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Created August 1, 2019 21:46
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class fileregion {
hidden [string]$OriginalFilePath
function Get-FileRegions {
begin {
$Results = @()
process {
foreach ($Path in $Path) {
$i = 1
switch -File $Path -Regex {
"^# BEGIN (?<Path>.+)$" {
$Current = [fileregion]@{
OriginalFilePath = $Path
RelativeFilePath = $Matches.Path
StartLine = ($i++)
"^# END (?<Path>.+)$" {
$Current.EndLine = ($i++)
$Results += $Current
default {$i++}
end {
function Add-XmlElement {
[string]$Name = $(
$MyInvocation.InvocationName -replace '^Add-(.+)Element$','$1'
if ($Name -eq 'Xml') {
throw "Need to specify Element type"
$Element = $Parent.AppendChild($Parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement($Name))
if ($Attributes) {
foreach ($Key in $Attributes.Keys) {
$attribute = $Element.Attributes.Append($Parent.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute($key))
$attribute.Value = $Attributes.$Key
return $Element
function Add-JaCoCoCounter {
[Alias('Add-InstructionCounter', 'Add-LineCounter', 'Add-MethodCounter', 'Add-ClassCounter')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Piped')]
[ValidateSet('Instruction', 'Line', 'Method', 'Class')]
[string]$Type = $(
$MyInvocation.InvocationName -replace '^Add-(.+)Counter$','$1'
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Specified')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Specified')]
process {
- Fix it so it removes the original nodes (unsure?), or allows you to create a new "CodeCoverage-Split.xml" file ✓
- Rewrite Add-JoCoCoCounter again to be more forgiving / allow for pipelining / defaulting to 0 if no value is found
function Update-JaCoCoCoverageFile {
A function to modify code coverage to point at source-files in a Module-Builder (or similar) compiled module
Update-JaCoCoCoverageFile -Path .\CodeCoverage.xml -CompiledPath $env:ArtifactStagingDirectory
Updates the coverage file in place, resolving paths to the original source based on the regions in the compiled psm1
# Path of the JaCoCo Code Coverage data
[string]$Path = "C:\Users\james.ruskin\VSO\Platform\QMODHelper\CodeCoverage.xml",
# Path to the compiled artifacts
[string[]]$CompiledPath = "C:\Users\james.ruskin\VSO\Platform\QMODHelper\output\",
# The path to save the updated Code Coverage data to. Defaults to the original file path.
[string]$OutputFile = $Path,
# Leaves original Code Coverage data in the file
begin {
# We're stealing Pester's XML tools that are used to generate this report in an interesting way
$CoverageTools = Join-Path (Get-Module Pester -ListAvailable -Verbose:$false)[0].ModuleBase "Functions/Coverage.ps1"
. $CoverageTools # Specifically Add-XmlElement and Add-JoCoCoCounter
$ConvertedCoverage = Get-FileRegions -Path (Get-ChildItem -Path $CompiledPath -Recurse -Filter *.psm1).FullName
function FindRegion ($Line) {
$Converter.Where({$_.StartLine -le $Line -and $_.EndLine -ge $Line}, "First")
process {
foreach ($Path in $Path) {
[xml]$CoverageFile = Get-Content -Path $Path
$reportElement = $[1..$($] # DOCTYPE string injection takes 0?
foreach ($Package in $reportElement.package) {
Write-Verbose "Converting '$($'"
$Converter = $ConvertedCoverage | ? OriginalFilePath -Match "$(Split-Path $Package.sourceFile.Name -Leaf)$"
$packageElement = Add-XmlElement $reportElement "package" @{
name = "$($Package.Name)"
# Adding Classes (per source file)
foreach ($FileGroup in ($Package.class.method | Group-Object {(FindRegion $_.Line).RelativeFilePath}).Where{$_.Name}) {
Write-Verbose " Adding items from '$($FileGroup.Name)'"
$classElement = Add-XmlElement $packageElement 'class' -Attributes ([ordered] @{
name = "$($FileGroup.Name -replace '^\.\\(.+)\.ps1$','$1' -replace '\\','.')"
sourcefilename = $FileGroup.Name
foreach ($method in $FileGroup.Group) {
Write-Verbose " Adding '$($method.Name)'"
$methodElement = Add-XmlElement $classElement "method" -Attributes ([ordered] @{
name = $method.Name
desc = " ($(Split-Path (Split-Path $FileGroup.Name -Parent) -Leaf))"
line = $_.Line - (FindRegion $FileGroup.Line).StartLine
# Adding Method (Function) Counters
foreach ($counter in $method.counter) {
Add-JaCoCoCounter $counter.Type @{"$($counter.Type)" = @{missed = 0+$counter.Missed; covered = 0+$counter.Covered}} $methodElement
foreach ($counter in $ | Sort -Unique) {
Add-JaCoCoCounter $Counter @{
"$Counter" = @{
missed = [int](0+(${$_.Type -eq $Counter}.missed | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)
covered = [int](0+(${$_.Type -eq $Counter}.covered | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)
} $classElement
Add-JaCoCoCounter Class @{
Class = @{
missed = 0+($FileGroup.Group.Where{$_.counter.missed -ne 0}.Count)
covered = 0+($FileGroup.Group.Where{$_.counter.covered -eq 0}.Count)
} $classElement
Write-Verbose "Adding Line Coverage"
foreach ($File in $Converter) {
Write-Verbose " Adding '$($File.RelativeFilePath)'"
$FileLines = $Package.sourcefile.line | Where {[int]($ -ge $File.StartLine -and [int]($ -le $File.EndLine}
$sourceFileElement = Add-XmlElement $packageElement 'sourcefile' -Attributes ([ordered] @{
name = $File.RelativeFilePath
foreach ($Line in $FileLines) {
$null = Add-XmlElement $sourceFileElement 'line' -Attributes ([ordered]@{
nr = $ - $File.StartLine
mi = $Line.mi
ci = $
$FileCoverage = $packageElement.class.Where{$_.sourceFileName -eq $File.RelativeFilePath}.counter
Add-JaCoCoCounter $_ @{$_ = @{
missed=[int](0 + ($FileCoverage | Where Type -eq $_).Missed)
covered=[int](0 + ($FileCoverage | Where Type -eq $_).Covered)
}} $sourceFileElement
Add-JaCoCoCounter $_ @{$_ = @{
}} $packageElement
Add-JaCoCoCounter $_ @{$_ = @{
}} $reportElement
end {
Write-Verbose "Saving XML File to '$($OutputFile)'"
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