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Last active July 19, 2020 20:28
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AnyLint custom check with autocorrection for [SafeLocalizedStringKey](
import AnyLint // @Flinesoft
try Lint.logSummaryAndExit(arguments: CommandLine.arguments) {
// MARK: - Variables
let swiftAppFiles: Regex = #"^(Shared|iOS|macOS)/App/Sources/.*\.swift$"#
// MARK: - Checks
// MARK: SafeLocalizedStringKey
let unsafeLocalizedStringKeyTypes: String = [
"Button", "ColorPicker", "CommandMenu", "DatePicker", "DisclosureGroup", "Label", "Link", "NavigationLink", "Picker", "ProgressView",
"SecureField", "Stepper", "Text", "TextField", "Toggle", #"\.navigationBarTitle"#, #"\.navigationTitle"#, #"\.help"#, "WindowGroup",
].joined(separator: "|")
try Lint.checkFileContents(
checkInfo: "SafeLocalizedStringKey: Use the `safe:` overload for localization safety.",
regex: Regex(#"((?:\#(unsafeLocalizedStringKeyTypes))\(\s*)\"(?!TODO:)"#),
nonMatchingExamples: [#"Text(textVariable)"#],
includeFilters: [swiftAppFiles],
excludeFilters: [#"^Shared/App/Sources/.*/SafeLocalizedStringKey\.swift$"#],
autoCorrectReplacement: #"$1safe: ""#,
autoCorrectExamples: [
"before": #"Text("E-Mail")"#,
"after": #"Text(safe: "E-Mail")"#
"before": #"TextField("e.g.", text: $"#,
"after": #"TextField(safe: "e.g.", text: $"#
"before": #".navigationTitle("Edit Profile")"#,
"after": #".navigationTitle(safe: "Edit Profile")"#
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