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Last active May 10, 2023 05:10
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JiBrok, message field, JavaScript Example: update message with priority(Service Desk).js
require(['jquery'], function($) {
function setMessage(title, body, messageType){
var jsonMessage = {}
jsonMessage.title = title
jsonMessage.body = body
jsonMessage.messageType = messageType
jsonMessage.jibrokMessageKey = true //Require for Service Desk
$('#' + CF_ID_MESSAGE).text(JSON.stringify(jsonMessage)).trigger('change')//Service Desk create request
var CF_ID_MESSAGE = 'customfield_10200'
$('#priority').on('change', function(){
if($(this).val() == 1){//1 - priority id
setMessage('New title',
'Blocker<br>' +
'error')//info, success, warning, error, change, SIMPLE_VIEW
} else {
setMessage('Just info',
'not blocker',
'info')//info, success, warning, error, change, SIMPLE_VIEW
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