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Last active September 19, 2017 19:23
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finished gravitational particle system sketch.
ArrayList<Particle> PS; //Here's our array of objects
IntList marked;
float G = 0.2, one_over_pi = 1/PI;
float cx, cy;
float torus_x, torus_y, torus_l, torus_b, torus_w, torus_h; // position and dimensions of the torus box.
byte background_mode = 0;
boolean record = false; //true; //
void setup(){
size(1000, 500, FX2D);
cx = width/2;
cy = height/2;
float m = 50;
torus_x = -m; // the box is bigger than the screen
torus_y = -m; // to hide the moment when they 'pop' to the other side.
torus_l = width + m;
torus_b = height + m; // this could be facier if you drew a duplicate when the particle is near the edge.
torus_w = width + (2*m); // I leave that as a challenge to you!
torus_h = height + (2*m);
// initialization for the ArrayList...
PS = new ArrayList();
// and for each object.
for( int i = 0; i < 60; ++i ) PS.add( new Particle( random(width), random(height), random(-2, 2), random(-2, 2), random(2, 10) ) );
marked = new IntList();
void draw(){
switch( background_mode ){ // switching through the background modes:
case 0:
background(0); // no tracks. ( putting a fresh black screen over the previous frame )
case 1: // fading tracks. ( we draw a semi-transparent screen over the previous frame )
fill(0, 15);
rect( 0, 0, width, height );
} // (MODE 2) full tracks. ( do nothing! let the frames draw on top of one another.)
//This is where we run the the gravity between all particles.
for(int i = 1; i < PS.size(); ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){
if( i != j ) PS.get(i).gravitate_in_torus(PS.get(j) );
//rudimentary inelastic collisions
for(int i = 1; i < PS.size(); ++i){ // loop through the particle array
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){ // only checking each pair of objects once.
if( PS.get(i).pos.dist( PS.get(j).pos ) < (PS.get(i).R + PS.get(j).R) * 0.75 ){
boolean alreadymarked = false;
for(int k = 0; k < marked.size(); ++k){
if( i == marked.get(k) || j == marked.get(k) ){
alreadymarked = true;
if( alreadymarked ) continue;
int a = ( PS.get(i).R > PS.get(j).R )? i : j; // the larger one
int b = ( a == i )? j : i; // absorbs the smaller one.
float ratio = PS.get(b).mass / PS.get(a).mass;
//println( PS.get(b).vel.mag(), ratio, PS.get(b).vel.get().mult( ratio ).mag() );
float aMag = PS.get(a).vel.mag();
float abMass = PS.get(a).mass + PS.get(b).mass;
PS.get(a).vel.add( PS.get(b).vel ); // gains it's momentum,
PS.get(a).vel.setMag( ((aMag*PS.get(a).mass)+(PS.get(b).vel.mag()*PS.get(b).mass)) / abMass );
PS.get(a).R = sqrt( sq(PS.get(a).R) + sq(PS.get(b).R) );
PS.get(a).mass = abMass; // it's mass,
PS.get(a).D = PS.get(a).R * 2;
PS.get(a).c = lerpColor( PS.get(a).c, PS.get(b).c, ratio ); // and mixes it's color with it's own.
marked.append(b); // mark the small one for deletion.
for( int i = marked.size()-1; i >= 0 ; --i ) PS.remove( marked.get(i) ); // delete the marked ones.
marked = new IntList();
for( Particle p : PS ) p.exe(); // here's where we're running all our particles.
if( record ){
saveFrame( year()+"-"+month()+"-"+day()+" "+nf( hour(), 2 )+"."+nf( minute(), 2 )+"."+nf(second(), 2)+" ######.png" );
void mousePressed(){
// pop particles upon click!
