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Last active July 5, 2017 09:38
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Save JMD13/f831821924b32c1ab02295dfe1b3f480 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Buff time in rates for l2jlisvus for rev 589.
Index: java/config/
--- java/config/ (revision 591)
+++ java/config/ (working copy)
@@ -245,4 +245,17 @@
OfflineSetNameColor = False
# Color of the name in offline mode (if OfflineSetNameColor = True)
-OfflineNameColor = 808080
\ No newline at end of file
+OfflineNameColor = 808080
+# ------------------------
+# Buff Time Rates
+# ------------------------
+# Example 60 minutes (1h) buffs
+# ------------------------
+# ------------------------
+BuffMultiplier = 1.00
+SpiritMultiplier = 1.00
+DanceTimeMultiplier = 1.00
\ No newline at end of file
Index: java/net/sf/l2j/
--- java/net/sf/l2j/ (revision 591)
+++ java/net/sf/l2j/ (working copy)
@@ -826,6 +826,11 @@
/** Use /block command as an AntiBuff shield */
public static boolean BLOCK_UNWANTED_BUFFS;
+ /** Buff duration in rates form */
+ public static float BUFF_TIME_MULTIPLIER;
+ public static float SPIRIT_TIME_MULTIPLIER;
+ public static float DANCE_TIME_MULTIPLIER;
/** Enable custom data tables ? */
public static boolean CUSTOM_SPAWNLIST_TABLE;
@@ -2016,6 +2021,10 @@
BLOCK_UNWANTED_BUFFS = Boolean.valueOf(customSettings.getProperty("BlockUnwantedBuffs", "false"));
+ BUFF_TIME_MULTIPLIER = Float.parseFloat(customSettings.getProperty("BuffMultiplier", "1.00"));
+ SPIRIT_TIME_MULTIPLIER = Float.parseFloat(customSettings.getProperty("SpiritMultiplier", "1.00"));
+ DANCE_TIME_MULTIPLIER = Float.parseFloat(customSettings.getProperty("DanceTimeMultiplier", "1.00"));
CUSTOM_SPAWNLIST_TABLE = Boolean.valueOf(customSettings.getProperty("CustomSpawnlistTable", "false"));
SAVE_GMSPAWN_ON_CUSTOM = Boolean.valueOf(customSettings.getProperty("SaveGmSpawnOnCustom", "false"));
CUSTOM_NPC_TABLE = Boolean.valueOf(customSettings.getProperty("CustomNpcTable", "false"));
Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/skills/
--- java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/skills/ (revision 591)
+++ java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/skills/ (working copy)
@@ -27,10 +27,13 @@
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
+import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
+import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import javolution.text.TextBuilder;
import javolution.util.FastList;
import javolution.util.FastMap;
import net.sf.l2j.Config;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Character;
@@ -70,615 +73,809 @@
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.L2WeaponType;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.StatsSet;
-import org.w3c.dom.Document;
-import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
-import org.w3c.dom.Node;
- * @author mkizub
- *
- * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
- * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
+ * @author mkizub TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
abstract class DocumentBase
- static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(DocumentBase.class.getName());
- private File file;
- protected Map<String, Number[]> tables;
- DocumentBase(File pFile)
- {
- this.file = pFile;
- tables = new FastMap<>();
- }
- Document parse()
- {
- Document doc;
- try
- {
- DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
- factory.setValidating(false);
- factory.setIgnoringComments(true);
- doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(file);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error loading file " + file, e);
- return null;
- }
- try
- {
- parseDocument(doc);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in file " + file, e);
- return null;
- }
- return doc;
- }
- protected abstract void parseDocument(Document doc);
- protected abstract StatsSet getStatsSet();
- protected abstract Number getTableValue(String name);
- protected abstract Number getTableValue(String name, int idx);
- protected void resetTable()
- {
- tables = new FastMap<>();
- }
- protected void setTable(String name, Number[] table)
- {
- tables.put(name, table);
- }
- protected void parseTemplate(Node n, Object template)
- {
- Condition condition = null;
- n = n.getFirstChild();
- if (n == null) return;
- if ("cond".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
- {
- condition = parseCondition(n.getFirstChild(), template);
- Node msg = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("msg");
- if (condition != null && msg != null)
- condition.setMessage(msg.getNodeValue());
- n = n.getNextSibling();
- }
- for (; n != null; n = n.getNextSibling())
- {
- if ("add".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) attachFunc(n, template, "Add", condition);
- else if ("sub".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) attachFunc(n, template, "Sub", condition);
- else if ("mul".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) attachFunc(n, template, "Mul", condition);
- else if ("div".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) attachFunc(n, template, "Div", condition);
- else if ("set".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) attachFunc(n, template, "Set", condition);
- else if ("enchant".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) attachFunc(n, template, "Enchant",
- condition);
- else if ("skill".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) attachSkill(n, template, condition);
- else if ("effect".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
- {
- if (template instanceof EffectTemplate) throw new RuntimeException("Nested effects");
- attachEffect(n, template, condition);
- }
- }
- }
- protected void attachFunc(Node n, Object template, String name, Condition attachCond)
