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Alternative version of type checking that doesn't use method_added
# convo:
# alternative to this:
# We'll ignore everything except required args, to keep it simpler
private def with_types(*ordtypes, name)
# I guess this works for main, and singleton methods on `self`, but not singleton methods
owner = is_a?(Module) ? self : method(name).owner
meth = owner.instance_method(name)
params = meth.parameters
ordtypes.size == params.size or raise TypeError, "#{ordtypes.inspect} does not match signature: #{params.inspect}"
meth.owner.define_method name do |*ords|
ords.size == ordtypes.size or raise ArgumentError, "wrong # of args, expected #{ordtypes.inspect}, got #{ords.inspect}" do |(ord, type), i|
type === ord or raise TypeError, "arg #{i} of `#{name}': #{type.inspect}, does not match #{ord.inspect}"
# Provided example
with_types Integer, Integer, def add(a, b)
a + b
add 1, 2 # => 3
add 'a', 'b' rescue $! # => #<TypeError: arg 0 of `add': Integer, does not match "a">
# With mismatched signature
with_types Integer, Integer, def add2(arg)
end rescue $! # => #<TypeError: [Integer, Integer] does not match signature: [[:req, :arg]]>
# On a class
class String
with_types String, def add(rhs)
self + rhs
"a".add "b" # => "ab"
"a".add 5 rescue $! # => #<TypeError: arg 0 of `add': String, does not match 5>
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