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Created May 5, 2024 08:29
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  • Save KaziiTheAvali/1e705a65e3878c44efefb954858a69d9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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all populated debug for qptech
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Debug] Creating game window with window mode Fullscreen
5.5.2024 03:26:21.478 [VerboseDebug] Loadsounds, found 48 sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:23.073 [VerboseDebug] [VSCreativeMod.dll] Check for mod systems in mod /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSCreativeMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:23.128 [VerboseDebug] [VSCreativeMod.dll] Selected assembly /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSCreativeMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:23.148 [VerboseDebug] [VSEssentials.dll] Check for mod systems in mod /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSEssentials.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:23.155 [VerboseDebug] [VSEssentials.dll] Selected assembly /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSEssentials.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:23.157 [VerboseDebug] [VSSurvivalMod.dll] Check for mod systems in mod /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSSurvivalMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:23.166 [VerboseDebug] [VSSurvivalMod.dll] Selected assembly /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSSurvivalMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:23.257 [VerboseDebug] Left bottom main menu text is at 13/1019.7 w/h 300,52.3
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Debug] GuiScreenConnectingToServer constructed
5.5.2024 03:26:38.248 [VerboseDebug] Received server assets packet; waiting on light levels packet before decoding.
5.5.2024 03:26:38.277 [VerboseDebug] Handling ServerIdentification packet; requires remapping is False
5.5.2024 03:26:38.279 [VerboseDebug] Received world meta data
5.5.2024 03:26:38.288 [VerboseDebug] Received server assets
5.5.2024 03:26:38.294 [VerboseDebug] [VSCreativeMod.dll] Check for mod systems in mod /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSCreativeMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:38.297 [VerboseDebug] [VSCreativeMod.dll] Selected assembly /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSCreativeMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:38.298 [VerboseDebug] [VSEssentials.dll] Check for mod systems in mod /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSEssentials.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:38.301 [VerboseDebug] [VSEssentials.dll] Selected assembly /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSEssentials.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:38.303 [VerboseDebug] [VSSurvivalMod.dll] Check for mod systems in mod /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSSurvivalMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:38.309 [VerboseDebug] [VSSurvivalMod.dll] Selected assembly /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSSurvivalMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:38.314 [VerboseDebug] [qptech] Check for mod systems in mod /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Cache/unpack/qptech1.15.1.zip_ae11d7cc32f3/qptech.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:38.315 [VerboseDebug] [qptech] Loaded assembly /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Cache/unpack/qptech1.15.1.zip_ae11d7cc32f3/qptech.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:38.315 [VerboseDebug] 4 assemblies loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:38.315 [VerboseDebug] Instantiate mod systems for qptech
5.5.2024 03:26:38.315 [VerboseDebug] Instantiate mod systems for game
5.5.2024 03:26:38.315 [VerboseDebug] Instantiate mod systems for creative
5.5.2024 03:26:38.315 [VerboseDebug] Instantiate mod systems for survival
5.5.2024 03:26:38.323 [VerboseDebug] Single player game - starting mods on the client-side
5.5.2024 03:26:38.609 [VerboseDebug] Server assets - done step 1, next steps off-thread
5.5.2024 03:26:38.609 [VerboseDebug] Searching file system (including mods) for asset files
5.5.2024 03:26:38.706 [VerboseDebug] Finished the search for asset files
5.5.2024 03:26:38.711 [VerboseDebug] Populated 607 EntityTypes from server
5.5.2024 03:26:38.742 [VerboseDebug] Loaded lang file: en
5.5.2024 03:26:38.756 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 0: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.756 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 1: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.756 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 2: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.756 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 3: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.756 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 4: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.756 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 5: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.756 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 6: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.756 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 7: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.756 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 8: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.756 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 9: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.757 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 0: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.757 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 1: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.757 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 2: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.757 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 3: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.757 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 4: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.757 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 5: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.757 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 6: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.757 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/keepinventory.json, patch 0: Unmet IsValue condition (keep!=drop)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.758 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/cabinets.json, patch 0: Unmet DependsOn condition (carrycapacity)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.758 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/cabinets.json, patch 1: Unmet DependsOn condition (carryon)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.763 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 0: Unmet DependsOn condition (carrycapacity)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.763 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 1: Unmet DependsOn condition (carrycapacity)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.763 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 2: Unmet DependsOn condition (carrycapacity)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.763 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 3: Unmet DependsOn condition (carrycapacity)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.763 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 4: Unmet DependsOn condition (carryon)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.763 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 5: Unmet DependsOn condition (carryon)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.763 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 6: Unmet DependsOn condition (carryon)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.763 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 7: Unmet DependsOn condition (carryon)
5.5.2024 03:26:38.764 [VerboseDebug] Patchloader finished
5.5.2024 03:26:38.767 [VerboseDebug] All client-side assets loaded and patched; configs, shapes, textures and sounds are now available for loading
5.5.2024 03:26:38.781 [VerboseDebug] Starting to load entity shapes
5.5.2024 03:26:38.782 [VerboseDebug] Entity shape loading starting ...