- {
- Stats stat = Stats.valueOfXml(n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("stat").getNodeValue());
- String order = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("order").getNodeValue();
- Lambda lambda = getLambda(n, template);
- int ord = getNumber(order, template).intValue();
- Condition applyCond = parseCondition(n.getFirstChild(), template);
- FuncTemplate ft = new FuncTemplate(attachCond, applyCond, name, stat, ord, lambda);
- if (template instanceof L2Item) ((L2Item) template).attach(ft);
- else if (template instanceof L2Skill) ((L2Skill)template).attach(ft);
- else if (template instanceof EffectTemplate) ((EffectTemplate) template).attach(ft);
- }
- protected void attachLambdaFunc(Node n, Object template, LambdaCalc calc)
- {
- String name = n.getNodeName();
- TextBuilder sb = new TextBuilder(name);
- sb.setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)));
- name = sb.toString();
- Lambda lambda = getLambda(n, template);
- FuncTemplate ft = new FuncTemplate(null, null, name, null, calc._funcs.length, lambda);
- calc.addFunc(ft.getFunc(new Env(), calc));
- }
- protected void attachEffect(Node n, Object template, Condition attachCond)
- {
- NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
- String name = attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
- int time, count = 1;
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("count") != null)
- count = getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("count").getNodeValue(), template).intValue();
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("time") != null)
- {
- time = getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("time").getNodeValue(), template).intValue();
- {
- if (Config.SKILL_DURATION_LIST.containsKey(((L2Skill) template).getId()))
- {
- if ((((L2Skill) template).getLevel() >= 100) && (((L2Skill) template).getLevel() < 140))
- time += Config.SKILL_DURATION_LIST.get(((L2Skill) template).getId());
- else
- time = Config.SKILL_DURATION_LIST.get(((L2Skill) template).getId());
- if (Config.DEBUG)
-"*** Skill " + ((L2Skill) template).getName() + " (" + ((L2Skill) template).getLevel() + ") changed duration to " + time + " seconds.");
- }
- }
- }
- else
- time = ((L2Skill) template).getBuffDuration() / 1000 / count;
- boolean self = false;
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("self") != null)
- {
- if (getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("self").getNodeValue(),template).intValue() == 1)
- self = true;
- }
- boolean icon = true;
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("noicon") != null)
- {
- if (getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("noicon").getNodeValue(),template).intValue() == 1)
- icon = false;
- }
- Lambda lambda = getLambda(n, template);
- Condition applayCond = parseCondition(n.getFirstChild(), template);
- short abnormal = 0;
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("abnormal") != null)
- {
- String abn = attrs.getNamedItem("abnormal").getNodeValue();
- if (abn.equals("poison")) abnormal = L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_POISON;
- if (abn.equals("bleeding")) abnormal = L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_BLEEDING;
- if (abn.equals("flame")) abnormal = L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_FLAME;
- if (abn.equals("bighead")) abnormal = L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_BIG_HEAD;
- }
- float stackOrder = 0;
- String stackType = "none";
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("stackType") != null)
- stackType = attrs.getNamedItem("stackType").getNodeValue();
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("stackOrder") != null)
- stackOrder = getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("stackOrder").getNodeValue(), template).floatValue();
- EffectTemplate lt = new EffectTemplate(attachCond, applayCond, name, lambda, count, time, abnormal, stackType, stackOrder, icon);
- parseTemplate(n, lt);
- if (template instanceof L2Item) ((L2Item) template).attach(lt);
- else if (template instanceof L2Skill && !self) ((L2Skill) template).attach(lt);
- else if (template instanceof L2Skill && self) ((L2Skill) template).attachSelf(lt);
- }
- protected void attachSkill(Node n, Object template, Condition attachCond)
- {
- NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
- int id = 0, lvl = 1;
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("id") != null)
- id = getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue(), template).intValue();
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("lvl") != null)
- lvl = getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("lvl").getNodeValue(), template).intValue();
- L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(id, lvl);
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("chance") != null)
- {
- if (template instanceof L2Weapon || template instanceof L2Item)
- skill.attach(new ConditionGameChance(getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("chance").getNodeValue(), template).intValue()), true);
- else
- skill.attach(new ConditionGameChance(getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("chance").getNodeValue(), template).intValue()), false);
- }
- if (template instanceof L2Weapon)
- {
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("onUse") != null
- || (attrs.getNamedItem("onCrit") == null && attrs.getNamedItem("onCast") == null))
- ((L2Weapon) template).attach(skill); // Attach as skill triggered on use
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("onCrit") != null) ((L2Weapon) template).attachOnCrit(skill); // Attach as skill triggered on critical hit
- if (attrs.getNamedItem("onCast") != null) ((L2Weapon) template).attachOnCast(skill); // Attach as skill triggered on cast
- }
- else if (template instanceof L2Item)
- {
- ((L2Item) template).attach(skill); // Attach as skill triggered on use
- }
- }
- protected Condition parseCondition(Node n, Object template)
- {
- while (n != null && n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
- n = n.getNextSibling();
- if (n == null) return null;
- if ("and".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) return parseLogicAnd(n, template);
- if ("or".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) return parseLogicOr(n, template);
- if ("not".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) return parseLogicNot(n, template);
- if ("player".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) return parsePlayerCondition(n);
- if ("target".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) return parseTargetCondition(n, template);
- if ("skill".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) return parseSkillCondition(n);
- if ("using".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) return parseUsingCondition(n);
- if ("game".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) return parseGameCondition(n);
- return null;
- }
- protected Condition parseLogicAnd(Node n, Object template)
- {
- ConditionLogicAnd cond = new ConditionLogicAnd();
- for (n = n.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling())
- {
- if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) cond.add(parseCondition(n, template));
- }
- if (cond._conditions == null || cond._conditions.length == 0)
- _log.severe("Empty <and> condition in " + file);
- return cond;
- }
- protected Condition parseLogicOr(Node n, Object template)
- {
- ConditionLogicOr cond = new ConditionLogicOr();
- for (n = n.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling())
- {
- if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) cond.add(parseCondition(n, template));
- }
- if (cond._conditions == null || cond._conditions.length == 0)
- _log.severe("Empty <or> condition in " + file);
- return cond;
- }
- protected Condition parseLogicNot(Node n, Object template)
- {
- for (n = n.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling())
- {
- if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
- {
- return new ConditionLogicNot(parseCondition(n, template));
- }
- }
- _log.severe("Empty <not> condition in " + file);
- return null;
- }
- protected Condition parsePlayerCondition(Node n)
- {
- Condition cond = null;
- int[] ElementSeeds = new int[5];
- NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
- for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
- {
- Node a = attrs.item(i);
- if ("race".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- Race race = Race.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerRace(race));
- }
- else if ("level".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- int lvl = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerLevel(lvl));
- }
- else if ("resting".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.RESTING, val));
- }
- else if ("flying".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.FLYING, val));
- }
- else if ("moving".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.MOVING, val));
- }
- else if ("running".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.RUNNING, val));
- }
- else if ("behind".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.BEHIND, val));
- }
- else if ("front".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.FRONT, val));
- }
- else if ("hp".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- int hp = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerHp(hp));
- }
- else if ("hprate".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- double rate = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).doubleValue();
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerHpPercentage(rate));
- }
- else if ("seed_fire".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- ElementSeeds[0] = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
- }
- else if ("seed_water".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- ElementSeeds[1] = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
- }
- else if ("seed_wind".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- ElementSeeds[2] = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
- }
- else if ("seed_various".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- ElementSeeds[3] = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
- }
- else if ("seed_any".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- ElementSeeds[4] = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
- }
- }
- // Elemental seed condition processing
- for (int i = 0; i < ElementSeeds.length; i++)
- if (ElementSeeds[i] > 0)
- {
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionElementSeed(ElementSeeds));
- break;
- }
- if (cond == null) _log.severe("Unrecognized <player> condition in " + file);
- return cond;
- }
- protected Condition parseTargetCondition(Node n, Object template)
- {
- Condition cond = null;
- NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
- for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
- {
- Node a = attrs.item(i);
- if ("aggro".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionTargetAggro(val));
- }
- else if ("level".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- int lvl = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), template).intValue();
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionTargetLevel(lvl));
- }
- else if ("using".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- int mask = 0;
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(a.getNodeValue(), ",");
- while (st.hasMoreTokens())
- {
- String item = st.nextToken().trim();
- for (L2WeaponType wt : L2WeaponType.values())
