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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Swift Ambiguous
// Let's start with an example!
// We specify three anbiguous values a, b, c each which can be any integer [1,7]
let a = Ambiguous(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
let b = Ambiguous(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
let c = Ambiguous(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
// We try to satisfy on a,b,c pythagorean's theorem, and we print the side lengths is some values a,b,c satisfy
if satisfy(a,b,c)({ (c.choice * c.choice == a.choice * a.choice + b.choice * b.choice) && (a.choice > b.choice)}) {
println("We can have a triangle with sides lengths \(a.bound!), \(b.bound!), \(c.bound!).")
// --> "We can have a triangle with sides lengths 4, 3, 5."
// It worked! Let's try another example:
let x = Ambiguous(1,2,3)
let y = Ambiguous(4,5,6)
// We print out every possible combination x,y such that the predicate is satisfied
while satisfy(x,y)({ x.choice * y.choice == 8 }) {
println("\(x.bound!) * \(y.bound!) = 8") // --> "1 * 4 = 8"
} // "2 * 4 = 8"
// "3 * 4 = 8"
// "2 * 5 = 8"
// "1 * 6 = 8"
// "2 * 6 = 8"
// "3 * 6 = 8"
// Note that an ambiguous type need not be an Int---it can be any type!
// That's right, you could have an ambigous UIView that is initiated to contain all visible views
// And then you could use satisfy to check if any view overlap
let myViews = self.view.subviews
let a = Ambiguous(myViews)
let b = Ambiguous(myViews)
if satisfy(a,b)({ CGRectIntersects(a.frame,b.frame) }) {
let intersecting = (a.bound!, b.bound!)
// Do something interesting :P
// Pretty cool, eh?
// Note that the Ambigous variables that we are satisfying don't even have to be the same type!
// Now let's see how this works.
func satisfy(variables: AmbiguousType...) -> (() -> Bool) -> Bool {
return { test in
for variable in variables[1..<variables.endIndex] {
while nextCombination(variables, 0) {
if test() {
for variable in variables { variable.bind() }
return true
for variable in variables { variable.unbind() }
return false
class Ambiguous<T> : AmbiguousType, Printable {
let possibilities: [T]
private var boundValue: T?
var bound: T? {
get {
return boundValue
var choice: T!
private var generator: IndexingGenerator<Array<T>>!
internal func choose() -> Bool {
if let next = {
choice = next
return false
else {
return true
internal func resetGenerator() {
generator = possibilities.generate()
internal func prepare() {
if choice == nil { choose() }
convenience init(_ possibilities: T...){
init(_ possibilities: [T]){
self.possibilities = possibilities
internal func bind() {
boundValue = choice
internal func unbind() {
boundValue = nil
func clear() {
choice = nil
var description: String {
get {
return "Abiguous \(possibilities)"
// Return value indicates whether there are still results
func nextCombination(variables: [AmbiguousType], index: Int) -> Bool {
if index >= variables.endIndex { return false }
let exhausted = variables[index].choose()
return exhausted ? nextCombination(variables, index + 1) : true
func clear(variables: AmbiguousType...){
for variable in variables {
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