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Last active December 4, 2020 16:04
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hexChars = 'abcdef0123456789'
eyeColors = ['amb', 'blu', 'brn', 'gry', 'grn', 'hzl', 'oth']
def isInt(s):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def validatePassport(passport):
if all(f in passport for f in fields) and \
isInt(passport['byr']) and 1920 <= int(passport['byr']) <= 2002 and \
isInt(passport['iyr']) and 2010 <= int(passport['iyr']) <= 2020 and \
isInt(passport['eyr']) and 2020 <= int(passport['eyr']) <= 2030 and \
any( ['cm' in passport['hgt'] and isInt(passport['hgt'][:-2]) and 150 <= int(passport['hgt'][:-2]) <= 193, \
'in' in passport['hgt'] and isInt(passport['hgt'][:-2]) and 59 <= int(passport['hgt'][:-2]) <= 76]) and \
passport['hcl'][0] == '#' and all([(p in hexChars) for p in passport['hcl'][1:]]) and \
passport['ecl'] in eyeColors and \
isInt(passport['pid']) and len(passport['pid']) == 9 and 0 <= int(passport['pid']) <= 10**9 :
return True
return False
def prettyPrintPassport(passport):
for k in passport:
ppp = prettyPrintPassport
with open('input.txt', 'r') as infile:
everyLine = ''.join([line for line in infile])
passports = [p.replace('\n',' ') for p in everyLine.split('\n\n')]
passports = [p.split(' ') for p in passports]
splitList = list()
#Generate a list of dictionaries; each dictionary is a single passport with keys being field names and values being field values
for p in passports:
tempDict = dict()
for field in p:
k, v = field.split(':')
tempDict[k] = v
sum = 0
for passport in splitList:
if validatePassport(passport):
sum += 1
print(f"Solution to part 2 is: {sum}")
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