- {
- if (wt.toString().equals(item))
- {
- mask |= wt.mask();
- break;
- }
- }
- for (L2ArmorType at : L2ArmorType.values())
- {
- if (at.toString().equals(item))
- {
- mask |= at.mask();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionTargetUsesWeaponKind(mask));
- }
- }
- if (cond == null) _log.severe("Unrecognized <target> condition in " + file);
- return cond;
- }
- protected Condition parseSkillCondition(Node n)
- {
- NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
- Stats stat = Stats.valueOfXml(attrs.getNamedItem("stat").getNodeValue());
- return new ConditionSkillStats(stat);
- }
- protected Condition parseUsingCondition(Node n)
- {
- Condition cond = null;
- NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
- for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
- {
- Node a = attrs.item(i);
- if ("kind".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- int mask = 0;
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(a.getNodeValue(), ",");
- while (st.hasMoreTokens())
- {
- String item = st.nextToken().trim();
- for (L2WeaponType wt : L2WeaponType.values())
- {
- if (wt.toString().equals(item))
- {
- mask |= wt.mask();
- break;
- }
- }
- for (L2ArmorType at : L2ArmorType.values())
- {
- if (at.toString().equals(item))
- {
- mask |= at.mask();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionUsingItemType(mask));
- }
- else if ("skill".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- int id = Integer.parseInt(a.getNodeValue());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionUsingSkill(id));
- }
- else if ("slotitem".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(a.getNodeValue(), ";");
- int id = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());
- int slot = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());
- int enchant = 0;
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) enchant = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionSlotItemId(slot, id, enchant));
- }
- }
- if (cond == null) _log.severe("Unrecognized <using> condition in " + file);
- return cond;
- }
- protected Condition parseGameCondition(Node n)
- {
- Condition cond = null;
- NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
- for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
- {
- Node a = attrs.item(i);
- if ("skill".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionWithSkill(val));
- }
- if ("night".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionGameTime(CheckGameTime.NIGHT, val));
- }
- if ("chance".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
- {
- int val = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
- cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionGameChance(val));
- }
- }
- if (cond == null) _log.severe("Unrecognized <game> condition in " + file);
- return cond;
- }
- protected void parseTable(Node n)
- {
- NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
- String name = attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
- if (name.charAt(0) != '#') throw new IllegalArgumentException("Table name must start with #");
- StringTokenizer data = new StringTokenizer(n.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
- List<String> array = new FastList<>();
- while (data.hasMoreTokens())
- array.add(data.nextToken());
- Number[] res = new Number[array.size()];
- for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++)
- res[i] = getNumber(array.get(i), null);
- setTable(name, res);
- }
- protected void parseBeanSet(Node n, StatsSet set, Integer level)
- {
- String name = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue().trim();
- String value = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("val").getNodeValue().trim();
- char ch = value.length() == 0 ? ' ' : value.charAt(0);
- if (ch == '#' || ch == '-' || Character.isDigit(ch)) set.set(name,
- String.valueOf(getNumber(value,
- level)));
- else set.set(name, value);
- }
- protected Lambda getLambda(Node n, Object template)
- {
- Node nval = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("val");
- if (nval != null)
- {
- String val = nval.getNodeValue();
- if (val.charAt(0) == '#')
- { // table by level
- return new LambdaConst(getTableValue(val).doubleValue());
- }
- else if (val.charAt(0) == '$')
- {
- if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("$player_level"))
- return new LambdaStats(LambdaStats.StatsType.PLAYER_LEVEL);
- if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("$target_level"))
- return new LambdaStats(LambdaStats.StatsType.TARGET_LEVEL);
- if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("$player_max_hp"))
- return new LambdaStats(LambdaStats.StatsType.PLAYER_MAX_HP);
- if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("$player_max_mp"))
- return new LambdaStats(LambdaStats.StatsType.PLAYER_MAX_MP);
- // try to find value out of item fields
- StatsSet set = getStatsSet();
- String field = set.getString(val.substring(1));
- if (field != null) return new LambdaConst(getNumber(field, template).doubleValue());
- // failed
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown value " + val);
- }
- else
- {
- return new LambdaConst(Double.parseDouble(val));
- }
- }
- LambdaCalc calc = new LambdaCalc();
- n = n.getFirstChild();
- while (n != null && n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
- n = n.getNextSibling();
- if (n == null || !"val".equals(n.getNodeName()))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value not specified");
- for (n = n.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling())
- {
- if (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
- attachLambdaFunc(n, template, calc);
- }
- return calc;
- }
- protected Number getNumber(String value, Object template)
- {
- if (value.charAt(0) == '#')
- {// table by level
