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Last active February 25, 2018 05:50
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iTerm2 version 3 beta has an option to pass image data in an escape sequence
# this works in Fish, prob works in Bash too, I didn't try it
# you'll probably need to install the chunky_png gem: `gem install chunky_png`
# docs:
# video:
ruby -r chunky_png -r base64 -e '
radius = 100
num_points = 200
magnitude_delta = 0.1
white = ChunkyPNG::Color.rgb 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
clear = ChunkyPNG::Color.rgba 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
to_radians = -> point { 2*Math::PI * point/num_points }
to_x = -> radians { Integer radius+radius*Math.cos(radians) }
to_y = -> radians { Integer radius+radius*Math.sin(radians) }
display_image = -> b64img { "\e]1337;File=preserveAspectRatio=1;inline=1:#{b64img}\a" }
save_cursor = "\e[s"
restore_cursor = "\e[u"
# Use C-c to kill it
magnitude = 1
1.upto Float::INFINITY do
canvas = 2*radius, 2*radius, clear
1.upto num_points do |point|
start = to_radians[point]
finish = to_radians[point*magnitude]
canvas.line to_x[start],to_y[start], to_x[finish],to_y[finish], white
img_data = Base64.encode64 canvas.to_blob(fast_rgba: true)
print "#{save_cursor}#{display_image[img_data]}#{"%0.2f"%magnitude}#{restore_cursor}"
magnitude += magnitude_delta
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