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Last active August 10, 2018 00:24
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Require Import Coq.Init.Prelude.
Fixpoint fnd (n : nat) : Prop :=
match n with
| O => True
| S n => True /\ fnd n
Fixpoint big_and (xs : list Prop) : Prop :=
match xs with
| nil => True
| cons x xs => and x (big_and xs)
Fixpoint typeof_big_conj (xs : list Prop) (P : Prop) : Prop :=
match xs with
| nil => P
| cons x xs => x -> typeof_big_conj xs P
Lemma apply_rconj_and xs (P Q : Prop) : P -> typeof_big_conj xs Q -> typeof_big_conj xs (P /\ Q).
Proof. revert Q; revert P; induction xs; intros; cbn in *; eauto. Qed.
Lemma big_conj xs : typeof_big_conj xs (big_and xs).
Proof. induction xs. exact I. cbn. intros. apply apply_rconj_and; eauto. Qed.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Control.
Require Import Ltac2.Std.
Require Import Ltac2.Notations.
Ltac2 get_constant (c : constr)
:= match Constr.Unsafe.kind c with
| Constr.Unsafe.Constant c _ => c
| _ => throw Match_failure
Ltac2 Notation "eval" "cbv" s(strategy) "in" v(constr) :=
Std.eval_cbv s v.
Ltac2 fill_with_I (n : int) (h : constr) :=
let args := Array.make n 'I in
Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.App h args).
Ltac2 rec int_of_nat (v : constr) :=
Message.print (Message.of_constr v);
match Constr.Unsafe.kind v with
| Constr.Unsafe.App h args => let v := Array.get args 0 in Int.add 1 (int_of_nat v)
| _ => 0
Goal fnd 7000.
let n := match! goal with [ |- fnd ?n ] => n end in
let n_int := 7000 (*Control.time (Some "to_int") (fun () => int_of_nat n)*) in
let ls := constr:(repeat True $n) in
let ls := Control.time (Some "cbv1") (fun () => (eval cbv in $ls)) in
let pf := constr:(big_conj $ls) in
let t := Constr.type pf in
let t := Control.time (Some "cbv2") (fun () => (eval cbv [typeof_big_conj big_and] in $t)) in
Control.time (Some "assert") (fun () => (assert (H : $t) by refine pf));
let h' := Control.time (Some "fill I") (fun () => fill_with_I n_int 'H) in
Control.time (Some "tc") (fun () => '$h'; ()).
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