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Last active October 10, 2018 16:05
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# Based on this video:
# Screenshot:
# Animation:
require 'graphics'
require 'matrix'
class Spline < Graphics::Simulation
def initialize(points, original_fn)
super 800, 600
@points = points
@original_fn = original_fn
(@xmin, @xmax), (@ymin, @ymax) = &:minmax
@∆x = xmax - xmin
@∆y = ymax - ymin
@xmid = xmin + ∆x/2
@ymid = ymin + ∆y/2
@margin = 100 # px
@num_samples = 300
@bounds_to_coefficients = solve
register_color :orange, 0xFF, 0x88, 0x00
def draw(*)
draw_axes :white
draw_fn "Original", 0, :yellow, &original_fn
draw_fn "Spline", 1, :red do |x|
a, b, c = coefficients_for x
a*x*x + b*x + c
draw_points :orange, :white
attr_reader :points, :num_samples, :original_fn, :margin
attr_reader :∆x, :∆y
attr_reader :xmin, :xmid, :xmax
attr_reader :ymin, :ymid, :ymax
def draw_axes(color)
vline project_x(xmid), color, 0, h
hline project_y(ymid), color, 0, w
def draw_fn(label, label_index, color, &fn) do |i|
x = xmin + ∆x*i/num_samples.to_f
[x, fn[x]]
end.each_cons(2) do |p1, p2|
line *project(p1), *project(p2), color
text label, margin, h-margin-font.height*label_index, color
def draw_points(fill, stroke)
points.each { |point| circle *project(point), 5, fill, true }
points.each { |point| circle *project(point), 5, stroke, false }
def solve
# I don't understand how linear algebra works, but I looked up how to solve
# a system of equations and it told me to do this.
# Our equations are quadratic, ie:
# ax^2 + bx + c = y
# And we have one of these equations between each pair of points.
# So, we have 3 coefficients for each line. Our system of equations, then,
# is a set of equations that can have any of these coefficients set.
# So each row in our coefficients matrix contains all coefficients for
# for all lines. We restrict which ones we're talking about by zeroing out
# most coefficients, and multipying by zero is zero, so they are neutralized.
# But, the nice thing is that we can represent any set of coefficients in the
# same equation by just moving them all to one side and setting their
# coefficients at a consistent offset.
# The constants matrix is the RHS of the equation above. In that equation,
# we have a variable, `y`, but we plug a value into it, thus it can't vary.
num_lines = points.length.pred
coefficients = []
constants = []
# Translates into matrix positions
emit_row = lambda do |const, start_index, _coefficients, &block|
row = [0] * num_lines * 3
_coefficients.each_with_index do |coefficient, coef_index|
row[start_index*3+coef_index] = coefficient
quadratic_coefficients <<
constants << [const.to_f]
# Each line segment needs to end on the boundary points
points.each_cons(2).with_index do |((x1, y1), (x2, y2)), i|
emit_row[y1, i, [x1**2, x1, 1]]
emit_row[y2, i, [x2**2, x2, 1]]
# Lines intersect at the interior points
_first, *line_intersections, _last = points
# At these locations, their derivatives must match
# this is why two adjacent line segments are smooth ("continuous" in math speak)
line_intersections.each_with_index do |(x, y), i|
emit_row[0, i, [2*x, 1, 0, -2*x, -1]]
# We need 1 more equation in order to solve it. A simple enough one is to
# choose that the two lines at the ends be zero at their second derivative.
# However, I've somehow come up with setting index 0 and -1 to 1...
# The 0 makes sense, that would set `a` of line 1 to zero, (which is the same
# as saying the second derivative is zero), the -1 seems like that would
# set `c` of the last line, rather than `a`... and then, setting the value to
# 1 makes no sense, it's the second derivative, so:
# ax^2 + bx + c = y
# 2ax + b = y
# 2a = y
# So, second derivative is `2a = y`, we set `y` to zero with the first arg to
# emit_row, but then shouldn't I set the coefficients to `2` instead of `1`?
# Unfortunatley, when I do that, it breaks (ExceptionForMatrix::ErrNotRegular)
# and I can't remember how I came up with the thing below, and it seems wrong...
# except that the result of this actually looks pretty decent :/
emit_row[0, 0, []] { |row| row[0] = row[-1] = 1 }
solutions = Matrix.rows(quadratic_coefficients)
# a line is a set of a,b,c to the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = y
lines = solutions.each_slice(3).to_a
bounds = points.transpose.first.each_cons(2) lines
def coefficients_for(x)
# it's okay that they overlap on the knot b/c their values match up
# if we don't do that, then we can't ask for the value at the last knot
_, line = @bounds_to_coefficients.find { |(x1, x2), _| x1 <= x && x <= x2 }
line || @lines.last
def project((x, y))
[project_x(x), project_y(y)]
def project_x(x)
def project_y(y)
require 'matrix'
include Math
π = PI
original_fn = -> x { sin x }
points = [-π, -π*2/3, -π/3, 0, π/3, π*2/3, π].map { |x| [x, original_fn[x]] }
# => [[-3.141592653589793, -1.2246467991473532e-16],
# [-2.0943951023931953, -0.8660254037844388],
# [-1.0471975511965976, -0.8660254037844386],
# [0, 0.0],
# [1.0471975511965976, 0.8660254037844386],
# [2.0943951023931953, 0.8660254037844388],
# [3.141592653589793, 1.2246467991473532e-16]], original_fn).run
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