- if (template instanceof L2Skill) return getTableValue(value);
- else if (template instanceof Integer) return getTableValue(value,
- ((Integer) template).intValue());
- else throw new IllegalStateException();
- }
- if (value.indexOf('.') == -1)
- {
- int radix = 10;
- if (value.length() > 2 && value.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("0x"))
- {
- value = value.substring(2);
- radix = 16;
- }
- return Integer.valueOf(value, radix);
- }
- return Double.valueOf(value);
- }
- protected Condition joinAnd(Condition cond, Condition c)
- {
- if (cond == null) return c;
- if (cond instanceof ConditionLogicAnd)
- {
- ((ConditionLogicAnd) cond).add(c);
- return cond;
- }
- ConditionLogicAnd and = new ConditionLogicAnd();
- and.add(cond);
- and.add(c);
- return and;
- }
+ static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(DocumentBase.class.getName());
+ private final File file;
+ protected Map<String, Number[]> tables;
+ DocumentBase(File pFile)
+ {
+ this.file = pFile;
+ tables = new FastMap<>();
+ }
+ Document parse()
+ {
+ Document doc;
+ try
+ {
+ DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
+ factory.setValidating(false);
+ factory.setIgnoringComments(true);
+ doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(file);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error loading file " + file, e);
+ return null;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ parseDocument(doc);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in file " + file, e);
+ return null;
+ }
+ return doc;
+ }
+ protected abstract void parseDocument(Document doc);
+ protected abstract StatsSet getStatsSet();
+ protected abstract Number getTableValue(String name);
+ protected abstract Number getTableValue(String name, int idx);
+ protected void resetTable()
+ {
+ tables = new FastMap<>();
+ }
+ protected void setTable(String name, Number[] table)
+ {
+ tables.put(name, table);
+ }
+ protected void parseTemplate(Node n, Object template)
+ {
+ Condition condition = null;
+ n = n.getFirstChild();
+ if (n == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ("cond".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ condition = parseCondition(n.getFirstChild(), template);
+ Node msg = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("msg");
+ if ((condition != null) && (msg != null))
+ {
+ condition.setMessage(msg.getNodeValue());
+ }
+ n = n.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ for (; n != null; n = n.getNextSibling())
+ {
+ if ("add".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ attachFunc(n, template, "Add", condition);
+ }
+ else if ("sub".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ attachFunc(n, template, "Sub", condition);
+ }
+ else if ("mul".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ attachFunc(n, template, "Mul", condition);
+ }
+ else if ("div".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ attachFunc(n, template, "Div", condition);
+ }
+ else if ("set".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ attachFunc(n, template, "Set", condition);
+ }
+ else if ("enchant".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ attachFunc(n, template, "Enchant", condition);
+ }
+ else if ("skill".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ attachSkill(n, template, condition);
+ }
+ else if ("effect".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ if (template instanceof EffectTemplate)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Nested effects");
+ }
+ attachEffect(n, template, condition);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected void attachFunc(Node n, Object template, String name, Condition attachCond)
+ {
+ Stats stat = Stats.valueOfXml(n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("stat").getNodeValue());
+ String order = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("order").getNodeValue();
+ Lambda lambda = getLambda(n, template);
+ int ord = getNumber(order, template).intValue();
+ Condition applyCond = parseCondition(n.getFirstChild(), template);
+ FuncTemplate ft = new FuncTemplate(attachCond, applyCond, name, stat, ord, lambda);
+ if (template instanceof L2Item)
+ {
+ ((L2Item) template).attach(ft);
+ }
+ else if (template instanceof L2Skill)
+ {
+ ((L2Skill) template).attach(ft);
+ }
+ else if (template instanceof EffectTemplate)
+ {
+ ((EffectTemplate) template).attach(ft);
+ }
+ }
+ protected void attachLambdaFunc(Node n, Object template, LambdaCalc calc)
+ {
+ String name = n.getNodeName();
+ TextBuilder sb = new TextBuilder(name);
+ sb.setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)));
+ name = sb.toString();
+ Lambda lambda = getLambda(n, template);
+ FuncTemplate ft = new FuncTemplate(null, null, name, null, calc._funcs.length, lambda);
+ calc.addFunc(ft.getFunc(new Env(), calc));
+ }
+ protected void attachEffect(Node n, Object template, Condition attachCond)
+ {
+ NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
+ String name = attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
+ int time, count = 1;
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("count") != null)
+ {
+ count = getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("count").getNodeValue(), template).intValue();
+ }
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("time") != null)
+ {
+ time = getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("time").getNodeValue(), template).intValue();
+ {
+ if (Config.SKILL_DURATION_LIST.containsKey(((L2Skill) template).getId()))
+ {
+ if ((((L2Skill) template).getLevel() >= 100) && (((L2Skill) template).getLevel() < 140))
+ {
+ time += Config.SKILL_DURATION_LIST.get(((L2Skill) template).getId());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ time = Config.SKILL_DURATION_LIST.get(((L2Skill) template).getId());
+ }
