// Global status
uint8_t m_bTransmitterFail = 0;
volatile uint8_t m_bSpiXferOvf = 0;
// Pin change events
volatile uint16_t m_nPinRiseTimeUs[NUM_CHAN]; // Rising edge tstamp (from ISR)
uint16_t m_nPinKickTimeMs[NUM_CHAN]; // Last watchdog kick (from main loop)
volatile uint8_t m_nPinALast = 0x00; // Last PINA state (from ISR)
volatile uint8_t m_nPinBLast = 0x00; // Last PINB state (from ISR)
// SPI slave
volatile boolean m_bSlaveSelected = false;
volatile uint16_t m_nXferCycle = 0;
// Latched command type and reg address from COMMAND cycle
volatile uint8_t m_nRegAddr = 0;
volatile uint8_t m_bRegRWb = 0;
// Register interface
#define REGS_PER_CHAN 2
#define REG_PART_H 0
#define REG_PART_L 1
#define REG_STATUS 0
#define REG_RSVD1 1
#define REG_FIXED1 2
#define REG_FIXED2 3
#define REGBASE_CHAN 4
// Declare the primary register array
volatile uint8_t m_anRegArray[REG_MAX];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configure the interfaces, the interrupts and assign
// the default register values
void setup() {
// Initialize register array
for (int nRegInd=0;nRegInd<REG_MAX;nRegInd++) {
m_anRegArray[nRegInd] = 0x00;
// Special overrides
m_anRegArray[REG_FIXED1] = 0x12;
m_anRegArray[REG_FIXED2] = 0x34;
// Reset the pulse width time on all channels
// and the last watchdog kick timestamp
for (int nChan=0;nChan<NUM_CHAN;nChan++) {
// Reset pulse value
m_anPulseUs[nChan] = PWM_MID;
// Reset pulse timestamps
m_nPinRiseTimeUs[nChan] = 0;
m_nPinKickTimeMs[nChan] = 0;
// Default to timeout state on all channels
m_nPulsesNew = 0x00;
m_nPulsesTimeout = 0xFF;
// -------------------------
// Setup IOs
// Indicate that bootloader is complete and we
// are ready to accept SPI transactions
#ifdef LED_FLASH
// Enable interrupts
// Initialize the IO interfaces
// - SPI interface
// - Pin change interrupts for pulse monitoring
void setupConfig() {
// Define pins for SPI
// - Start with the slave unselected
pinMode(PIN_SCK, INPUT);
pinMode(PIN_SS, INPUT);
#ifdef LED_FLASH
// Initialize the LED
// Reset pin change states
for (int nNumChan=0;nNumChan<NUM_CHAN;nNumChan++) {
m_nPinRiseTimeUs[nNumChan] = 0;
// Enable SPI and the SPI Transaction Complete ISR
SPCR |= (1 << SPE) | (1 << SPIE);
// ATtiny167:
// - Configure the pins that will trigger Pin Change event interrupts
PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT_0_CH5) | (1 << PCINT_0_CH6) | (1 << PCINT_0_SS);
PCMSK1 |= (1 << PCINT_1_CH1) | (1 << PCINT_1_CH2) | (1 << PCINT_1_CH3) | (1 << PCINT_1_CH4);
// - Enable the Pin Change interrupts
PCICR |= (1<<PCIE0) | (1<<PCIE1);
// ATmega328
// - PCIE0, PCIE1, PCIE2
// SPI Transaction complete ISR
// This ISR is responsible for handling the read and write
// transfer cycles during a SPI transaction.
