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Josef Fruehwald JoFrhwld

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JoFrhwld / terror.R
Last active August 14, 2016 11:13
The most terrifying gist ever created.
#' rvest for scraping 538
#' scrape the forecast
five38 <- read_html("")
#' I'd prefer to be using the polls-pluss forecast here, but
#' can only seem to get the polls only
clinton <- five38 %>%
#' Find zero crossings in an fd object
#' @import fda
#' @import magrittr
#' @param fd an fd object
#' @param Lfdobj the derivative (0, 1, 2)
#' @param slope The slope of interest at the zero crossing
#' @param eps The prediction granularity
#' @param min Localize the zero crossing search to be greater than min
list2fd <- function(list, basis){
if(class(list[[1]]) == "fdSmooth"){
coef_list <- lapply(list, function(x)x$fd$coefs)
}else if(class(list[[1]]) == "fd"){
coef_list <- lapply(list, function(x)x$coefs)
n_coefs <- unlist(lapply(coef_list, length))
if(!all(n_coefs == max(n_coefs))) stop()
meas_files <- Sys.glob("DataDirectory/speakers/*/*.txt")
meas_files %>%
map(~fread(.)[,list(idstring = gsub("(*).txt",
JoFrhwld /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Big Data and Sociolinguistics
  • As datasets grow in size, it's going to become trivial to find "significant" effects (i.e. non-zero).
    • That isn't a problem that can be fixed by just shrinking α down.
  • We need to ask ourselves:
    1. Are the effects we're observing large enough to be interesting?
    2. How big did we expect them to be?
  • To answer (2), we need an articulated theory that can make quantitative predictions.
  • I walk through two examples where I try to predict effect sizes given background theory.
  • link:
JoFrhwld /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
non initial onset /n/
from nltk.corpus import cmudict
import string
import re
the_dict = cmudict.dict()
the_dict2 = {word: [string.join(x, sep = " ")
for x in entries]
for word, entries in the_dict.items()}
two_n = {word: entries
lifetables %>%
mutate(decade = year)%>%
mutate(prob_alive = lx/100000,
study_year = year + x)->prob_people
JoFrhwld / bootMer_ex.R
Created August 11, 2014 12:38
my bootMer
mod <- lmer(F1_n ~ plt_vclass * Decade_c * freq_c + (plt_vclass + freq_c| File) + (Decade_c|word),
data = ays_to_test)
boot_fun <- function(mod){
# x is a named vector
x <- fixef(mod)
#out is a longer named vector
JoFrhwld / dplyr_to_ggplot2.r
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
This is either awesome or perverse.
baseball %>%
summarise(r=sum(r)) %>%
ggplot(., aes(year, r)) +
#' SQL Load
#' This is function meant to be used along with ldply to read data in using sqldf.
#' @param x the path to a file to be read
#' @param selection the columns to return. Defaults to \code{"*"}
#' @param condition conditions defining which data rows to load in SQL
#' @param file.format an argument to be passed to \code{sqldf}.
#' Defaults to assume a tab-delimited file with a header row.
#' See \code{?sqldf} for more info