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Last active June 9, 2017 06:23
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html haskell
import Data.List
main = putStr (display html)
type ClassName = String
type TagName = String
tag::TagName -> String -> String
tag name txt = "\n<"++name++">\n" ++ txt ++ "</"++name++">\n"
type AttributeName = String
type AttributeString = String
attr::AttributeName -> String -> AttributeString
attr name txt = name ++ "=" ++ txt
tagatt::TagName -> [AttributeString] -> String -> String
tagatt name att txt = "\n<" ++ name ++ " " ++ attstr ++ ">\n" ++ txt ++ "</"++name++">\n" where
attstr = intercalate "" att
qua txt = "'" ++ txt ++ "'"
data TAG = TAG TagName ClassName [ATTRIBUTE] [TAG] |Text String deriving Show
data ATTRIBUTE = Attribute AttributeName String deriving Show
type PropertyName = String
data PROPERTY = Property PropertyName String deriving Show
class DISPLAY a where
display:: a -> String
instance DISPLAY TAG where
display (TAG tagName className attributes tags) = tagatt tagName (map display ([Attribute "class" (qua className)]++attributes)) (intercalate "" (map display tags))
display (Text txt) = txt
instance DISPLAY ATTRIBUTE where
display (Attribute name txt) = attr name txt
instance DISPLAY PROPERTY where
display (Property name txt) = "\t" ++ name ++ ":" ++ txt ++ ";\n"
instance DISPLAY STYLE where
display (STYLECLASS classnames props) = intercalate "" (map (" ."++) classnames) ++ "{\n" ++ (intercalate "" (map display props)) ++ "\n}\n"
display (STYLETAG tagname props) = tagname ++ "{\n" ++ (intercalate "" (map display props)) ++ "\n}\n"
display (STYLEEMPTY) = ""
html = htmlcommon htmlall
htmlcommon = _html "" [Attribute "lang" (qua "ja")]
metacommon = _meta "" [Attribute "charset" (qua "UTF-8")] []
htmlall = [headtag "title" (style css) , body]
_meta = TAG "meta"
_html = TAG "html"
_head = TAG "head"
_body = TAG "body"
_div = TAG "div"
_p = TAG "p"
_a href= \className -> TAG "a" className [Attribute "href" (qua href)]
_title = TAG "title"
style css = TAG "style" "" [] [Text (display css)]
-- head
headtag title style = _head "" [] [metacommon,style, (_title "" [] [Text title])]
-- body
body = _body "hoge" [] [_div "box" [] [Text "Hello", _a "" "" [Text "link"]]]
-- css
css = STYLECLASS ["hoge"] [Property "background-color" "green"]
-- template
templatehtml title css bodytag = htmlcommon [headtag title (style css), bodytag]
-- emptyhtml
emptyhtml = templatehtml "title" STYLEEMPTY (_body "" [] [])
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