// Local variables
uint8_t nBufDat = 0; // Storage for incoming SPDR
uint8_t nRegCmd = 0;
// ----------------------------------
// Capture inputs for previous cycle
// ----------------------------------
// Fetch the incoming data byte from the SPI Data Register
nBufDat = SPDR;
if (m_nXferCycle == 0) {
// COMMAND cycle
// Latch command
nRegCmd = nBufDat;
// Decode command
m_nRegAddr = (nRegCmd & 0x0F); // For now, only provide 16 regs
m_bRegRWb = (nRegCmd & 0xC0) >> 6;
// Perform range-check
// TODO: Handle the 16-bit read case
if (m_nRegAddr >= REG_MAX) {
// Disable write
m_nRegAddr = 0;
m_bRegRWb = 1;
} else if (m_nXferCycle == 1) {
// DATA cycle
// Latch data
if (m_bRegRWb == 0) {
// Write command: Latch write data
m_anRegArray[m_nRegAddr] = nBufDat;
} else {
// Read command: nothing to latch
} else if (m_nXferCycle == 2) {
// DATA cycle #2
if (m_bRegRWb == 0) {
// Write command: Latch write data
m_anRegArray[m_nRegAddr+1] = nBufDat;
// ----------------------------------
// Setup output for next cycle
// ----------------------------------
if (m_nXferCycle > 3) {
m_bSpiXferOvf = 1;
// If we are still the selected slave, then proceed to
// define our outputs. Otherwise, we can ignore this
// request.
if (m_bSlaveSelected) {
if (m_nXferCycle == 1) {
// DATA cycle #1
// We only need to drive SPDR with valid data on a read
// but for efficiency, always return the current register value
SPDR = m_anRegArray[m_nRegAddr];
} else if (m_nXferCycle == 2) {
// DATA cycle #2
// For a 16-bit read, we advance the register address
// TODO: Consider adding array bounds checking here
SPDR = m_anRegArray[m_nRegAddr+1];
} else {
// We are not selected for next cycle
// The pin change int on SSb will be responsible
// for tristating the MISO pin so that other slaves
// can respond if they are selected.
// =================================
// Pin Change interrupt #0 ISR
// This ISR is responsible for monitoring the pins
// associated with I/O bank 0.
// ------------------------------------
// Start
// Latch the current pin values and deltas
uint8_t nPinValCur = PINA;
uint8_t nPinValChg = nPinValCur ^ m_nPinALast;
// Latch the current timestamp
// NOTE 1: By latching the timestamp once for all channels
// in the ISR, we are introducing timestamp error into the later
// channels. However, the tradeoff is against calling micros()
// multiple times which extends the ISR duration. If the ISR
// duration is too high, then there is a greater chance of SPI
// corruption due to the next SCLK edge arriving before we have
// completed this ISR and prepared for the next data in/out.
// NOTE 2: micros() is only accurate to approx 4us uncertainty.
// Other alternate timer implementations can increase this accuracy,
// but this code uses micros() to simplify the code.
uint16_t nCurTimeUs = micros();
// ------------------------------------
// Handler for SSb
if (nPinValChg & (1 << PORT_A_SS)) {
if (nPinValCur & (1 << PORT_A_SS)) { // rising edge
// SSb rising edge = deassertion
// - We are not currently selected
// - Release the bus
m_bSlaveSelected = false;
} else {
// SSb falling edge = assertion
// - We weren't selected before, but now are
// - Take ownership over the bus
// - Reset the transaction cycle
m_nXferCycle = 0;
m_bSlaveSelected = true;
// ------------------------------------
// Handler for CH5
if (nPinValChg & (1 << PORT_A_CH5)) {
if (nPinValCur & (1 << PORT_A_CH5)) { // rising edge
m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH5] = nCurTimeUs;
} else { // falling edge
m_anPulseUs[IND_CH5] = nCurTimeUs-m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH5];
m_nPulsesNew |= (1<<IND_CH5); // Indicate a new pulse
// ------------------------------------
// Handler for CH6
if (nPinValChg & (1 << PORT_A_CH6)) {
if (nPinValCur & (1 << PORT_A_CH6)) { // rising edge
m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH6] = nCurTimeUs;
} else { // falling edge
m_anPulseUs[IND_CH6] = nCurTimeUs-m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH6];
m_nPulsesNew |= (1<<IND_CH6); // Indicate a new pulse
// ------------------------------------
// Cleanup
// - Save the latest pin state
m_nPinALast = nPinValCur;
// Pin Change interrupt #1 ISR
// This ISR is responsible for monitoring the pins
// associated with I/O bank 1.
