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Joel Bennett Jaykul

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Jaykul / Grouping.psm1
Created April 14, 2023 22:18
Expand and Group objects when they have (or could be deduped with) a single array property
filter Expand-Property {
Expands an array property, creating a duplicate object for each value
[PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "A"; Value = @(1,2,3) } | Expand-Property Value
Name Value
---- -----
A 1
Jaykul / Invoke-WithEncoding.ps1
Last active February 22, 2023 07:37
Work around binaries that don't respect the console code page
class EncodingAttribute : System.Management.Automation.ArgumentTransformationAttribute {
[object] Transform([System.Management.Automation.EngineIntrinsics]$engineIntrinsics, [object]$inputData) {
return [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("$inputData")
function Invoke-WithEncoding {
Temporarily switch output encoding
Jaykul / WslInstall.psm1
Last active October 3, 2023 21:16
Install WSL2 distros non-interactively
function Add-WslUser {
Adds a user to a WSL distro
# The distro to add the user to
# Disable shell integration when the language mode is restricted
# Prevent installing more than once per session
if ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode -ne "FullLanguage" -or (Test-Path variable:global:__VSCodeOriginalPrompt)) {
$Global:__VSCodeOriginalPrompt = $function:Prompt
function global:prompt {
$ExitCode = $? ? 0 : ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) ? $LASTEXITCODE : 1
Jaykul / AudioPlaybackEngine.cs
Last active October 8, 2022 05:41 — forked from markheath/AudioPlaybackEngine.cs
FireAndForget NAudio Sample
using System;
using NAudio.Wave;
using NAudio.Wave.SampleProviders;
namespace FireAndForgetAudioSample
class AudioPlaybackEngine : IDisposable
private readonly IWavePlayer outputDevice;
private readonly MixingSampleProvider mixer;
class PSEquality : System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer[PSObject] {
[scriptblock]$Comparer = { $_ }
[bool] Equals([PSObject]$first, [PSObject]$other) {
return ($first | ForEach-Object $this.Comparer) -eq ($other | ForEach-Object $this.Comparer)
[int] GetHashCode([PSObject]$module) {
return $module.GetHashCode()
Jaykul / Lessons
Last active July 13, 2022 06:17
Trying to find out what's the fastest way to count characters ...

The main thing I re-learned doing this is: the more you can do in compiled C# code, the faster it will run. Writing a for-loop in C# is absolutely the fastest way to iterate over characters -- even when you have to call it as a static method.

This means that the built-in .Split(<char>) method is the fastest way to count a specific character (not necessarily the most memory efficient).

Here's the results on my local computer:

Average          Command
-------          -------
00:00:00.0000084 &lt;# hardcoded value shows overhead #&gt; 4
Jaykul / Show-Date.ps1
Created July 9, 2022 02:59
function Show-Date {
Get the time span elapsed during the execution of command (by default the previous command)
Calls Get-History to return a single command and returns the difference between the Start and End execution time
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "SimpleFormat")]
function Get-Date {
Get the time span elapsed during the execution of command (by default the previous command)
Calls Get-History to return a single command and returns the difference between the Start and End execution time
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "SimpleFormat")]
Jaykul / Computers.csv
Last active June 25, 2022 22:48
An Invoke Wrapper For Labs
ComputerName Email UserName Password
NotOne bob s3cr3t
NotTwo sue m04rs3cr3t