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José Manuel Proudinat JosmanPS

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"The MQ-4C Triton Unmanned Aircraft System (MQ-4C Triton) is an integrated System of Systems and a force multiplier for the Joint Force and Fleet Commander, enhancing battlespace awareness and shortening the sensor-to-shooter kill chain. The system provides multiple-sensor, persistent maritime and littoral Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance data collection and dissemination as well as an airborne communications relay capability to Combatant Commanders, Expeditionary Strike Group Commanders, Carrier Strike Group Commanders, and other designated U.S. and Joint Commanders. The addition of a de-icing capability over the baseline Global Hawk provides operators with the capability to transition through icing conditions. The mission sensors installed on the MQ-4C Triton provide 360 degree radar and Electro -Optical/Infrared coverage. Additional functionality that optimizes the system for maritime search operations includes an Automatic Identification System and an
width = getWidth(picOriginal)
height = getHeight(picOriginal)
picCopy = makeEmptyPicture(width, height)
for x in range(0, width):
for y in range(0, height):
pixel = getPixel(picOriginal, x, y)
color = getColor(pixel)
copy_pixel = getPixel(picCopy, x, y)
JosmanPS / date-categorizers.js
Last active July 12, 2016 05:22
Some javascript classes to create a list of categories from a range of dates by year, month or day.
DateCategorizer = class DateCategorizer {
constructor(category_period, initial_date, final_date) {
this.period = category_period;
this.initial = initial_date; = final_date;
this.categorizer = this.categorizer_factory();
this.categories = [];
JosmanPS / random_id.R
Last active March 16, 2016 22:21
Función para crear un ID aleatorio con las especificaciones de Carito
random_id <- function() {
# Random string part
r_string <- rawToChar(as.raw(sample(65:90, 3, replace=T)))
# Random numeric part
r_num <- toString(sample(0:9, 4, replace=T))
r_num <- gsub(", ", "", r_num)
return(paste0(r_string, r_num, sep=""))
JosmanPS / interval.html
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Este es el código que hice para mi función probando fuera del proyecto. Pero no pude integrarla completamente :/
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load('visualization', '1.0', {
'packages': [
JosmanPS /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Installing requirements for MEAN development in Fedora
# M O N G O D B
# Installing mongodb on Fedora 21
# Create the repo
su -
echo "[mongodb]
name=MongoDB Repository
JosmanPS / RegConfianza.m
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
Método numérico para optimización con rengiones de confianza
function x = RegConfianza(fun, maxiter, tol, delta, DELTA, etha)
% ===========================================================
% AUTHOR: Jose Manuel Proudinat Silva
% ID: 000130056
% COURSE: Analisis Aplicado
JosmanPS /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
Probar varios problemas en matlab desde shell
for line in $(cat lista);
echo "LBFGS('$line', 200, 5, 1e-4);" >> runls.m;
${matlab_exec} -nojvm -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop < runls.m;
rm runls.m;
JosmanPS /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
My script for Fedora 21 install
# Update the kernel
sudo yum update -y
# Yumex
sudo yum install -y yumex
# Extra repositories
su -c 'yum localinstall --nogpgcheck'
sudo yum check-update