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Created December 17, 2017 02:08
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Signed Natural Numbers
module SignedNat
import Control.Isomorphism
%access public export
%default total
||| Signed natural numbers: unbounded, signed integers which can be pattern
||| matched.
data SignedNat : Type where
||| Zero
ZZ : SignedNat
||| Negated Succesor
NS : Nat -> SignedNat
||| Successor
PS : Nat -> SignedNat
-- name hints for interactive editing
%name SignedNat k, j, i, n, m
Uninhabited (ZZ = NS n) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
Uninhabited (ZZ = PS n) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
-- Syntactic tests
data IsNeg : (n : SignedNat) -> Type where
ItIsNeg : IsNeg (NS n)
Uninhabited (IsNeg ZZ) where
uninhabited ItIsNeg impossible
Uninhabited (IsNeg (PS n)) where
uninhabited ItIsNeg impossible
data IsPos : (n : SignedNat) -> Type where
ItIsPos : IsPos (PS n)
Uninhabited (IsPos ZZ) where
uninhabited ItIsPos impossible
Uninhabited (IsPos (NS n)) where
uninhabited itIsPos impossible
-- Basic arithmetic functions
||| The absolute value of a signed natural number.
magnitude : (n : SignedNat) -> Nat
magnitude ZZ = Z
magnitude (NS n) = S n
magnitude (PS n) = S n
||| The successor of a signed natural number.
succ : (n : SignedNat) -> SignedNat
succ ZZ = (PS Z)
succ (NS Z) = ZZ
succ (NS (S n)) = NS n
succ (PS n) = PS (S n)
||| The predecessor of a signed natural number.
pred : (n : SignedNat) -> SignedNat
pred ZZ = (NS Z)
pred (PS Z) = ZZ
pred (PS (S n)) = PS n
pred (NS n) = NS (S n)
||| Convert a Nat to an SignedNat within a failable context
toNatSignedNat : SignedNat -> Maybe Nat
toNatSignedNat ZZ = Just Z
toNatSignedNat (NS _) = Nothing
toNatSignedNat (PS n) = Just (S n)
toSignedNatNat : Nat -> SignedNat
toSignedNatNat Z = ZZ
toSignedNatNat (S n) = PS n
diff : (n, m : Nat) -> SignedNat
diff Z Z = ZZ
diff Z (S m) = NS m
diff (S n) Z = PS n
diff (S n) (S m) = diff n m
negateSignedNat : SignedNat -> SignedNat
negateSignedNat ZZ = ZZ
negateSignedNat (PS n) = (NS n)
negateSignedNat (NS n) = (PS n)
implementation Num SignedNat where
ZZ + m = m
n + ZZ = n
(PS n) + (PS m) = PS (S (n + m))
(PS n) + (NS m) = diff n m
(NS n) + (PS m) = diff m n
(NS n) + (NS m) = NS (S (n + m))
ZZ * m = ZZ
n * ZZ = ZZ
(PS n) * (PS m) = toSignedNatNat ((S n) * (S m))
(PS n) * (NS m) = negateSignedNat (toSignedNatNat ((S n) * (S m)))
(NS n) * (PS m) = negateSignedNat (toSignedNatNat ((S n) * (S m)))
(NS n) * (NS m) = toSignedNatNat ((S n) * (S m))
fromInteger 0 = ZZ
fromInteger n =
if (n > 0) then
PS (fromInteger (assert_smaller n (n - 1)))
NS (fromInteger (assert_smaller n (n - 1)))
implementation Neg SignedNat where
negate = negateSignedNat
n - m = n + (-m)
abs ZZ = ZZ
abs (PS n) = PS n
abs (NS n) = PS n
Cast Integer SignedNat where
cast = fromInteger
Cast SignedNat Integer where
cast ZZ = 0
cast (PS n) = 1 + cast n
cast (NS n) = -(1 + cast n)
Cast SignedNat String where
cast n = cast (the Integer (cast n))
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