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Last active January 15, 2019 16:17
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extract letter unicodes for js regexes
This file is in the public domain.
I grabbed the data from at
and use this script to create a UnicodeLetters.txt file
containing a series of unicode chars suitable for using in JavaScript regular expressions
where you want \p{L}.
Note that IE does not support the 'u' flag, you'll need to restrict yourself to the subset of
letters in the BMP (below 0x10000) and use this script to print out a simple "\uABCD" instead of "\\u{ABCDE}".
Also note that reading in the file seems to stress SBCL's default settings, run with
--dynamic-space-size 10000
(defpackage unicode-extract
(:use :cl))
(in-package unicode-extract)
(load #p"~/.sbclrc")
(quicklisp:quickload 'plump)
(defparameter data-raw (plump:parse #P"~/ucd.all.flat.xml"))
(defun is-letter (category)
(member category '("Ll" "Lu" "Lt" "L&" "Lm" "Lo") :test #'string-equal))
(defparameter letter-nums
(mapcar #'(lambda (row) (parse-integer (plump:get-attribute row "cp") :radix 16))
(remove-if-not #'(lambda (el) (is-letter (plump:get-attribute el "gc")))
(plump:get-elements-by-tag-name data-raw "char")))
(defun int-list-to-range-list (int-list)
"Groups consecutive integers into range pairs. e.g.
(int-list-to-range-list '(1 2 3 5 6 8 10 11))
'((1 3) (5 6) (8 8) (10 11))"
(let ((prev-el -10)
(result (list)))
(dolist (el int-list)
; diff of current el and prev is > 1, cons new group
((> (- el prev-el) 1) (setf result (cons (list el el) result)))
; diff is exactly 1, inc the end range of the previously cons'd item
((= (- el prev-el) 1) (incf (second (first result)))))
(setf prev-el el))
(reverse result)))
(defparameter letter-ranges (int-list-to-range-list letter-nums))
(defun to-hex-str (num)
"Gives string for num in hex format, with at least 4 characters using 0s for leading padding."
(format nil "~4,'0X" num))
(defun print-hexes ()
(dolist (grp letter-ranges)
(princ "\\\\u{")
(princ (to-hex-str (first grp)))
(princ "}")
(unless (= (first grp) (second grp))
(princ "-\\\\u{")
(princ (to-hex-str (second grp)))
(princ "}"))))
(with-open-file (s #P"~/UnicodeLetters.txt" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(let ((*standard-output* s))
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