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Last active April 23, 2020 07:16
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summary of rational.jl improvements and questions for #triage

In Breif

Over five years, members of the community have been discussing Julia's Rational Number implementation and experimenting with modifications intended to increase the performance of Rational arithmetic while protecting correctness and catching arithmetic exceptions (overflow, underflow, division by zero).

We have an approach that speeds up correct multiplication (division). The prod of 12 rationals is faster than v1.4.1 by at least 1.5x using Rational{Int64}, 1.25x using Rational{BigInt}. In this implementation, rational addition, subtraction do not speed up.

There are several ways to approach coding the core constructor. The specifics are discussed in this PR. We ask #triage to choose which it deem the most appropriate.

The Construction Approaches

details, discussion and source code are here

using no keywords

const CheckTheSign  = true
const OmitSignCheck = false

struct Rational{T<:Integer} <: Real

    function Rational{T}(num::T, den::T, checksign::Bool) where {T<:Integer}
        if T<:Signed && checksign && signbit(den)
            den = -den
            signbit(den) && __throw_rational_argerror_typemin(T)
            num = -num
        return new{T}(num, den)

function Rational{T}(num::T, den::T) where {T<:Integer}
    num == den == zero(T) && __throw_rational_argerror_zero(T)
    num2, den2 = divgcd(num, den)
    return Rational{T}(num2, den2, CheckTheSign)

Rational(num::T, den::T) where {T<:Integer} = Rational{T}(num, den)

using one keyword

const CheckTheSign  = true
const OmitSignCheck = false

struct Rational{T<:Integer} <: Real

    function Rational{T}(num::T, den::T; checksign::Bool) where {T<:Integer}
        if T<:Signed && checksign && signbit(den)
            den = -den
            signbit(den) && __throw_rational_argerror_typemin(T)
            num = -num
        return new{T}(num, den)

function Rational{T}(num::T, den::T) where {T<:Integer}
    num == den == zero(T) && __throw_rational_argerror_zero(T)
    num2, den2 = divgcd(num, den)
    return Rational{T}(num2, den2, checksign=CheckTheSign)

Rational(num::T, den::T) where {T<:Integer} = Rational{T}(num, den)

using two keywords (default true)

    Rational(num::Integer, den::Integer; safe::Bool=true, checksign::Bool=safe)
    Rational{T<:Integer}(num::Integer, den::Integer; safe::Bool=true, checksign::Bool=safe)

Create a `Rational` with numerator `num` and denominator `den`.

A `Rational` is well-formed when (a) its denominator is non-negative and
(b) numerator and denominator are coprime. With the keyword defaults,
constructed `Rationals` are well-formed. Operating on well-formed Rationals
will generate well-formed results.

Unset the optional argument `checksign` to bypass the check on the sign of `den`.
Unset the optional argument `safe` to bypass the coprimality check. 
By default, unsetting `safe` also unsets `checksign`.

!!! warning
    Using an ill-formed `Rational` may result in undefined behavior.
    Only bypass checks if `num` and `den` are already known to satisfy the checks.
struct Rational{T<:Integer} <: Real

    function Rational{T}(num::Integer, den::Integer; safe::Bool=true, checksign::Bool=safe) where T<:Integer
        if safe
            num == den == zero(T) && __throw_rational_argerror_zero(T)
            num, den = divgcd(num, den)
        if T<:Signed && checksign && signbit(den)
            den = -den
            signbit(den) && __throw_rational_argerror_typemin(T)
            num = -num
        return new{T}(num, den)

function Rational(n::T, d::T; safe=true, checksign=safe) where T<:Integer
    Rational{T}(n, d; safe, checksign)

using an internal, functional struct with one keyword (default false)

struct unsafe_rational{T<:Integer} <: Function end

struct Rational{T<:Integer} <: Real

    function (::Type{unsafe_rational{T}})(num::Integer, den::Integer; checksign::Bool=false) where T<:Integer
        if T<:Signed && checksign && signbit(den)
            den = -den
            signbit(den) && __throw_rational_argerror_typemin(T)
            num = -num
        return new{T}(num, den)

function Rational{T}(num::Integer, den::Integer) where T<:Integer
    num == den == zero(T) && __throw_rational_argerror_zero(T)
    num2, den2 = divgcd(num, den)
    return unsafe_rational{T}(num2, den2; checksign=true)

Discussions and Packages

Contributors (by date)

  • Tim Holy (@tim.holy)
  • Simon Byrne (@simonbyrne)
  • Stefan Karpinski (@StefanKarpinski)
  • Ian Dunning (@IanNZ)
  • Jim Garrison (@garrison)
  • Jeff Bezanson (@JeffBezanson)
  • Andy Hayden (@hayd)
  • Oscar Smith (@oscardssmith)
  • Jeffrey Sarnoff (@JeffreySarnoff)
  • Klaus Crusius (@KlausC)
  • Gilles Peiffer (@Peiffap)
  • Xing Shi Cai (@newptcai)
  • Liozou (@Liozou)
  • Kristoffer Carlsson (@KristofferC)
  • Simon Schaub (@simeonschaub)
  • Mustafa M. (@musm)
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