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Created February 11, 2017 19:36
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Solutions for fun arrays
var dataset = require('./dataset.json');
create an array with accounts from bankBalances that are
greater than 100000.00
assign the resulting array to `hundredThousandairs`
var hundredThousandairs = dataset.bankBalances.filter(function(bank) {
return parseInt(bank.amount) > 100000;
set a new key for each object in bankBalances named `rounded`
the value of this key will be the `amount` rounded to the nearest dollar
"amount": "134758.44",
"state": "HI",
"rounded": 134758
assign the resulting array to `roundedDollar`
var roundedDollar = {
return {
'amount' : account.amount,
'state' : account.state,
'rounded' : Math.round(Number(account.amount))
set a the `amount` value for each object in bankBalances
to the value of `amount` rounded to the nearest 10 cents
"amount": 134758.4,
"state": "HI"
assign the resulting array to `roundedDime`
var roundedDime =, i, a) {
return {
'amount' : Math.floor(c.amount * 10) / 10,
'state' : c.state
//weird rounding explained (1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 === .33333 + .333333 + .33333 = .999999999 which is not 1, as expected )
var sumOfBankBalances = dataset.bankBalances.reduce(function(p, c, i, a) {
return p + parseFloat(c.amount); //weird rounding here
}, 0)
//round it after the fact to make it pass
sumOfBankBalances = Math.floor( sumOfBankBalances * 100 ) / 100;
set sumOfInterests to the sum of the 18.9% interest
for all amounts in bankBalances
in each of the following states
the result should be rounded to the nearest cent
var sumOfInterests = dataset.bankBalances.filter((el, i, a) => {
return [ 'WI', 'IL', 'WY', 'OH', 'GA', 'DE'].indexOf(el.state) >= 0;
.map((el, i, a) => {
return Math.round(parseFloat(el.amount) * 18.9) / 100; //interst rate
.reduce((p, c) => {
return p + c; // sum up interest rates
}, 0)
sumOfInterests = Math.round(sumOfInterests * 100) / 100; // rounded
aggregate the sum of bankBalance amounts
grouped by state
set stateSums to be a hash table
where the key is the two letter state abbreviation
and the value is the sum of all amounts from that state
the value must be rounded to the nearest cent
var stateSums = dataset.bankBalances
.reduce(function (previousAccount, currentAccount) {
// if state key does not exist, create it, and set the first amount to 0
if( !previousAccount.hasOwnProperty(currentAccount.state) ){
previousAccount[ currentAccount.state ] = 0;
// by this point, the key exists and is a Number
previousAccount[ currentAccount.state ] += parseFloat( currentAccount.amount );
// round down to cents
previousAccount[ currentAccount.state ] = Math.round( previousAccount[ currentAccount.state ] * 100 )/100;
return previousAccount;
set sumOfHighInterests to the sum of the 18.9% interest
for all amounts in bankBalances
where the amount of the sum of interests in that state is
greater than 50,000
in every state except
the result should be rounded to the nearest cent
var sumOfHighInterests = Object.keys(stateSums)
// only accounts in states that are not in the ones listed
.filter(function (state) {
return ['WI','IL','WY','OH','GA','DE'].indexOf( state ) === -1;
// convert amounts to only the interest
.map(function (stateKey) {
return {
state : stateKey,
interest : Math.round( stateSums[stateKey] * 0.189 * 100) / 100
// return array of objects
// ex: [ {state:'HI', interest:1234}, ...]
// only use interest amounts greater than 50,000
.filter(function ( account ) {
return account.interest > 50000;
// add all state interests, return rounded to cent
.reduce(function ( previousInterest, currentAccount ) {
return previousInterest + currentAccount.interest;
}, 0);
sumOfHighInterests = Math.round( sumOfHighInterests * 100) / 100;
set lowerSumStates to an array containing
only the two letter state abbreviation of each state
where the sum of amounts in the state is
less than 1,000,000
var lowerSumStates = Object.keys(stateSums).filter( state => {
if(stateSums[state] < 1000000) {
return state;
set higherStateSums to be the sum of
all amounts of every state
where the sum of amounts in the state is
greater than 1,000,000
var higherStateSums = Object.keys(stateSums).reduce( (prev, curr) => {
if(stateSums[curr] > 1000000) {
prev += stateSums[curr];
return prev
}, 0);
set areStatesInHigherStateSum to be true if
all of these states have a sum of account values
greater than 2,550,000
false otherwise
var areStatesInHigherStateSum = Object.keys(stateSums).filter( state => {
return stateSums[state] > 2550000;
}).map( state => {
switch(state) {
case 'WI':
case 'IL':
case 'WY':
case 'OH':
case 'GA':
case 'DE':
return true;
return false;
}).every( bool => {
return bool === true;
Stretch Goal && Final Boss
set anyStatesInHigherStateSum to be true if
any of these states have a sum of account values
greater than 2,550,000
false otherwise
var anyStatesInHigherStateSum = Object.keys(stateSums).filter( state => {
return stateSums[state] > 2550000;
}).map( state => {
switch(state) {
case 'WI':
case 'IL':
case 'WY':
case 'OH':
case 'GA':
case 'DE':
return true;
return false;
}).some( bool => {
return bool === true;
module.exports = {
hundredThousandairs : hundredThousandairs,
roundedDollar : roundedDollar,
roundedDime : roundedDime,
sumOfBankBalances : sumOfBankBalances,
sumOfInterests : sumOfInterests,
sumOfHighInterests : sumOfHighInterests,
stateSums : stateSums,
lowerSumStates : lowerSumStates,
higherStateSums : higherStateSums,
areStatesInHigherStateSum : areStatesInHigherStateSum,
anyStatesInHigherStateSum : anyStatesInHigherStateSum
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