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Last active April 10, 2022 21:01
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Convenience script to intelligently connect to a kubernetes pod/node given the API name
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
readonly mode="${1:-}"
readonly target="${2:-}"
readonly ssh_key_path="path_to_kops_ssh_key"
die() {
local -r msg="${1:-}"
echo "${msg}"
exit 1
if [ "pod" != "${mode}" ] && [ "node" != "${mode}" ]; then
die "ERROR: unknown mode [${mode}] must be one of [pod, node]"
if [ -z "${target}" ]; then
die 'ERROR: must provide a target'
target_looks_like_a_node() {
echo "${target}" | grep -Eq "\.ec2\.internal"
get_node_from_pod() {
local -r pod="${1}"
kubectl get pod/"${pod}" -o go-template="{{.spec.nodeName}}" 2>/dev/null || echo ''
get_external_ip_from_node() {
local -r node="${1}"
kubectl get node/"${node}" -o go-template='{{range .status.addresses}}{{if eq .type "ExternalIP"}}{{.address}}{{end}}{{end}}' 2>/dev/null || echo ''
verify_is_node() {
local -r node="${1}"
(kubectl get nodes -o | grep -q "${node}") || die "ERROR: not a valid node [${node}]"
verify_is_pod() {
local -r pod="${1}"
(kubectl get pods -o | grep -q "${pod}") || die "ERROR: not a valid pod [${pod}]"
connect_to_node() {
local -r target_node="${1}"
verify_is_node "${target_node}"
local -r node_ip="$( get_external_ip_from_node "${target_node}" )"
echo "> ssh'ing to node [${node_ip}]"
ssh -i "${ssh_key_path}" admin@"${node_ip}"
connect_to_pod() {
local -r target_pod="${1}"
verify_is_pod "${target_pod}"
echo "> connecting to pod [${target_pod}]"
kubectl exec -it "${target_pod}" --container server -- /bin/sh
main() {
if [ "pod" == "${mode}" ]; then
target_looks_like_a_node && die "It appears you provided a node [${target}]"
connect_to_pod "${target}"
elif [ "node" == "${mode}" ]; then
local node="${target}"
if ! target_looks_like_a_node; then
node="$( get_node_from_pod "${target}" )"
if [ -z "${node}" ]; then
die "ERROR: unable to resolve node for target [${target}]"
connect_to_node "${node}"
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