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Created October 4, 2018 13:55
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A (slow, badly written) Python implementation of
from PIL import Image
import tqdm
import math
import vector
height = 320
width = 240
scene = {}
scene['camera'] = {
'point': [0, 1.8, 10],
'fieldOfView': 45,
'vector': [0, 3, 0]
scene['lights'] = [[-30, -10, 20]]
scene['objects'] = [
'type': 'sphere',
'point': [0, 3.5, 0],
'color': [155, 200, 155],
'specular': 0.2,
'lambert': 0.7,
'ambient': 0.1,
'radius': 3
'type': 'sphere',
'point': [1, 2, 1],
'color': [155, 155, 155],
'specular': 0.1,
'lambert': 0.9,
'ambient': 0.0,
'radius': 0.4
'type': 'sphere',
'point': [2, 1, 1],
'color': [255, 255, 255],
'specular': 0.2,
'lambert': 0.7,
'ambient': 0.1,
'radius': 1
img ='RGB', (width, height))
data = img.load()
def trace(ray, scene, depth):
if depth > 3:
distObject = intersectScene(ray, scene)
if distObject[0] == math.inf:
return vector.WHITE
dist = distObject[0]
obj = distObject[1]
pointAtTime = vector.add(ray['point'], vector.scale(ray['vector'], dist))
return surface(ray, scene, obj, pointAtTime, sphereNormal(obj, pointAtTime), depth)
def intersectScene(ray, scene):
closest = [math.inf, None]
for obj in scene['objects']:
dist= sphereIntersection(obj, ray)
if dist != None and dist < closest[0]:
closest = [dist, obj]
return closest
def sphereIntersection(sphere, ray):
eye_to_center = vector.subtract(sphere['point'], ray['point'])
v = vector.dotProduct(eye_to_center, ray['vector'])
eoDot = vector.dotProduct(eye_to_center, eye_to_center)
discriminant = (sphere['radius'] * sphere['radius']) - eoDot + (v*v)
if discriminant < 0:
return v - math.sqrt(discriminant)
def sphereNormal(sphere, pos):
return vector.unitVector(vector.subtract(pos, sphere['point']))
def surface(ray, scene, obj, pointAtTime, normal, depth):
b = obj['color']
c = vector.ZERO
lambertAmount = 0
if 'lambert' in obj:
for lightPoint in scene['lights']:
if not isLightVisible(pointAtTime, scene, lightPoint):
contribution = vector.dotProduct(vector.unitVector(vector.subtract(lightPoint, pointAtTime)), normal)
if contribution > 0:
lambertAmount += contribution
if 'specular' in obj:
reflectedRay = {
'point': pointAtTime,
'vector': vector.reflectThrough(ray['vector'], normal)
depth += 1
reflectedColor = trace(reflectedRay, scene, depth)
if reflectedColor is not None:
c = vector.add(c, vector.scale(reflectedColor, obj['specular']))
lambertAmount = min(1, lambertAmount)
return vector.add3(c,
vector.scale(b, lambertAmount * obj['lambert']),
vector.scale(b, obj['ambient']))
def isLightVisible(pt, scene, light):
distObject = intersectScene({
'point': pt,
'vector': vector.unitVector(vector.subtract(pt, light))
}, scene)
return distObject[0] > -0.005
def render(scene):
camera = scene['camera']
lights = scene['lights']
objects = scene['objects']
eyeVector = vector.unitVector(vector.subtract(camera['vector'], camera['point']))
vpRight = vector.unitVector(vector.crossProduct(eyeVector, vector.UP))
vpUp = vector.unitVector(vector.crossProduct(vpRight, eyeVector))
fovRadians = math.pi * (camera['fieldOfView']/2)/180
heightWidthRatio = height/width
halfWidth = math.tan(fovRadians)
halfHeight = heightWidthRatio * halfWidth
cameraWidth = halfWidth * 2
cameraHeight = halfHeight * 2
pixelWidth = cameraWidth / (width-1)
pixelHeight = cameraHeight / (height - 1)
ray = {
'point': camera['point']
for x in tqdm.tqdm(range(width)):
for y in range(height):
xcomp = vector.scale(vpRight, (x * pixelWidth) - halfWidth)
ycomp = vector.scale(vpUp, (y * pixelHeight) - halfHeight)
ray['vector'] = vector.unitVector(vector.add3(eyeVector, xcomp, ycomp))
color = [int(x) for x in trace(ray, scene, 0)]
data[x, y] = tuple(color)
Given the use of numpy, probably don't actually need this file at all, but I thought I'd implement it anyway to keep
function names in line with original JS code.
import numpy as np
# Vector Operations
These are general-purpose functions that deal with vectors - in this case,
three-dimensional vectors represented as objects in the form
{ x, y, z }
Since we're not using traditional object oriented techniques, these
functions take and return that sort of logic-less object, so you'll see
`add(a, b)` rather than `a.add(b)`.
# Constants
UP = [0, 1, 0]
ZERO = [0, 0, 0]
WHITE = [255, 255, 255]
# Operations
def dotProduct(a, b):
## [Dot Product](
is different than the rest of these since it takes two vectors but
returns a single number value.
return, b)
def crossProduct(a, b):
## [Cross Product](
generates a new vector that's perpendicular to both of the vectors
return np.cross(a, b)
def scale(a, t):
Enlongate or shrink a vector by a factor of `t`
return np.multiply(a, t)
def unitVector(a):
# [Unit Vector](
Turn any vector into a vector that has a magnitude of 1.
If you consider that a [unit sphere](
is a sphere with a radius of 1, a unit vector is like a vector from the
center point (0, 0, 0) to any point on its surface.
return scale(a, 1/length(a))
def add(a, b):
Add two vectors to each other, by simply combining each
of their components
return np.add(a, b)
def add3(a, b, c):
A version of `add` that adds three vectors at the same time. While
it's possible to write a clever version of `Vector.add` that takes
any number of arguments, it's not fast, so we're keeping it simple and
just making two versions.
return np.add(np.add(a, b), c)
def subtract(a, b):
Subtract one vector from another, by subtracting each component
return np.subtract(a, b)
def length(a):
return np.linalg.norm(a)
def reflectThrough(a, normal):
Given a vector `a`, which is a point in space, and a `normal`, which is
the angle the point hits a surface, returna new vector that is reflect
off of that surface
d = scale(normal, dotProduct(a, normal))
return subtract(scale(d, 2), a)
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