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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Ansible with Clojure
#!/usr/bin/env lein exec
(leiningen.exec/deps '[[clj-http-lite "0.2.1"]
[org.clojure/data.json "0.2.6"]
[slingshot "0.12.2"]])
(ns main.github
[clj-http.lite.client :as client]
[ :as json]))
(def token (System/getenv "GITHUB_TOKEN"))
(def client-id (System/getenv "GITHUB_CLIENT_ID"))
(def client-secret (System/getenv "GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET"))
(def organization-name "clojure")
(def organization-members-url (str ""organization-name"/members"))
(def organization-members-authorized-url (str organization-members-url"?client_id="client-id"&client_secret="client-secret))
(def authorization-headers {:headers {"Authorization" (str "token "token)}})
(defn- organization-members-response []
(client/get organization-members-authorized-url authorization-headers))
(defn- organization-members-response-body []
(:body (organization-members-response)))
(defn organization-members []
(json/read-str (organization-members-response-body) :key-fn keyword))
(defn user-ssh-keys-url [login]
(str ""login"/keys"))
(ns main.developers.single-developer
[clj-http.lite.client :as client]
[ :as json]))
(defn- public-keys-response-body [developer-ssh-keys-url]
(:body (client/get developer-ssh-keys-url)))
(defn- id-and-public-keys [developer-ssh-keys-url]
(let [json-result (public-keys-response-body developer-ssh-keys-url)]
(json/read-str json-result :key-fn keyword)))
(defn public-keys [user-ssh-keys-url]
(map :key (id-and-public-keys user-ssh-keys-url)))
(ns main.developers
(:require [main.github :as github]
[main.developers.single-developer :as single-developer]))
(defn- logins []
(map :login (github/organization-members)))
(defn- public-keys-urls []
(map github/user-ssh-keys-url (logins)))
(defn public-keys []
(mapcat single-developer/public-keys (public-keys-urls)))
(ns main.core
[main.developers :as developers]
[ :as json]
[slingshot.slingshot :as slingshot]))
(defn- handle-failure [body]
(let [failed-message (json/read-str body)
failed-json {:failed true :msg failed-message}]
(print failed-json)))
(defn- all-developers-public-keys []
(json/write-str {:content (developers/public-keys)}))
(print (all-developers-public-keys))
(catch [:status 401] {:keys [body]} (handle-failure body))
(catch [:status 403] {:keys [body]} (handle-failure body)))
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