+ if (Config.DEBUG)
+ {
+"*** Skill " + ((L2Skill) template).getName() + " (" + ((L2Skill) template).getLevel() + ") changed duration to " + time + " seconds.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ time = ((L2Skill) template).getBuffDuration() / 1000 / count;
+ }
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue().equalsIgnoreCase("buff"))
+ {
+ if ((119 < time) && (time < 151))
+ {
+ time = (int) (time * Config.DANCE_TIME_MULTIPLIER);
+ }
+ else if ((1199 < time) && (time < 1501))
+ {
+ time = (int) (time * Config.BUFF_TIME_MULTIPLIER);
+ }
+ else if ((299 < time) && (time < 481))
+ {
+ time = (int) (time * Config.SPIRIT_TIME_MULTIPLIER);
+ }
+ }
+ boolean self = false;
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("self") != null)
+ {
+ if (getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("self").getNodeValue(), template).intValue() == 1)
+ {
+ self = true;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean icon = true;
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("noicon") != null)
+ {
+ if (getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("noicon").getNodeValue(), template).intValue() == 1)
+ {
+ icon = false;
+ }
+ }
+ Lambda lambda = getLambda(n, template);
+ Condition applayCond = parseCondition(n.getFirstChild(), template);
+ short abnormal = 0;
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("abnormal") != null)
+ {
+ String abn = attrs.getNamedItem("abnormal").getNodeValue();
+ if (abn.equals("poison"))
+ {
+ abnormal = L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_POISON;
+ }
+ if (abn.equals("bleeding"))
+ {
+ abnormal = L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_BLEEDING;
+ }
+ if (abn.equals("flame"))
+ {
+ abnormal = L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_FLAME;
+ }
+ if (abn.equals("bighead"))
+ {
+ abnormal = L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_BIG_HEAD;
+ }
+ }
+ float stackOrder = 0;
+ String stackType = "none";
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("stackType") != null)
+ {
+ stackType = attrs.getNamedItem("stackType").getNodeValue();
+ }
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("stackOrder") != null)
+ {
+ stackOrder = getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("stackOrder").getNodeValue(), template).floatValue();
+ }
+ EffectTemplate lt = new EffectTemplate(attachCond, applayCond, name, lambda, count, time, abnormal, stackType, stackOrder, icon);
+ parseTemplate(n, lt);
+ if (template instanceof L2Item)
+ {
+ ((L2Item) template).attach(lt);
+ }
+ else if ((template instanceof L2Skill) && !self)
+ {
+ ((L2Skill) template).attach(lt);
+ }
+ else if ((template instanceof L2Skill) && self)
+ {
+ ((L2Skill) template).attachSelf(lt);
+ }
+ }
+ protected void attachSkill(Node n, Object template, Condition attachCond)
+ {
+ NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
+ int id = 0, lvl = 1;
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("id") != null)
+ {
+ id = getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue(), template).intValue();
+ }
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("lvl") != null)
+ {
+ lvl = getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("lvl").getNodeValue(), template).intValue();
+ }
+ L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(id, lvl);
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("chance") != null)
+ {
+ if ((template instanceof L2Weapon) || (template instanceof L2Item))
+ {
+ skill.attach(new ConditionGameChance(getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("chance").getNodeValue(), template).intValue()), true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ skill.attach(new ConditionGameChance(getNumber(attrs.getNamedItem("chance").getNodeValue(), template).intValue()), false);
+ }
+ }
+ if (template instanceof L2Weapon)
+ {
+ if ((attrs.getNamedItem("onUse") != null) || ((attrs.getNamedItem("onCrit") == null) && (attrs.getNamedItem("onCast") == null)))
+ {
+ ((L2Weapon) template).attach(skill); // Attach as skill triggered on use
+ }
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("onCrit") != null)
+ {
+ ((L2Weapon) template).attachOnCrit(skill); // Attach as skill triggered on critical hit
+ }
+ if (attrs.getNamedItem("onCast") != null)
+ {
+ ((L2Weapon) template).attachOnCast(skill); // Attach as skill triggered on cast
+ }
+ }
+ else if (template instanceof L2Item)
+ {
+ ((L2Item) template).attach(skill); // Attach as skill triggered on use
+ }
+ }
+ protected Condition parseCondition(Node n, Object template)
+ {
+ while ((n != null) && (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE))
+ {
+ n = n.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ if (n == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if ("and".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ return parseLogicAnd(n, template);
+ }
+ if ("or".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ return parseLogicOr(n, template);
+ }
+ if ("not".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ return parseLogicNot(n, template);
+ }
+ if ("player".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ return parsePlayerCondition(n);
+ }
+ if ("target".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ return parseTargetCondition(n, template);
+ }
+ if ("skill".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ return parseSkillCondition(n);
+ }
+ if ("using".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ return parseUsingCondition(n);
+ }
+ if ("game".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ return parseGameCondition(n);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected Condition parseLogicAnd(Node n, Object template)
+ {
+ ConditionLogicAnd cond = new ConditionLogicAnd();
