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Last active May 25, 2018 17:22
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Prepare the Clean BAM for an Illumina Sample with GATK
# USAGE: sh <sample name>
# Based on
# CONFIG VARIABLES: Update to match environment
# Mark the Illumina adapters (if present. The sequencing lab should have removed them
# prior to delivering the results.)
$gatk --java-options "-Xmx8G" MarkIlluminaAdapters \
-I=$1.unmapped.bam \
-O=$1.markilluminaadapters.bam \
-M=$1.markilluminaadapters.metrics.txt \
# Perform a piped operation that trims the Illumina adapters from the reads, aligns them
# to the target reference, and creates a clean BAM sorted by coordinate for variant discovery.
$gatk --java-options "-Xmx8G" SamToFastq \
-I=$1.markilluminaadapters.bam \
-FASTQ=/dev/stdout \
-TMP_DIR=$tmp_dir | \
~/Genomics/bwa/bwa mem -M -t 7 -p $reference /dev/stdin | \
$gatk --java-options "-Xmx16G" MergeBamAlignment \
-ALIGNED_BAM=/dev/stdin \
-UNMAPPED_BAM=$1.unmapped.bam \
-OUTPUT=$1.bwa.clean.bam \
-R=$reference -CREATE_INDEX=true -ADD_MATE_CIGAR=true \
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