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Last active August 9, 2017 20:05
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Script to inverse a given printable string to zeroing out registers (Buffer Overflow).
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# script to inverse a given printable string to zeroing out registers (Useful in Buffer Overflow).
class String
# inverse inverse a given printable string to zeroing out registers
# (Useful in Buffer Overflow).
# @return [Array] of ascii, hex, binary of the new inverted value
def inverse
self_binary = self.reverse.unpack('B*').join # To binary
complement = ~self_binary.to_i(2)
binary_inv = 31.downto(0).map { |n| complement[n] }.join
parse_binary = self_binary.split('').each_slice(8).to_a
parse_binary_inv = binary_inv.split('').each_slice(8).to_a
0.upto(3).map do |bit|
if parse_binary[bit][0] == '1'
parse_binary_inv[bit][0] = '0'
parse_binary_inv[bit][0] = '0'
binary = parse_binary_inv.join
hex = binary.to_i(2).to_s(16)
ascii = [hex].pack('H*')
puts '[!] The result is not printable(ASCII), choose another string!' unless ascii.ascii_only?
[ascii, hex, binary]
# Usage
# ruby zero-out.rb KING
value = ARGV[0]
original = [value.reverse, value.reverse.unpack('H*')[0], value.unpack('B*')[0]]
inverted = value.inverse
puts '[+] Original Value:'
puts "[•] ASCII : #{original[0]}"
puts "[•] Hex : #{original[1]}"
puts "[•] Binary: #{original[2]}"
puts '[+] Inverted Value:'
puts "[•] ASCII : #{inverted[0]}"
puts "[•] Hex : #{inverted[1]}"
puts "[•] Binary: #{inverted[2]}"
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