+ for (n = n.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling())
+ {
+ if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
+ {
+ cond.add(parseCondition(n, template));
+ }
+ }
+ if ((cond._conditions == null) || (cond._conditions.length == 0))
+ {
+ _log.severe("Empty <and> condition in " + file);
+ }
+ return cond;
+ }
+ protected Condition parseLogicOr(Node n, Object template)
+ {
+ ConditionLogicOr cond = new ConditionLogicOr();
+ for (n = n.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling())
+ {
+ if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
+ {
+ cond.add(parseCondition(n, template));
+ }
+ }
+ if ((cond._conditions == null) || (cond._conditions.length == 0))
+ {
+ _log.severe("Empty <or> condition in " + file);
+ }
+ return cond;
+ }
+ protected Condition parseLogicNot(Node n, Object template)
+ {
+ for (n = n.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling())
+ {
+ if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
+ {
+ return new ConditionLogicNot(parseCondition(n, template));
+ }
+ }
+ _log.severe("Empty <not> condition in " + file);
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected Condition parsePlayerCondition(Node n)
+ {
+ Condition cond = null;
+ int[] ElementSeeds = new int[5];
+ NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
+ {
+ Node a = attrs.item(i);
+ if ("race".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ Race race = Race.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerRace(race));
+ }
+ else if ("level".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ int lvl = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerLevel(lvl));
+ }
+ else if ("resting".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.RESTING, val));
+ }
+ else if ("flying".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.FLYING, val));
+ }
+ else if ("moving".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.MOVING, val));
+ }
+ else if ("running".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.RUNNING, val));
+ }
+ else if ("behind".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.BEHIND, val));
+ }
+ else if ("front".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerState(CheckPlayerState.FRONT, val));
+ }
+ else if ("hp".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ int hp = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerHp(hp));
+ }
+ else if ("hprate".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ double rate = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).doubleValue();
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionPlayerHpPercentage(rate));
+ }
+ else if ("seed_fire".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ ElementSeeds[0] = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
+ }
+ else if ("seed_water".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ ElementSeeds[1] = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
+ }
+ else if ("seed_wind".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ ElementSeeds[2] = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
+ }
+ else if ("seed_various".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ ElementSeeds[3] = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
+ }
+ else if ("seed_any".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ ElementSeeds[4] = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
+ }
+ }
+ // Elemental seed condition processing
+ for (int elementSeed : ElementSeeds)
+ {
+ if (elementSeed > 0)
+ {
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionElementSeed(ElementSeeds));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cond == null)
+ {
+ _log.severe("Unrecognized <player> condition in " + file);
+ }
+ return cond;
+ }
+ protected Condition parseTargetCondition(Node n, Object template)
+ {
+ Condition cond = null;
+ NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
+ {
+ Node a = attrs.item(i);
+ if ("aggro".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionTargetAggro(val));
+ }
+ else if ("level".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ int lvl = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), template).intValue();
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionTargetLevel(lvl));
+ }
+ else if ("using".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ int mask = 0;
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(a.getNodeValue(), ",");
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ String item = st.nextToken().trim();
+ for (L2WeaponType wt : L2WeaponType.values())
+ {
+ if (wt.toString().equals(item))
+ {
+ mask |= wt.mask();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (L2ArmorType at : L2ArmorType.values())
+ {
+ if (at.toString().equals(item))
+ {
+ mask |= at.mask();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionTargetUsesWeaponKind(mask));
+ }
+ }
+ if (cond == null)
+ {
+ _log.severe("Unrecognized <target> condition in " + file);
+ }
+ return cond;
+ }
+ protected Condition parseSkillCondition(Node n)
+ {
+ NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
+ Stats stat = Stats.valueOfXml(attrs.getNamedItem("stat").getNodeValue());
+ return new ConditionSkillStats(stat);
+ }
+ protected Condition parseUsingCondition(Node n)
+ {
+ Condition cond = null;
+ NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
+ {
+ Node a = attrs.item(i);
+ if ("kind".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ int mask = 0;
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(a.getNodeValue(), ",");
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ String item = st.nextToken().trim();
+ for (L2WeaponType wt : L2WeaponType.values())
+ {
+ if (wt.toString().equals(item))
+ {
+ mask |= wt.mask();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (L2ArmorType at : L2ArmorType.values())
+ {
+ if (at.toString().equals(item))
