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Created April 1, 2015 09:26
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Plugin Name: Civil Footnotes
Plugin URI:
Version: 1.3.1
Description: Parses and displays footnotes. Based on <a href="">WP-Foonotes</a> by <a href="">Simon Elvery</a>, and the footnote syntax pioneered by <a href="">John Gruber</a>.
Author: <a href="">Austin Sweeney</a>
// If you’d like to edit the output, scroll down to the
// “Display the footnotes” section near the end of this file.
// Some important constants
define('WP_FOOTNOTES_OPEN', " ((");
define('WP_FOOTNOTES_CLOSE', "))");
define('WP_FOOTNOTES_VERSION', '1.3.1');
// Instantiate the class
$swas_wp_footnotes = new swas_wp_footnotes();
// Encapsulate in a class
class swas_wp_footnotes {
var $current_options;
var $default_options;
* Constructor.
function swas_wp_footnotes() {
// Define the implemented option styles
$this->styles = array(
'decimal' => '1,2...10',
'decimal-leading-zero' => '01, 02...10',
'lower-alpha' => 'a,b...j',
'upper-alpha' => 'A,B...J',
'lower-roman' => 'i,ii...x',
'upper-roman' => 'I,II...X',
'symbol' => 'Symbol'
// Hook me up
add_action('the_content', array($this, 'process'), 11);
* Searches the text and extracts footnotes.
* Adds the identifier links and creats footnotes list.
* @param $data string The content of the post.
* @return string The new content with footnotes generated.
function process($data) {
global $post;
// Check for and setup the starting number
$start_number = (preg_match("|<!\-\-startnum=(\d+)\-\->|",$data,$start_number_array)==1) ? $start_number_array[1] : 1;
// Regex extraction of all footnotes (or return if there are none)
if (!preg_match_all("/(".preg_quote(WP_FOOTNOTES_OPEN)."|<footnote>)(.*)(".preg_quote(WP_FOOTNOTES_CLOSE)."|<\/footnote>)/Us", $data, $identifiers, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
return $data;
$display = true;
$footnotes = array();
$style = 'decimal';
// Create 'em
for ($i=0; $i<count($identifiers); $i++){
// Look for ref: and replace in identifiers array.
if (substr($identifiers[$i][2],0,4) == 'ref:'){
$ref = (int)substr($identifiers[$i][2],4);
$identifiers[$i]['text'] = $identifiers[$ref-1][2];
$identifiers[$i]['text'] = $identifiers[$i][2];
if (!isset($identifiers[$i]['use_footnote'])){
// Add footnote and record the key
$identifiers[$i]['use_footnote'] = count($footnotes);
$footnotes[$identifiers[$i]['use_footnote']]['text'] = $identifiers[$i]['text'];
$footnotes[$identifiers[$i]['use_footnote']]['symbol'] = ( array_key_exists( 'symbol', $identifiers[$i] ) ) ? $identifiers[$i]['symbol'] : ''; // Bugfix submitted by Greg Sullivan
$footnotes[$identifiers[$i]['use_footnote']]['identifiers'][] = $i;
// Footnotes and identifiers are stored in the array
$use_full_link = false;
if (is_feed()) $use_full_link = true;
if (is_preview()) $use_full_link = false;
// Display identifiers
$datanote = ''; // Bugfix submitted by Greg Sullivan
foreach ($identifiers as $key => $value) {
$id_num = ($style == 'decimal') ? $value['use_footnote']+$start_number : $this->convert_num($value['use_footnote']+$start_number, $style, count($footnotes));
$id_id = "rf".$id_num."-".$post->ID;
$id_href = ( ($use_full_link) ? get_permalink($post->ID) : '' ) . "#fn".$id_num."-".$post->ID;
$id_title = str_replace('"', "&quot;", htmlentities(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($value['text']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
$id_replace = '<sup id="'.$id_id.'"><a href="'.$id_href.'" title="'.$id_title.'" rel="footnote">'.$id_num.'</a></sup>';
if ($display) $data = substr_replace($data, $id_replace, strpos($data,$value[0]),strlen($value[0]));
else $data = substr_replace($data, '', strpos($data,$value[0]),strlen($value[0]));
// Display the footnotes (here is where you can change the output)
// Create each footnote
$datanote = $datanote.'<li id="fn'.$id_num.'-'.$post->ID.'">'; // You can add a class to the list item
$datanote = $datanote.'<p>'; // Before the footnote
$datanote = $datanote.$value['text'].'&nbsp;<a href="#'.$id_id.'"'; // The footnote (don't change this)
$datanote = $datanote.' class="backlink" title="Jump back to footnote '.$id_num.' in the text.">'; // You can change the class or hover text
$datanote = $datanote.'&#8617;'; // The backlink character (↩)... &#8626 (↲) is another common one
$datanote = $datanote.'</a></p></li>'; // After the footnote
// Create the footnotes
foreach ($footnotes as $key => $value) {
$data = $data.'<hr class="footnotes"><ol class="footnotes"'; // Before the footnotes
if ($start_number != '1') $data = $data.' start="'.$start_number.'"';
$data = $data.'>';
$data = $data.$datanote; // Don't change this
$data = $data.'</ol>'; // After the footnotes
return $data;
function upgrade_post($data){
$data = str_replace('<footnote>',WP_FOOTNOTES_OPEN,$data);
$data = str_replace('</footnote>',WP_FOOTNOTES_CLOSE,$data);
return $data;
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