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head down on PhD stuff

Kathy Reid KathyReid

head down on PhD stuff
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KathyReid / news skills log
Created October 20, 2018 10:25
news skills log
pi@mark_1:/var/log/mycroft $ cat skills.log | grep -i news
06:29:56.154 - git.cmd - DEBUG - Popen(['git', 'config', 'remote.origin.url'], cwd=/opt/mycroft/skills/mycroft-npr-news.mycroftai, universal_newlines=False, shell=None)
06:29:56.728 - git.cmd - DEBUG - Popen(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=/opt/mycroft/skills/mycroft-npr-news.mycroftai, universal_newlines=False, shell=None)
06:29:57.059 - git.cmd - DEBUG - Popen(['git', 'status', '--porcelain', '--untracked=no'], cwd=/opt/mycroft/skills/mycroft-npr-news.mycroftai, universal_newlines=False, shell=None)
06:29:57.788 - git.cmd - DEBUG - Popen(['git', 'fetch'], cwd=/opt/mycroft/skills/mycroft-npr-news.mycroftai, universal_newlines=False, shell=None)
06:30:15.681 - git.cmd - DEBUG - Popen(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], cwd=/opt/mycroft/skills/mycroft-npr-news.mycroftai, universal_newlines=False, shell=None)
06:30:16.158 - git.cmd - DEBUG - Popen(['git', 'merge', '--ff-only', 'a8f58045bba6f25b789acb15710cc7780ed7c091'], cwd=/opt/mycroft/ski
KathyReid / errors.txt
Created June 26, 2018 15:13
deej cunningham score install errors
pi@mark_1:~/skills $ msm install
INFO - Downloading skill:
INFO - Successfully ran for deej-score
INFO - Installing requirements.txt for deej-score
Pip returned code 1:
Collecting datetime (from -r /opt/mycroft/skills/deej-score.deejcunningham/requirements.txt (line 2))
Downloading (60kB)
Collecting mlbgame (from -r /opt/mycroft/skills/deej-score.deejcunningham/requirements.txt (line 3))
KathyReid /
Created May 12, 2018 12:11
mycroft-core 18.2.6b Release Test on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Datestamp: Sat, 12 May 2018 21:28:28 +1000

Test of 18.2.6b dev branch on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

  • git pull origin dev including PR #1587, ** did not ** rebuild mimic => OK. One observation, it downgraded pipfrom 10.0.1 to 9.x. For reference I last rebuilt mimic about 16 hours ago from the timestamp above, so fairly recently.
  • ./ => OK, no errors
  • ./ deb, client started up OK, threw several errors on loading individual skills:

Errors displayed on loading Skills in mycroft-cli-client

NOTE: I have lots of Skills installed, but not all available Skills

  • I found issues copying from scrollback in the client, so I zero'd all my logfiles and started them fresh, then have attached them to this Gist. Key things to note are;
KathyReid /
Created April 5, 2018 10:18

IRC skill

  • Platform: Mark 1 running 18.2.3b software
  • Who: Kathy Reid (@kathyreid / @kathy-mycroft)
  • Datestamp Thursday 5 April 19:50:11 AEST 2018
  • Language and dialect of tester English native speaker, Australian accent

How to install Skill

To install just say Hey Mycroft, install irc skill

KathyReid /
Created April 4, 2018 16:14
Skill Test of IRC Skill for @merspieler

IRC skill

  • Platform: Mark 1 running 18.2.3b software
  • Who: Kathy Reid (@kathyreid / @kathy-mycroft)
  • Datestamp Thursday 5 April 01:52:24 AEST 2018
  • Language and dialect of tester English native speaker, Australian accent

How to install Skill

To install just say Hey Mycroft, install irc skill Verbal installation worked, Skill installed

KathyReid /
Last active March 31, 2018 01:06
Skill Review Template

Review of skill-subsonic-media

Standard checks (non-code checks)

  • Check name of Skill skill-subsonic-media is unlikely to conflict with other vocal install Skill X commands = there are no similar phonemes for subsonic, but several for media. This Skill would still be the only one picked up on an install subsonic Utterance => I'm OK with it
  • Check dialog - from a voice user interface perspective the dialog works well. I ran the .dialog through mimic ( and would like to recommend changing Playing the requested media from Subsonic to Now playing the requested media from sub sonic - the 'now playing' is more in line with other dialogs, and the space in between sub and sonic means that Mimic adds a slight pause which makes the TTS just slightly nicer.
  • Check vocab - the play Intent, even though it uses fuzzywuzzy matching, is likely to conflict with other play Intents if the user has multiple playback Skills. This is part of a br

Skill Testing Template

The purpose of this template is to help a Mycroft Community Skill Developer outline how a Community Member can install, configure, and test the Skill. This template is aimed at making Skills easier to test, and thereby increasing the quality of Skills deployed.

Skill Name <- replace this with the name of the Skill you're testing

  • Platform <- which platform is the test being run on? ie Picroft, Mark 1, Linux
  • Device version <-- what Mycroft version is the device running, ie 18.02
  • Who <-- who is running the test
  • Datestamp <-- time and date
  • Language and dialect of tester <-- ie "English, Australian" so that we can identify any key language issues
KathyReid /
Last active January 17, 2018 07:00
Kathy's linuxconfau packing list

@KathyReid's packing list

Personal protective equipment

  • Water bottle
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Mini first aid - hand sanitiser, band aids, roll on insect repellant etc
  • Neck pillow for travelling
  • Umbrella / mac / poncho
Loading mixed (insecure) display content “” on a secure page[Learn More] global.main.d4fdde8a.js:41:74855
Loading mixed (insecure) display content “” on a secure page[Learn More] global.main.d4fdde8a.js:41:74855
Loading mixed (insecure) display content “” on a secure page[Learn More] global.main.d4fdde8a.js:41:74855
Blocked loading mixed active content “”[Learn More] global.main.d4fdde8a.js:41:88647
Blocked loading mixed active content “”[Learn More] global.main.d4fdde8a.js:41:88647
Blocked loading mixed active content “
KathyReid /
Created September 19, 2016 09:42

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am kathyreid on github.
  • I am kathyreid ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is A683 CEAB 1EC5 8CA9 31C8 651D 4374 D2CE 4E26 4F06

To claim this, I am signing this object: