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Created June 9, 2019 08:43
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; union-find.lisp
;; A generic solution for connected components. "I have some number of graphs. Is this element connected to
;; this other element? Or are the graphs/sets each element belongs to disjoint?"
;; A 'backwards' tree with pointers from a node to its parent, which lets you union two separate trees together by
;; just taking the shorter one's root and pointing it at the taller one's (or vice versa, but this way preserves log
;; behavior).
;; The path compression optimization (not done here) seems to just be an extra pass in find(), after you have the result,
;; to re-parent each item along the path to the found root parent so that any future finds() of any of those items
;; will only have one lookup to reach the component root.
;; This file is in the public domain. (Or licensed under CC0 if your country doesn't have such a concept.)
(in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:union-find
(:nicknames #:uf)
(:shadow #:union #:find)
(:use #:common-lisp)
(:export #:union-find #:union #:find) ; class & core interface methods
(:export #:connected)) ; convenience method
(in-package #:uf)
(defclass union-find ()
:accessor parent-lookup-table
:initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
:documentation "Table that associates a set element (key) to its parent element (val)).")
:accessor subtree-size-table
:initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
:documentation "Table that associates a subtree with root element (key) to its subtree count of elements (val).")))
(defmethod parent-lookup ((uf union-find) key)
"Looks up key in uf's parent-lookup table.
If key hasn't been added yet, sets the key's value
to key itself and returns it."
(multiple-value-bind (parent present?) (gethash key (parent-lookup-table uf))
(unless present?
(setf (gethash key (parent-lookup-table uf)) key)
(setf parent key))
(defmethod subtree-size ((uf union-find) subtree)
"Gets the size of the specified subtree. If it's not part of the
lookup map yet, creates an entry and sets it to 1."
(multiple-value-bind (size present?) (gethash subtree (subtree-size-table uf))
(unless present?
(setf (gethash subtree (subtree-size-table uf)) 1)
(setf size 1))
(defmethod find ((uf union-find) element)
"Finds the root parent of the uf structure."
(let ((parent (parent-lookup uf element)))
(if (equal parent element)
(uf:find uf parent))))
(defmethod union ((uf union-find) set1 set2)
"Makes set1 and set2 subsets of each other (if not already) by parenting the root
of the smallest set to the other's root."
(let ((root1 (uf:find uf set1))
(root2 (uf:find uf set2))
(parent-table (parent-lookup-table uf))
(size-table (subtree-size-table uf)))
(unless (equal root1 root2)
; make sure that root2's size is always greatest, swapping if needed,
; then parent root1 -> root2
(if (> (subtree-size uf root1)
(subtree-size uf root2))
(rotatef root1 root2))
(setf (gethash root1 parent-table)
; update root2's size to be num elements unioned from root1
(incf (gethash root2 size-table)
(gethash root1 size-table))))
(defmethod connected ((uf union-find) cmp1 cmp2)
"If cmp1 and cmp2 have the same root in the uf,
then they are connected in the same subtree."
(equal (uf:find uf cmp1)
(uf:find uf cmp2)))
; radio-contact.lisp
;; radio contact problem:
;; See Problem B from
(in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:radio-contact
(:use #:common-lisp)
(:export #:radio-contact))
(in-package #:radio-contact)
(unless (find-package :uf)
(error "Somehow failed to find union-find package."))
(defstruct point
(defun square (x) (expt x 2))
(defun distance (p1 p2)
"Euclidean distance."
(let ((x-diff (- (point-x p1)
(point-x p2)))
(y-diff (- (point-y p1)
(point-y p2))))
(sqrt (+ (square x-diff)
(square y-diff)))))
(defparameter *problem-data*
118 136
200 386
338 486
412 266
410 484
54 54
194 80
408 226
476 180
116 98
76 94
160 96
434 202")
(defun read-soldiers (&optional (stream *standard-input*))
"Reads the soldier data as specified in problem statement from STREAM.
Example in *problem-data*."
(let* ((soldier-count (read stream))
(soldiers (make-array soldier-count)))
(dotimes (i soldier-count)
(setf (elt soldiers i) (make-point :x (read stream)
:y (read stream))))
(defparameter *radio-radius* 50.0)
(defun count-squads (soldiers)
"Return number of disjoint squads, the output of the problem."
(let ((groups (make-instance 'uf:union-find)))
;; for each soldier, loop through each other soldier
;; and if the other soldier is <= radius units away
;; then they are connected.
(loop :for i :below (length soldiers)
(loop :for j :from (1+ i) :below (length soldiers)
(if (<= (distance (elt soldiers i) (elt soldiers j))
(uf:union groups i j))))
;; the number of unique root nodes in the union-find is the number of squads.
;; we could add a convenience method to get this cheaply, but like
;; the #'connected function, it's just an application of calls to #'find.
;; Get the root component for each soldier, remove duplicates, count.
(loop :for i :below (length soldiers)
:collect (uf:find groups i))))))
(defun radio-contact (&optional use-cli)
(let ((soldiers (if (eql use-cli :cli)
(with-input-from-string (s *problem-data*)
(read-soldiers s)))))
(print (count-squads soldiers))))
; (radio-contact:radio-contact)
; hack to run automatically in script but not in slime:
#-:swank (radio-contact :cli)
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