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Indigo744 /
Created May 30, 2017 15:21
Find all contributors of a specific Github repository
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Find all contributors of a specific Github repository
# Tested with Python 2.7 / Windows 10
# Usage: python PHPOffice/PHPExcel
# Author: Indigo744
# Date: 2017-05-30
Indigo744 / PhpSpreadsheet contributors
Created May 30, 2017 15:53
List all meaningful PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet contributors
PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet contributors with at least 10 additions to the repository
| Github user name | User page | Github contribution | OK |
| tomaszsita | | 1 commits / 18 ++ / 4 -- | [ ] |
| titanrat | | 4 commits / 3935 ++ / 2983 -- | [ ] |
| z38 | | 1 commits / 42 ++ / 42 -- | [ ] |
| frans-beech-it | | 1 commits / 1082 ++ / 1065 -- | [ ] |
Indigo744 / PhpExcel contributors
Created May 30, 2017 15:55
List all meaningful PHPOffice/PhpExcel contributors
PHPOffice/PhpExcel contributors with at least 10 additions to the repository
| Github user name | User page | Github contribution | OK |
| Progi1984 | | 50 commits / 54643 ++ / 52159 -- | [ ] |
| Slamdunk | | 11 commits / 127 ++ / 88 -- | [ ] |
| ddeboer | | 1 commits / 10 ++ / 10 -- | [ ] |
| kea | | 1 commits / 65 ++ / 2 -- | [ ] |
Indigo744 / Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer and OLE contributors
Created May 30, 2017 15:59
List all meaningful contributors to Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer and OLE packages
Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer package -
| Name | Github login | User page | Public email | Why | Github contribution | OK |
| Carsten Schmitz | | | | Listed as Lead in Pear | | [ ] |
| Alexey Kopytko | sanmai | |
Indigo744 / LanguageMatch
Created February 19, 2018 15:27 — forked from christianseel/LanguageMatch
LanguageMatch MODX Snippet – Redirects the visitor based on it's browser language
* LanguageMatch
* Based on
* Original code by
* Udated by Indigo74 for prefix/suffix and default context
define('CONTEXT_PREFIX', 'web-');
Indigo744 / bcrypt_cost_calculator.js
Last active July 22, 2019 17:37
NodeJS BCRYPT cost calculator
* Password BCRYPT Hash Cost Calculator for NodeJS
* Just upload this script to your server and run it.
* You should choose a cost that will take at least 100ms (500ms preferably)
* Uses bcrypt.js from
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks');
Indigo744 / BcryptNetCostCalculator.cs
Created September 25, 2019 19:51
C# BCRYPT.Net cost calculator
namespace BcryptPerformanceTestCSharpDotNet
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using BCrypt.Net;
/// <summary>
/// C# BCRYPT.Net cost calculator
/// You will need BCrypt.Net-Next Nugget:
/// </summary>
Indigo744 / HueBridgeDiscovery.cs
Created December 10, 2019 12:28
Some Hue Bridge Discovery approaches using the Q42.HueApi
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Q42.HueApi;
/// <summary>
/// Some Hue Bridge Discovery approaches using the Q42.HueApi
Indigo744 / argon2_benchmark.php
Last active June 18, 2020 13:59
PHP Argon2 benchmark
* Password Argon2 Hash Benchmark
* Argon2 is available since PHP 7.2
* Just upload this script to your server and run it, either through CLI or by calling it in your browser.
* See Argon2 specs chapter 9 Recommended Parameters
// Upper time limit to check
Indigo744 / bcrypt_cost_calculator.php
Last active November 19, 2023 07:23 — forked from Antnee/password_hash_cost_calculator.php
PHP BCRYPT cost calculator
* Password BCRYPT Hash Cost Calculator
* Just upload this script to your server and run it, either through CLI or by calling it in your browser.
* You should choose a cost that will take at least 100ms
// Upper time limit to check