+ {
+ mask |= at.mask();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionUsingItemType(mask));
+ }
+ else if ("skill".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ int id = Integer.parseInt(a.getNodeValue());
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionUsingSkill(id));
+ }
+ else if ("slotitem".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(a.getNodeValue(), ";");
+ int id = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());
+ int slot = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());
+ int enchant = 0;
+ if (st.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ enchant = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());
+ }
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionSlotItemId(slot, id, enchant));
+ }
+ }
+ if (cond == null)
+ {
+ _log.severe("Unrecognized <using> condition in " + file);
+ }
+ return cond;
+ }
+ protected Condition parseGameCondition(Node n)
+ {
+ Condition cond = null;
+ NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
+ {
+ Node a = attrs.item(i);
+ if ("skill".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionWithSkill(val));
+ }
+ if ("night".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ boolean val = Boolean.valueOf(a.getNodeValue());
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionGameTime(CheckGameTime.NIGHT, val));
+ }
+ if ("chance".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ int val = getNumber(a.getNodeValue(), null).intValue();
+ cond = joinAnd(cond, new ConditionGameChance(val));
+ }
+ }
+ if (cond == null)
+ {
+ _log.severe("Unrecognized <game> condition in " + file);
+ }
+ return cond;
+ }
+ protected void parseTable(Node n)
+ {
+ NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
+ String name = attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
+ if (name.charAt(0) != '#')
+ {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Table name must start with #");
+ }
+ StringTokenizer data = new StringTokenizer(n.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
+ List<String> array = new FastList<>();
+ while (data.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ array.add(data.nextToken());
+ }
+ Number[] res = new Number[array.size()];
+ for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++)
+ {
+ res[i] = getNumber(array.get(i), null);
+ }
+ setTable(name, res);
+ }
+ protected void parseBeanSet(Node n, StatsSet set, Integer level)
+ {
+ String name = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue().trim();
+ String value = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("val").getNodeValue().trim();
+ char ch = value.length() == 0 ? ' ' : value.charAt(0);
+ if ((ch == '#') || (ch == '-') || Character.isDigit(ch))
+ {
+ set.set(name, String.valueOf(getNumber(value, level)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ set.set(name, value);
+ }
+ }
+ protected Lambda getLambda(Node n, Object template)
+ {
+ Node nval = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("val");
+ if (nval != null)
+ {
+ String val = nval.getNodeValue();
+ if (val.charAt(0) == '#')
+ { // table by level
+ return new LambdaConst(getTableValue(val).doubleValue());
+ }
+ else if (val.charAt(0) == '$')
+ {
+ if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("$player_level"))
+ {
+ return new LambdaStats(LambdaStats.StatsType.PLAYER_LEVEL);
+ }
+ if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("$target_level"))
+ {
+ return new LambdaStats(LambdaStats.StatsType.TARGET_LEVEL);
+ }
+ if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("$player_max_hp"))
+ {
+ return new LambdaStats(LambdaStats.StatsType.PLAYER_MAX_HP);
+ }
+ if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("$player_max_mp"))
+ {
+ return new LambdaStats(LambdaStats.StatsType.PLAYER_MAX_MP);
+ }
+ // try to find value out of item fields
+ StatsSet set = getStatsSet();
+ String field = set.getString(val.substring(1));
+ if (field != null)
+ {
+ return new LambdaConst(getNumber(field, template).doubleValue());
+ }
+ // failed
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown value " + val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return new LambdaConst(Double.parseDouble(val));
+ }
+ }
+ LambdaCalc calc = new LambdaCalc();
+ n = n.getFirstChild();
+ while ((n != null) && (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE))
+ {
+ n = n.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ if ((n == null) || !"val".equals(n.getNodeName()))
+ {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value not specified");
+ }
+ for (n = n.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling())
+ {
+ if (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ attachLambdaFunc(n, template, calc);
+ }
+ return calc;
+ }
+ protected Number getNumber(String value, Object template)
+ {
+ if (value.charAt(0) == '#')
+ {// table by level
+ if (template instanceof L2Skill)
+ {
+ return getTableValue(value);
+ }
+ else if (template instanceof Integer)
+ {
+ return getTableValue(value, ((Integer) template).intValue());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ }
+ }
+ if (value.indexOf('.') == -1)
+ {
+ int radix = 10;
+ if ((value.length() > 2) && value.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("0x"))
+ {
+ value = value.substring(2);
+ radix = 16;
+ }
+ return Integer.valueOf(value, radix);
+ }
+ return Double.valueOf(value);
+ }
+ protected Condition joinAnd(Condition cond, Condition c)
+ {
+ if (cond == null)
+ {
+ return c;
+ }
+ if (cond instanceof ConditionLogicAnd)
+ {
+ ((ConditionLogicAnd) cond).add(c);
+ return cond;
+ }
+ ConditionLogicAnd and = new ConditionLogicAnd();
+ and.add(cond);
+ and.add(c);
+ return and;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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