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Created January 16, 2014 15:06
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Description: A set of R functions to implement the Independent RFM scoring and the RFM scoring with input breaks.
Author: Jack Han email: jackhan2008 #
Version: 1.3
Date: 23 Dec 2013
Usage: Read the article "RFM Customer Analysis with R Language"
# Function
# getDataFrame(df,startDate,endDate,tIDColName="ID",tDateColName="Date",tAmountColName="Amount")
# Description
# Process the input data frame of transcation records so that the data frame can be ready for RFM scoring.
# A.Remove the duplicate records with the same customer ID
# B.Find the most recent date for each ID and calculate the days to the endDate, to get the Recency data
# C.Calculate the quantity of translations of a customer, to get the Frequency data
# D.Sum the amount of money a customer spent and divide it by Frequency, to get the average amount per transaction, that is the Monetary data.
# Arguments
# df - A data frame of transcation records with customer ID, dates, and the amount of money of each transation
# startDate - the start date of transcation, the records that happened after the start date will be kepted
# endDate - the end date of transcation, the records that happed after the end date will be removed. It works with the start date to set a time scope
# tIDColName - the column name which contains customer IDs in the input data frame
# tDateColName - the column name which contains transcation dates in the input data frame
# tAmountColName - the column name which contains the amount of money of each transcation in the input data frame
# Return Value
# Returns a new data frame with three new columns of "Recency","Frequency", and "Monetary". The number in "Recency" is the quantity of days from the # #most recent transcation of a customer to the endDate; The number in the "Frequency" is the quantity of transcations of a customer during the period from # #startDate to endDate; the number in the "Monetary" is the average amount of money per transcation of a customer during that period.
getDataFrame <- function(df,startDate,endDate,tIDColName="ID",tDateColName="Date",tAmountColName="Amount"){
#order the dataframe by date descendingly
df <- df[order(df[,tDateColName],decreasing = TRUE),]
#remove the record before the start data and after the end Date
df <- df[df[,tDateColName]>= startDate,]
df <- df[df[,tDateColName]<= endDate,]
#remove the rows with the duplicated IDs, and assign the df to a new df.
newdf <- df[!duplicated(df[,tIDColName]),]
# caculate the Recency(days) to the endDate, the smaller days value means more recent
# add the Days column to the newdf data frame
newdf <-cbind(newdf,Recency)
#order the dataframe by ID to fit the return order of table() and tapply()
newdf <- newdf[order(newdf[,tIDColName]),]
# caculate the frequency
fre <-[,tIDColName]))
Frequency <- fre[,2]
newdf <- cbind(newdf,Frequency)
#caculate the Money per deal
m <-[,tAmountColName],df[,tIDColName],sum))
Monetary <- m[,1]/Frequency
newdf <- cbind(newdf,Monetary)
} # end of function getDataFrame
# Function
# getIndependentScore(df,r=5,f=5,m=5)
# Description
# Scoring the Recency, Frequency, and Monetary in r, f, and m in aliquots independently
# Arguments
# df - A data frame returned by the function of getDataFrame
# r - The highest point of Recency
# f - The highest point of Frequency
# m - The highest point of Monetary
# Return Value
# Returns a new data frame with four new columns of "R_Score","F_Score","M_Score", and "Total_Score".
getIndependentScore <- function(df,r=5,f=5,m=5) {
if (r<=0 || f<=0 || m<=0) return
#order and the score
df <- df[order(df$Recency,-df$Frequency,-df$Monetary),]
R_Score <- scoring(df,"Recency",r)
df <- cbind(df, R_Score)
df <- df[order(-df$Frequency,df$Recency,-df$Monetary),]
F_Score <- scoring(df,"Frequency",f)
df <- cbind(df, F_Score)
df <- df[order(-df$Monetary,df$Recency,-df$Frequency),]
M_Score <- scoring(df,"Monetary",m)
df <- cbind(df, M_Score)
#order the dataframe by R_Score, F_Score, and M_Score desc
df <- df[order(-df$R_Score,-df$F_Score,-df$M_Score),]
# caculate the total score
Total_Score <- c(100*df$R_Score + 10*df$F_Score+df$M_Score)
df <- cbind(df,Total_Score)
return (df)
} # end of function getIndependentScore
# Function
# scoring(df,column,r=5)
# Description
# A function to be invoked by the getIndepandentScore function
scoring <- function (df,column,r=5){
#get the length of rows of df
len <- dim(df)[1]
score <- rep(0,times=len)
# get the quantity of rows per 1/r e.g. 1/5
nr <- round(len / r)
if (nr > 0){
# seperate the rows by r aliquots
rStart <-0
rEnd <- 0
for (i in 1:r){
#set the start row number and end row number
rStart = rEnd+1
#skip one "i" if the rStart is already in the i+1 or i+2 or ...scope.
