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Last active May 5, 2023 19:58
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ColdFusion function to validate hashed password with HaveIBeenPwned API v2 to return numeric breach count. (cfml)
<!--- 20230505 Inspired by on but returns a numeric value (for use with APIs)
<cffunction name="getPasswordBreachCount" returntype="numeric" output="no" access="public" hint="Checks supplied password against HaveIBeenPwnd Passwortd APIv2 and returns number of breachs.">
<cfargument name="pwd" type="string" required="true">
<cfset local.passwordHash = hash(arguments.pwd, "SHA")>
<cfset local.prefix = left(hash(arguments.pwd, "SHA"), 5)>
<cfset local.passMatch = right(local.passwordHash, len(local.passwordHash)-5)>
<cfhttp url="" method="get" useragent="CFML_PwnChk" result="local.cfhttp" getasbinary="never"></cfhttp>
<cfset local.searchResult = refind("(^|\s)#local.passMatch#\:(\d+)($|\s)", local.cfhttp.filecontent, 1, true)>
<cfset local.breachCount = (arraylen(local.searchResult.match) eq 4) ? local.searchResult.match[3] : 0>
<cfreturn javacast("int", local.breachCount)>
<cfset passwordToTest = "password">
<cfset numberofBreaches = getPasswordBreachCount(passwordToTest)>
<cfif numberofBreaches>
<p><b>Attention:</b> The password you have chosen is known exist in data breach(es) on another site(s).<br>
It has been compromised <b><u>#numberformat(numberofBreaches)#</u></b> times. It should be considered insecure.<br>
If you use this password on other sites, you should consider changing it.</p>
<p>Password has not been found in any online breaches.</p>
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