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Created March 23, 2016 14:25
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# Tools
## bfg
_'nuff said_
## git-gc-cron gem
# Scripts
## Manual way to delete large files
~/bin/ - creates `bigtosmall.txt`
## Find all git repo's and garbage collect
find . -name '*.git' -execdir sh -c 'cd {} && git gc' \;
find . -name '*.git' -execdir sh -c 'cd {} && git gc --aggressive --prune=now' \;
find . -name '*.git' -execdir sh -c 'cd {} && realpath . && echo && git gc --aggressive --prune=now && git fetch --all && git b -avv && echo '---------------------' && echo ' \;
# we need to go deeper ...
## why you shouldn't use git gc
### linus says
>So the equivalent of "git gc --aggressive" - but done *properly* - is to
do (overnight) something like
git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250
>where that depth thing is just about how deep the delta chains can be
(make them longer for old history - it's worth the space overhead), and
the window thing is about how big an object window we want each delta
candidate to scan.
>And here, you might well want to add the "-f" flag (which is the "drop all
old deltas", since you now are actually trying to make sure that this one
actually finds good candidates.
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