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Last active March 3, 2021 16:23
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Take paired FASTQ files and create a CRAM file containing chrY and chrM reads with their mates.
# USAGE: sh
# This simple script was originally developed to automate aligning and filtering samples from ENA for It has
# become the default workflow for all NGS data needing to be standardized for keeping samples as consistent as possible from the
# menagerie of D2C vendors.
# The script is built on the assumption your FASTQ read data is pre-trimmed and organized with this structure.
# SAMPLE/SAMPLE_[1|2].fastq.gz
# The workflow creates an unsorted SAM from the pair of FASTQ files using all available CPU threads.
# Aligned reads are filtered to only reads on the GRCh38 chrY and chrM regions. Then base quality scores are recalibrated via
# GATK to improve calling accurancy. Finally, the file is encoded with CRAM to reduce disc usage for AWS S3 storage.
# The script finishes up by creating a gVCF for joint genotyping and some metrics of interest for comparison.
# GATK4 -
# Sambamba -
# Samtools -
# GRCh38 Reference -
# Mills & 1000G Gold Standard INDELS -
# DBSNP - Unsure where sourced. Likely in the GATK resource bundle.
# GATK3 - There a few residual dependencies from legacy workflows. If you can't find the JAR anymore via Googlefoo, remove the lines using it.
# All these need to be updated to match where you installed the dependencies.
# There is a small alignment benefit to not using the full set here, but the core of 1KG samples used this during initial
# development of the warehouse's dataset. It remains for legacy comparison reasons and it's only a couple hundred thousand
# callable base differences.
# Align the FASTQ files with BWA. Since really only wants chrY and chrM reads, we are piping the mapping results through a filter
# that discards regions outside the sex haplogroups. Mates are presevered for potential realignment experiments with later reference releases.
# Users with workflows that need the entire genome should just pipe to a file and change the file names appropriately.
# Experimentally bwa mem can be switched out for minimap2 -ax sr -t $(nproc). It's 3x faster but 4.5% less accurate.
bwa mem -t $(nproc) -M -R '@RG\tID:'${sample}'\tSM:'${sample}'\tLB:lib1\tPL:illumina\tPU:unit1' $reference ${sample}_?.fastq.gz | \
$sambamba view -F "ref_name == 'chrY' or mate_ref_name =='chrY' or ref_name == 'chrY_KI270740v1_random' or mate_ref_name =='chrY_KI270740v1_random' or ref_name == 'chrM' or mate_ref_name =='chrM'" -f bam -S -o ${sample}.chrYM.bam /dev/stdin
# Sort the chrYM SAM by read name - using GATK here because the samtools sort fails some of GATK's validations
$gatk4 SortSam -I ${sample}.chrYM.bam -O ${sample}.ns.bam -SO queryname
# Mark the duplicates
$gatk4 --java-options "-Xmx4G" \
MarkDuplicates -I ${sample}.ns.bam -O ${sample}.dedup.bam -METRICS_FILE metrics.txt
# Resort by coordinate
$gatk4 SortSam -I ${sample}.dedup.bam -O ${sample}.sorted.bam -SORT_ORDER coordinate
# Score bases for systematic error in the Illumina instruments
$gatk4 --java-options "-Xmx8G" BaseRecalibrator -R $reference -O recal_data.table -I ${sample}.sorted.bam \
--known-sites $mills --known-sites $dbsnp
# Apply base quality score recalibration. This will inflate the file size significantly, since the original base scores are also retained.
# See Heng Li's blog for why we want them to be recalibrated.
# NOTE: We only look at a small fraction of the library in the designed flow of this script. The results are not the best possible but better than
# not performing it.
$gatk4 --java-options "-Xmx8G" ApplyBQSR \
-R $reference \
-I ${sample}.sorted.bam \
--bqsr-recal-file recal_data.table \
-O ${sample}.recal.bam
# Re-encode the BAM as a CRAM file. The resulting file will be about 50% of the BAM's size.
samtools view -T $reference -C -o ${sample}.GRCh38.cram ${sample}.recal.bam
samtools index ${sample}.GRCh38.cram
# Create a gVCF suitable for, which uses them for joint-genotype operations
$gatk4 --java-options "-Xmx8G" HaplotypeCaller -R $reference \
-L chrY -L chrY_KI270740v1_random \
-O ${sample}.b38.g.vcf.gz \
-I ${sample}.recal.bam \
# Produce a BED regions file for callable loci histogram generation
java -jar ~/Applications/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T CallableLoci \
-R $reference \
-I ${sample}.recal.bam -summary table.txt -o callable_status.bed \
-L chrY -L chrY_KI270740v1_random
# Collect misc. metrics about the raw data
$gatk4 CollectMultipleMetrics -I ${sample}.recal.bam -O read_metrics -R $reference
# GATK4 has a new version of this tool, but it doesn't work the same.
java -jar ~/Applications/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T DepthOfCoverage -R $reference -o coverage -I ${sample}.recal.bam -L chrY
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