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<!DOCTYPE html>
<span id="name"></span><span id="place"></span><span id="month"></span><span id="adj1"></span> <span id="noun1"></span><span id="noun2"></span><span id="adj2"></span><span id="sound1"></span><span id="adverb1"></span>
var name = prompt("What is your name?");
var place = prompt('Where does this story take place?');
KalisaFalzone / PeepsFromKalisa
Created June 2, 2015 02:23
Collection of information from talking to fellow students
Emily -
Miguel - he was in the in the Navy in Florida
Nicholas - likes to surf can put his feet behind his head.
Irene - Likes making hats felting. Has a background in fashion.
Susan - Went to UCLA, is currently an Accountant. Said her worst job was a waitressing.
Evan M - taught english in Middle East and brought the board games Dominion and Carcassone with him.
Christopher -
Ted -
Sean - works in film as a director, has been in LA since he was six. Has some background in UX design
Robert - Was working on a startup a Uber for colleges. Played Rugby in Europe.
KalisaFalzone /
Created February 10, 2015 02:58
My first Gist

My first Gist and trying out Markdown

It's pretty easy to pick this up. More information on Markdown is on the Daring Fireball website. My favorite section is the Dingus which allows you to preview the code and see the html equivalent: Daring Fireball's Dingus