for(int i = 0; i < PS.size(); ++i){
if( dist( PS.get(i).pos.x, PS.get(i).pos.y, mouseX, mouseY ) < PS.get(i).R ){
float total_area = 0;
while(total_area < PS.get(i).area()){
float area = random(35, 85);
if( total_area + area > PS.get(i).area() ){
area = PS.get(i).area() - total_area;
total_area += area;
float a = random( TWO_PI );
float v = random( 2, 4 );
PS.add( new Particle( PS.get(i).pos.x, PS.get(i).pos.y, v*cos(a), v*sin(a), sqrt(area*one_over_pi) ) );
for(int k = 0; k < 12; ++k) PS.get(PS.size()-1).step();
void keyPressed(){
if( key == 'b' || key == 'B' ){ // press B to flip through background modes.
if( background_mode < 2 ) ++background_mode;
else background_mode = 0;
if( key == 'r' || key == 'R' ){ // press R to record. (this makes the sketch very slow!)
record = !record;
// The particle class.
// each particle object in the sketch is what we call an 'instance' of the class;
// they're all identical in structure, but their variables can have different values.
class Particle{
float R, D, mass;
PVector pos, vel, acc;
color c;
Particle(float x, float y, float vx, float vy, float r){
R = r;
D = R * 2;
pos = new PVector( x, y );
vel = new PVector( vx, vy );
acc = new PVector();
c = color( random(255), random(255), 0 );
mass = this.area();
Particle(float x, float y, float vx, float vy, float r, color co){
R = r;
D = R * 2;
pos = new PVector( x, y );
vel = new PVector( vx, vy );
acc = new PVector();
c = co;
mass = this.area();
void step(){
acc = new PVector();
void collide_w_screen(){
if( pos.x - R <= 0 ){
vel.x *= -1;
pos.x = R;
if( pos.y - R <= 0 ){
vel.y *= -1;
pos.y = R;
if( pos.x + R >= width ){
vel.x *= -1;
pos.x = width-R;
if( pos.y + R >= height ){
vel.y *= -1;
pos.y = height - R;
void torus(){
if( pos.x < torus_x ){
pos.x = torus_l;
if( pos.y < torus_y ){
pos.y = torus_b;
if( pos.x > torus_l ){
pos.x = torus_x;
if( pos.y > torus_b ){
pos.y = torus_y;
float area(){
return PI * sq(R);
void gravitate( Particle p ){
PVector grav = new PVector(1,0);
grav.setMag( G / sq( constrain(dist(pos.x, pos.y, p.pos.x, p.pos.y), 1, 100000) ) );
grav.rotate(atan2(p.pos.y - pos.y, p.pos.x - pos.x ));
acc.add( grav.get().mult( p.mass ) );
p.acc.add( grav.rotate(PI).mult( mass ) );
void gravitate_in_torus( Particle p ){
PVector grav = new PVector(1,0);
PVector[] q = { p.pos.get(),
new PVector( p.pos.x + torus_w, p.pos.y ), new PVector( p.pos.x - torus_w, p.pos.y ),
new PVector( p.pos.x, p.pos.y + torus_h ), new PVector( p.pos.x, p.pos.y - torus_h ),
new PVector( p.pos.x + torus_w, p.pos.y + torus_h ), new PVector( p.pos.x - torus_w, p.pos.y - torus_h ),
new PVector( p.pos.x - torus_w, p.pos.y + torus_h ), new PVector( p.pos.x + torus_w, p.pos.y - torus_h ) };
float[] d = new float[9];
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i ) d[i] = dist(pos.x, pos.y, q[i].x, q[i].y);
float dist = min( d );
grav.setMag( G / sq( constrain( dist, 1, 100000) ) );
int n = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i ){
if( dist == d[i] ){
n = i;
grav.rotate(atan2(q[n].y - pos.y, q[n].x - pos.x ));
acc.add( grav.get().mult( p.mass ) ); // this version of the gravitate method is also mutual.
p.acc.add( grav.get().rotate(PI).mult( mass ) ); // we only run it once for each pair, which makes things more efficient!
void display(){
ellipse( pos.x, pos.y, D, D );
void exe(){ // the method that get's called in draw().
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