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Created August 9, 2019 04:37
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The problem with gui.cs is once you create something, you can't create another. I.e. you can't run this script twice.
using namespace Terminal.Gui # maybe it isn't installed yet, but who cares?
if (!(Test-Path Libraries)) {
mkdir Libraries -Confirm
if (!(Test-Path .\Libraries\Terminal.Gui.0.24.0\lib\netcoreapp2.0\Terminal.Gui.dll)) {
Install-Package Terminal.Gui -Destination .\Libraries\
add-type -path .\Libraries\NStack.Core.0.11.0\lib\netstandard1.5\NStack.dll
add-type -path .\Libraries\Terminal.Gui.0.24.0\lib\netcoreapp2.0\Terminal.Gui.dll
$Win = [Window]::new("Posh")
$global:Text = [TextView]@{
Width = [Dim]::Fill()
Height = [Dim]::Fill()
ReadOnly = $false
$Menu = [MenuBar]::new([MenuBarItem[]]@(
[MenuBarItem]::new("_File", [MenuItem[]]@(
[MenuItem]::new("_New", "Creates new file", {
$global:Text.Text = ""
$global:OpenFile = ""
[MenuItem]::new("_Save", "Save the file", {
if (!$global:OpenFile) {
$dialog = [SaveDialog]::new("Save", "Save as...")
Write-Warning "FileName $($dialog.FileName)"
Write-Warning "FilePath $($dialog.FilePath)"
$global:OpenFile = [string]$dialog.FileName
if ($global:Text.Text) {
Set-Content $global:OpenFile $global:Text.Text
[MenuItem]::new("Save _As", "Save with a new name", {
$dialog = [SaveDialog]::new("Save", "Save as...")
$global:OpenFile = [string]$dialog.FileName
if ($global:Text.Text) {
Set-Content $global:OpenFile $global:Text.Text
[MenuItem]::new("_Open", "Opens an existing file", {
$dialog = [OpenDialog]::new("Open", "Open a file")
$global:OpenFile = [string]$dialog.FilePaths[0]
[MenuItem]::new("_Close", "", { }),
[MenuItem]::new("E_xit", "", { [Application]::RequestStop() })
[Application]::Top.Add($win, $menu);
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