// ------------------------------------
// Start
// Latch the current pin values and deltas
uint8_t nPinValCur = PINB;
uint8_t nPinValChg = nPinValCur ^ m_nPinBLast;
// Latch the current timestamp
uint16_t nCurTimeUs = micros();
// ------------------------------------
// Handler for CH1
if (nPinValChg & (1 << PORT_B_CH1)) {
if (nPinValCur & (1 << PORT_B_CH1)) { // rising edge
m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH1] = nCurTimeUs;
} else { // falling edge
m_anPulseUs[IND_CH1] = nCurTimeUs-m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH1];
m_nPulsesNew |= (1<<IND_CH1); // Indicate a new pulse
// ------------------------------------
// Handler for CH2
if (nPinValChg & (1 << PORT_B_CH2)) {
if (nPinValCur & (1 << PORT_B_CH2)) { // rising edge
m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH2] = nCurTimeUs;
} else { // falling edge
m_anPulseUs[IND_CH2] = nCurTimeUs-m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH2];
m_nPulsesNew |= (1<<IND_CH2); // Indicate a new pulse
// ------------------------------------
// Handler for CH3
if (nPinValChg & (1 << PORT_B_CH3)) {
if (nPinValCur & (1 << PORT_B_CH3)) { // rising edge
m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH3] = nCurTimeUs;
} else { // falling edge
m_anPulseUs[IND_CH3] = nCurTimeUs-m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH3];
m_nPulsesNew |= (1<<IND_CH3); // Indicate a new pulse
// ------------------------------------
// Handler for CH4
// NOTE: This doesn't get called if USB bootloader active
if (nPinValChg & (1 << PORT_B_CH4)) {
if (nPinValCur & (1 << PORT_B_CH4)) { // rising edge
m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH4] = nCurTimeUs;
} else { // falling edge
m_anPulseUs[IND_CH4] = nCurTimeUs-m_nPinRiseTimeUs[IND_CH4];
m_nPulsesNew |= (1<<IND_CH4); // Indicate a new pulse
// ------------------------------------
// Cleanup
// - Save the latest pin state
m_nPinBLast = nPinValCur;
// =================================
// The main loop is responsible for the following operations:
// - Watchdog timeout: detects a lack of pulses on one or more
// RC channels (which indicates that the RC transmitter has
// been lost).
// - Updating RC pulse width registers which can be read via SPI.
// - Blinking a status LED to indicate if the transmitter link is
// active.
void loop() {
uint16_t nPulseUsWidth;
uint16_t nTimeMsCur;
uint16_t nTimeMsElapsed;
// Watchdog detector
for (int nChan=0;nChan<NUM_CHAN;nChan++) {
nTimeMsCur = millis();
if (m_nPulsesNew & (1<<nChan)) {
// New pulse detected in ISR
// Kick the watchdog
m_nPinKickTimeMs[nChan] = nTimeMsCur;
// Clear the timeout flag (if any)
m_nPulsesTimeout &= ~(1<<nChan);
// Reset the pulse detect
m_nPulsesNew &= ~(1<<nChan);
} else {
// No new pulse, so check watchdog limit
nTimeMsElapsed = nTimeMsCur-m_nPinKickTimeMs[nChan];
if (nTimeMsElapsed > PULSE_TIMEOUT) {
// Set the timeout flag
m_nPulsesTimeout |= (1<<nChan);
// Watchdog timeout -> Transmitter loss:
// If the RC transmitter is turned off (but the RC receiver
// is still powered up), then most channels will not contain
// pulses. However, some receivers (such as the Turnigy 9XCH8v2)
// will still output a stream of pulses on one or more channels.
// Therefore, the watchdog must only monitor certain channels
// for inactivity.