5.5.2024 03:26:38.987 [VerboseDebug] Populated 3420 ItemTypes from server, highest ItemID is 3419
5.5.2024 03:26:38.987 [VerboseDebug] Starting to load item shapes
5.5.2024 03:26:38.996 [VerboseDebug] [LoadShapes] Searched through items...
5.5.2024 03:26:39.915 [VerboseDebug] Entity shape loading completed
5.5.2024 03:26:39.947 [VerboseDebug] Loaded 24 ColorMap textures
5.5.2024 03:26:39.947 [VerboseDebug] Loadsounds, found 491 sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:40.178 [VerboseDebug] Populated 10484 BlockTypes from server, highest BlockID is 10483
5.5.2024 03:26:40.178 [VerboseDebug] Starting to load block shapes
5.5.2024 03:26:40.183 [VerboseDebug] Server assets - composing entity texture atlas on main thread
5.5.2024 03:26:40.195 [VerboseDebug] Resolved blocks and items stacks and drops
5.5.2024 03:26:40.199 [VerboseDebug] Server assets - done entity textures composition
5.5.2024 03:26:40.199 [VerboseDebug] [LoadShapes] Searching through blocks...
5.5.2024 03:26:40.201 [VerboseDebug] Server assets - done entity textures mipmap creation
5.5.2024 03:26:40.204 [VerboseDebug] Server assets - done entity textures random and average color collection
5.5.2024 03:26:40.488 [VerboseDebug] [LoadShapes] Searched through 10484 blocks
5.5.2024 03:26:40.488 [VerboseDebug] [LoadShapes] Starting to parse block shapes...
5.5.2024 03:26:40.489 [VerboseDebug] [LoadShapes] loaded 4 block shapes in obj and gltf formats
5.5.2024 03:26:40.925 [VerboseDebug] [LoadShapes] parsed 290 shapes from JSON (4th block loading thread)
5.5.2024 03:26:40.925 [VerboseDebug] [LoadShapes] parsed 333 shapes from JSON for 10484 blocks, some others done offthread
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Notification] Client logger started.
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Notification] Game Version: v1.19.7 (Stable)
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Notification] Process path: /usr/share/vintagestory/Vintagestory
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Notification] Operating System: Linux (Garuda Linux) [Kernel]
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Notification] CPU Cores: 16
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Notification] Available RAM: 32013 MB
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] OpenAL Initialized. Available Mono/Stereo Sources: 255/1
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Graphics Card Vendor: AMD
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Graphics Card Version: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.0.6-arch1.2
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Graphics Card Renderer: AMD Radeon RX 5700 (radeonsi, navi10, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.57, 6.8.9-zen1-1-zen)
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Graphics Card ShadingLanguageVersion: 4.60
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] GL.MaxVertexUniformComponents: 16384
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] GL.MaxUniformBlockSize: 2147483647
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] C# Framework: .net 7.0.18
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Cairo Graphics Version: 1.18.0
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] OpenAL Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.23.0
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Zstd Version: 1.5.5
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Start discovering assets
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 25 base assets in category lang
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 24 base assets in category config
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 48 base assets in category sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 95 base assets in category shapes
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 72 base assets in category shaders
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 16 base assets in category shaderincludes
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 133 base assets in category textures
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 4 base assets in category music
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category dialog
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Found 417 base assets in total
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loading sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass .
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Sounds loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Begin loading shaders
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Load shaders now
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loading shaders...
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass standard.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlescube.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sky.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass nightsky.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass woittest.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass transparentcompose.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass debugdepthbuffer.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass helditem.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkopaque.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkliquid.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass decals.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass final.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass gui.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blur.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktransparent.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass findbright.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktopsoil.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass godrays.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass autocamera.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blockhighlights.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass wireframe.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass luma.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blit.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad2d.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapentityanimated.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapgeneric.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass texture2texture.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass celestialobject.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guitopsoil.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass colorgrade.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guigear.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass ssao.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Notification] Cached session key is valid, validating with server
5.5.2024 03:26:23 [Notification] Server validation response: Good
5.5.2024 03:26:23 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
5.5.2024 03:26:23 [Notification] /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:23 [Notification] /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Initialized GUI Manager
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Initialized Server Connection
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Server args parsed
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Server main instantiated
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Processed server identification
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Map initialized
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Received server assets
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Loading and pre-starting client side mods...