if (rStart> i*nr) next
if (i == r){
if(rStart<=len ) rEnd <- len else next
rEnd <- i*nr
# set the Recency score
score[rStart:rEnd]<- r-i+1
# make sure the customer who have the same recency have the same score
s <- rEnd+1
if(i<r & s <= len){
for(u in s: len){
score[u]<- r-i+1
rEnd <- u
} #end of function Scoring
# Function
# getScoreWithBreaks(df,r,f,m)
# Description
# Scoring the Recency, Frequency, and Monetary in r, f, and m which are vector object containing a series of breaks
# Arguments
# df - A data frame returned by the function of getDataFrame
# r - A vector of Recency breaks
# f - A vector of Frequency breaks
# m - A vector of Monetary breaks
# Return Value
# Returns a new data frame with four new columns of "R_Score","F_Score","M_Score", and "Total_Score".
getScoreWithBreaks <- function(df,r,f,m) {
## scoring the Recency
len = length(r)
R_Score <- c(rep(1,length(df[,1])))
df <- cbind(df,R_Score)
for(i in 1:len){
if(i == 1){
if(dim(df[p1<df$Recency & df$Recency<=p2,])[1]>0) df[p1<df$Recency & df$Recency<=p2,]$R_Score = len - i+ 2
## scoring the Frequency
len = length(f)
F_Score <- c(rep(1,length(df[,1])))
df <- cbind(df,F_Score)
for(i in 1:len){
if(i == 1){
if(dim(df[p1<df$Frequency & df$Frequency<=p2,])[1]>0) df[p1<df$Frequency & df$Frequency<=p2,]$F_Score = i
if(dim(df[f[len]<df$Frequency,])[1]>0) df[f[len]<df$Frequency,]$F_Score = len+1
## scoring the Monetary
len = length(m)
M_Score <- c(rep(1,length(df[,1])))
df <- cbind(df,M_Score)
for(i in 1:len){
if(i == 1){
if(dim(df[p1<df$Monetary & df$Monetary<=p2,])[1]>0) df[p1<df$Monetary & df$Monetary<=p2,]$M_Score = i
if(dim(df[m[len]<df$Monetary,])[1]>0) df[m[len]<df$Monetary,]$M_Score = len+1
#order the dataframe by R_Score, F_Score, and M_Score desc
df <- df[order(-df$R_Score,-df$F_Score,-df$M_Score),]
# caculate the total score
Total_Score <- c(100*df$R_Score + 10*df$F_Score+df$M_Score)
df <- cbind(df,Total_Score)
} # end of function of getScoreWithBreaks
# Function
# drawHistograms(df,r,f,m)
# Description
# Draw the histograms in the R, F, and M dimensions so that we can see the quantity of customers in each RFM block.
# Arguments
# df - A data frame returned by the function of getIndependent or getScoreWithBreaks
# r - The highest point of Recency
# f - The highest point of Frequency
# m - The highest point of Monetary
# Return Value
# No return value.
drawHistograms <- function(df,r=5,f=5,m=5){
#set the layout plot window
par(mfrow = c(f,r))
names <-rep("",times=m)
for(i in 1:m) names[i]<-paste("M",i)
for (i in 1:f){
for (j in 1:r){
c <- rep(0,times=m)
for(k in 1:m){
tmpdf <-df[df$R_Score==j & df$F_Score==i & df$M_Score==k,]
c[k]<- dim(tmpdf)[1]
if (i==1 & j==1)
if (j==1) title(ylab=paste("F",i))
if (i==1) title(main=paste("R",j))
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
} # end of drawHistograms function
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