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Last active June 9, 2016 03:09
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An Implementation of Streams in Swift
// We're going to show off some examples first--implementation later!
// Generates a stream of integers starting at n
func IntegersFrom<I : IntegerType>(n: I) -> Stream<I> {
return Stream(head: n, tail: IntegersFrom(n + 1))
// One potential implementation of a fibonacci stream; initial input (1,1)
func MakeFibonacci(a: Int, b: Int) -> Stream<Int> {
return Stream<Int>(head: a, tail: MakeFibonacci(b, a + b))
// An even more mindblowing implementation of a fibonacci stream
func MakeFibonacci2() -> Stream<Int> {
return Stream(head: 0, tail: Stream(head: 1, tail: MakeFibonacci2(), combine: +)))
// Filters the primes out of a stream
func Primes() -> Stream<Int> {
return PrimeSieve(IntegersFrom(2), { a, b in b < 2 || a % b != 0 })
// Helper for filter primes
func PrimeSieve<T>(stream: Stream<T>, accepts: (T, T) -> Bool) -> Stream<T> {
return Stream(head: stream.head, tail: stream.tail.filter({ x in accepts(x, stream.head)}))
for i in finite(100)(Primes()) {
// Iterate over the first 100 prime numbers
// An array of the 1st 12 fibonacci numbers greater than 50
let arr = MakeFibonacci(1, 1).filter({ x in x > 50 }).take(12)
// The first prime integer that is greater than 100
let num = Primes().dropWhile({ x <= 100 }).head
// The product of the first 5 fibonacci numbers
let product = MakeFibonacci2().reduceWhile(1, combine: *, count: 5)
// Result is a tuple of a value from squares and a vlue from cubes
// such that these are the first values for an integer x such that
// cubes is greater than squares
let cubes = IntegersFrom(1).map({x in x * x * x - 10 })
let squares = IntegersFrom(1).map({x in 4 * x * x + 3})
let result ={ (square, cube) in square > cube}).head
// Another cool example would be approximating infinite series
// As an exercise, perhaps try to approximate the value of Pi uisng a Stream
// Note that a lot of these recursive functions, such as filter, must be rewritten as
// iterative functions in Swift 1.1 to work reliably because Swift does not guarentee tail
// call optimization. In hope that Swift fixes this issue in the future, we have left these
// definitions in their recursive forms---it's much prettier.
* Used to represent a lazy (often recursively computed) list
class Stream<T> : SequenceType {
let head: T
private let unevaluatedTail: () -> Stream<T>
var tail: Stream<T> {
get {
return unevaluatedTail()
init(head: T, tail: @autoclosure () -> Stream<T>){
self.head = head
self.unevaluatedTail = tail
func dropWhile(test: T -> Bool) -> Stream<T> {
return test(head) ? tail.dropWhile(test) : self
func takeWhile(test: T-> Bool) -> [T] {
return test(head) ? [head] + tail.takeWhile(test) : []
func reduceWhile<T, U>(initial: U, combine: (U, T) -> U, test: T -> Bool) -> U {
return test(head as T) ? combine(tail.reduceWhile(initial, combine: combine, test: test), head as T) : initial
func drop(var count: Int) -> Stream<T> {
assert(count >= 0, "Drop count must be positive")
return dropWhile({ _ in count-- > 0 })
func take(var count: Int) -> [T] {
assert(count >= 0, "Take count must be positive")
return takeWhile({ _ in count-- > 0 })
func reduce<T, U>(initial: U, combine: (U, T) -> U, var count: Int) -> U {
assert(count >= 0, "Reduce count must be positive")
return reduceWhile(initial, combine: combine, test: { _ in count-- > 0 })
subscript(index: Int) -> Stream<T> {
return drop(index)
func zip<U>(stream: Stream<U>) -> Stream<(T,U)> {
return Stream<(T,U)>(head: (head, stream.head), tail:
func zip<U,V>(stream: Stream<U>, combine: (T, U) -> V) -> Stream<V> {
return Stream<V>(head: combine(head, stream.head), tail:, combine))
func map<U>(transform: T -> U) -> Stream<U> {
return Stream<U>(head: transform(head), tail:
func filter(includeElement: T -> Bool) -> Stream<T> {
return includeElement(head) ? Stream(head: head, tail: tail.filter(includeElement)) : tail.filter(includeElement)
func generate() -> StreamGenerator<T> {
return StreamGenerator(stream: self)
struct StreamGenerator<T> : GeneratorType {
private var stream: Stream<T>
init(stream: Stream<T>){ = stream
mutating func next() -> T? {
let head = stream.head
stream = stream.tail
return head
struct FiniteSequence<T : SequenceType> : SequenceType {
let sequence: T
let count: Int
func generate() -> FiniteGenerator<T.Generator> {
return FiniteGenerator(generator: sequence.generate(), count: count)
struct FiniteGenerator<T : GeneratorType> : GeneratorType {
private var generator: T
private var remainingCount: Int
init(generator: T, count: Int){
self.generator = generator
self.remainingCount = count
mutating func next() -> T.Element? {
return remainingCount-- > 0 ? : nil
func finite<T : SequenceType>(count: Int) -> T -> FiniteSequence<T> {
return { sequence in
return FiniteSequence(sequence: sequence, count: count)
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