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StringUpper, Clipboard,Clipboard ;uppercase all
Sort, Clipboard, U CL ;sort, case insensitive, remove duplicates
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard,"m)^[_\s]*|[_\s]*$") ;removes spaces at beginning and end
;***********Remove Blank lines*******************
// Get the text you want to save to the clipboard
const textToCopy = "This text will be saved to the clipboard.";
// Create a new textarea element to hold the text
const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
textarea.value = textToCopy;
// Add the textarea element to the page
Gui, Submit ; Save the input from the user to each control's associated variable.
Filename:= (SubStr(filename,-3)=".ahk")?(SubStr(Filename,1,StrLen(Filename)-4)):Filename ;just in case they end it with .ahk
Body:=Jxon_Dump({content:Clipboard}) ;need to encode it
Data={"description": "%Descr%","public": true,"files": {"%FileName%.ahk": %Body%}} ;build data for post havnig double quotes
Obj:=ParseJSON(Send(Token,"","POST",Data)) ;make post and return information about it
Clipboard:="Use the following for a webpage post:`n<script src='" GitName "/"(SubStr(obj.url,Instr(obj.url,"/",,0)+1))".js'></script>`n`nYou can get the code here: " obj.html_url
WinGetTitle, ActiveWindow , A ;Get active title
loop 50 {
try {
} catch Error as e
sleep 20
; Want a clear path for learning AutoHotkey; Take a look at our AutoHotkey courses.
;They're structured in a way to make learning AHK EASY:
#Include <default_Settings>
Email First_Name Last_Name Joe King
; Want a clear path for learning AutoHotkey; Take a look at our AutoHotkey courses.
;They're structured in a way to make learning AHK EASY:
;~ #Include <default_Settings>
Loop,read, B:\the-automator\Cossman Billboards.txt
aa++ ;increment rows- Need to know what the last row is
Random, Random_Row, 1, %aa% ;selecat random row
; Want a clear path for learning AHK; Take a look at our AutoHotkey courses.
; They're structured in a way to make learning AHK EASY:
; Create certificate
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject "{CertName}" -CertStoreLocation "cert:\CurrentUser\My" -HashAlgorithm sha256 -type CodeSigning
; Create password
$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "{123456}" -Force -AsPlainText
Example Chat GPT-3 API call
var = 0: "Admission"1: "Student Details"2: "Alumini Details"3: "Print Student Details"
f := 1
while f
f := RegExMatch(var, x := "[" chr(34) "](\w+)[" chr(34) "]", $, f+1)
msgbox, % $1