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Created March 3, 2020 13:57
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regexp search and replace to clear non-critical ERR and WRN statements from the KSP player.log using the Find and Replace application
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[WRN.*\] Texture resolution" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*Value is null during ValueUnitString" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[WRN.*\] WheelCollider" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[WRN.*\] BoxColliders" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\] Texture.*not found!" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\] Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[WRN.*\].*PartLoader Warning.*FTPcolorSwitch" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*DISABLED_ReflectiveShaderModule" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*ModuleCrossFeed" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*ModuleSPU" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*ModuleRTAntenna" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[WRN.*\].*Contract Log: ContractDefs cannot load" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*concave MeshColliders" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\] FloatCurve: Invalid line" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[WRN.*\] PartLoader Warning: Variable.*not found in Part" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[WRN.*\] DontDestroyOnLoad" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[WRN.*\] Cannot find preset 'High'" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*Material doesn't have a texture property" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*hasIspThrottling" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*FNPlugin.ThermalNozzleController" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[WRN.*\].*Part already contains resource 'ElectricCharge'" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[WRN.*\].*Part already contains resource 'Megajoules'" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[WRN.*\].*ShipConstruct.*part cost" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*RasterPropMonitorComputer" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*MODEL_MULTI_SHURIKEN_PERSIST" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*ModuleAnimateHeatAJEJet" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*ModuleCustomBAM" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*JSI" --replace ""
timeout 1
start D:\"Steam Games"\steamapps\common\"Kerbal Space Program v1.5.1"\fnr.exe --cl --dir "D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" --fileMask "*.log" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.txt" --useRegEx --find "\[ERR.*\].*UniversalStorage/" --replace ""
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