// - Only look at pulse train from CH1 & CH2
// - Note that Turnigy 9X8Cv2 seems to output very slow pulses
// on CH4 & CH5 during transmitter loss.
m_bTransmitterFail = 0;
if (m_nPulsesTimeout & ( (1<<IND_CH1) | (1<<IND_CH2) ) ) {
m_bTransmitterFail = 1;
// Store the pulses into the registers
for (int nChan=0;nChan<NUM_CHAN;nChan++) {
// Disable ints for 16b coherency
nPulseUsWidth = m_anPulseUs[nChan];
// Just report last saved pulse width. If there is a transmitter
// fail, then the status flag can be used as a failsafe.
m_anRegArray[REGBASE_CHAN+(nChan*REGS_PER_CHAN)+REG_PART_H] = nPulseUsWidth/256;
m_anRegArray[REGBASE_CHAN+(nChan*REGS_PER_CHAN)+REG_PART_L] = nPulseUsWidth%256;
} // nChan
// Now set overall status register
uint8_t nNewStatus;
nNewStatus = 0x00;
nNewStatus |= (m_bTransmitterFail)?(0x00):(0x80);
nNewStatus |= (m_bSpiXferOvf)?(0x00):(0x40);
m_anRegArray[REG_STATUS] = nNewStatus;
m_anRegArray[REG_RSVD1] = 0x00;
// Periodically flash the link status
#ifdef LED_FLASH
if (m_bTransmitterFail) {
} else {
// =================================
#define BLINK_FLASH_ON 20
#define BLINK_FLASH_OFF 150
volatile uint8_t nBlinkStatus = 0;
volatile uint8_t nBlinkRemain = 0;
volatile uint8_t eBlinkFsmState = E_BLFSM_IDLE;
volatile uint16_t nBlinkFsmTimeMsNxt = 0;
// Define the number of blinks to periodically flash
void setBlinkState(int nNum) {
nBlinkStatus = nNum;
// Update the LED status based on the blink FSM
// - The purpose of this blink routine is to be
// basically non-blocking. It relies upon defining
// timer thresholds for each stage of the blink
// request.
void doBlinkFsm() {
uint16_t nTimeMsCur = millis();
// Calculate next state
switch (eBlinkFsmState) {
if (nTimeMsCur > nBlinkFsmTimeMsNxt) {
if (nBlinkStatus > 0) {
eBlinkFsmState = E_BLFSM_ON;
nBlinkFsmTimeMsNxt = nTimeMsCur + BLINK_FLASH_ON;
nBlinkRemain = nBlinkStatus;
case E_BLFSM_ON:
if (nTimeMsCur > nBlinkFsmTimeMsNxt) {
if (nBlinkRemain==0) {
// Should never get here
eBlinkFsmState = E_BLFSM_IDLE;
nBlinkFsmTimeMsNxt = nTimeMsCur + STATUS_TIMEOUT;
} else {
eBlinkFsmState = E_BLFSM_OFF;
nBlinkFsmTimeMsNxt = nTimeMsCur + BLINK_FLASH_OFF;
if (nTimeMsCur > nBlinkFsmTimeMsNxt) {
if (nBlinkRemain==0) {
eBlinkFsmState = E_BLFSM_IDLE;
nBlinkFsmTimeMsNxt = nTimeMsCur + STATUS_TIMEOUT;
} else {
eBlinkFsmState = E_BLFSM_ON;
nBlinkFsmTimeMsNxt = nTimeMsCur + BLINK_FLASH_ON;
// Flash the LED quickly [nNum] times
// - Blocking waits
void doBlinkFlash(int nNum) {
for (int i=0;i<nNum;i++) {
// =================================
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tatze commented Jun 23, 2020

The blinking may suffer from integer overflow, either blinking too often or getting stuck in state 2 / E_BLFSM_OFF.
Changing nBlinkFsmTimeMsNxt and nTimeMsCur to uint64_t solves this (at least for 49 days after power up).

P. S.: millis()' data type is unsigned long / uint64_t

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