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 4 mods (0 disabled)
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: qptech, game, creative, survival
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Instantiated 125 mod systems from 4 enabled mods
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Done loading and pre-starting client side mods.
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@/usr/share/vintagestory/assets/creative/, modorigin@/usr/share/vintagestory/assets/survival/,
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 3 external assets in category lang
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 11 external assets in category patches
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 64 external assets in category config
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 25 external assets in category worldproperties
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 443 external assets in category sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 3817 external assets in category shapes
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 13 external assets in category shaders
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category shaderincludes
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 5785 external assets in category textures
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 68 external assets in category music
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 18 external assets in category dialog
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category compatibility
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Reloaded lang file now with mod assets
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 0 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 14 patches total, successfully applied 6 patches, unmet conditions on 28 patches, no errors
5.5.2024 03:26:39 [Notification] Reloaded sounds, now with mod assets
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Notification] Received 3420 item types from server
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Notification] Loaded 10484 block types from server
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x2048 entities texture atlases from 434 textures
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Warning] Did not find required shape machines:shapes/block/metal/electric/light/bulb-on.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for block machines:lightbulb-on)
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Warning] Did not find required shape machines:shapes/block/metal/electric/light/bulb-off.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for block machines:lightbulb-off)
5.5.2024 03:26:29.376 [VerboseDebug] Entering runphase Initialization
5.5.2024 03:26:29.383 [VerboseDebug] Entering runphase Configuration
5.5.2024 03:26:29.609 [VerboseDebug] Entering runphase LoadAssets
5.5.2024 03:26:29.616 [VerboseDebug] [VSCreativeMod.dll] Check for mod systems in mod /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSCreativeMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:29.625 [VerboseDebug] [VSCreativeMod.dll] Selected assembly /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSCreativeMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:29.626 [VerboseDebug] [VSEssentials.dll] Check for mod systems in mod /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSEssentials.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:29.658 [VerboseDebug] [VSEssentials.dll] Selected assembly /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSEssentials.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:29.659 [VerboseDebug] [VSSurvivalMod.dll] Check for mod systems in mod /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSSurvivalMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:29.666 [VerboseDebug] [VSSurvivalMod.dll] Selected assembly /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods/VSSurvivalMod.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:29.959 [VerboseDebug] [qptech] Check for mod systems in mod /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Cache/unpack/qptech1.15.1.zip_ae11d7cc32f3/qptech.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:29.967 [VerboseDebug] [qptech] Loaded assembly /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Cache/unpack/qptech1.15.1.zip_ae11d7cc32f3/qptech.dll
5.5.2024 03:26:29.967 [VerboseDebug] 4 assemblies loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:29.967 [VerboseDebug] Instantiate mod systems for qptech
5.5.2024 03:26:29.970 [VerboseDebug] Instantiate mod systems for game
5.5.2024 03:26:29.978 [VerboseDebug] Instantiate mod systems for creative
5.5.2024 03:26:29.979 [VerboseDebug] Instantiate mod systems for survival
5.5.2024 03:26:30.035 [VerboseDebug] Searching file system (including mods) for asset files
5.5.2024 03:26:30.095 [VerboseDebug] Finished building index of asset files
5.5.2024 03:26:30.118 [VerboseDebug] Reloaded lang file with mod assets
5.5.2024 03:26:30.153 [VerboseDebug] Started mods
5.5.2024 03:26:30.164 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 0: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.164 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 1: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.164 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 2: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.164 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 3: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.164 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 4: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.164 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 5: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.164 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 6: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.164 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 7: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.164 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 8: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.164 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/fallingblocks.json, patch 9: Unmet IsValue condition (sandgravelsoil!=sandgravel)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.172 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 0: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.172 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 1: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.172 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 2: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.172 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 3: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.172 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 4: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.172 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 5: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.172 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/homosapiens.json, patch 6: Unmet IsValue condition (false!=True)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.172 [VerboseDebug] Patch file game:patches/keepinventory.json, patch 0: Unmet IsValue condition (keep!=drop)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.208 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/cabinets.json, patch 0: Unmet DependsOn condition (carrycapacity)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.208 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/cabinets.json, patch 1: Unmet DependsOn condition (carryon)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.208 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 0: Unmet DependsOn condition (carrycapacity)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.208 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 1: Unmet DependsOn condition (carrycapacity)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.208 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 2: Unmet DependsOn condition (carrycapacity)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.208 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 3: Unmet DependsOn condition (carrycapacity)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.208 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 4: Unmet DependsOn condition (carryon)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.208 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 5: Unmet DependsOn condition (carryon)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.208 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 6: Unmet DependsOn condition (carryon)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.208 [VerboseDebug] Patch file machines:patches/itemhatches.json, patch 7: Unmet DependsOn condition (carryon)
5.5.2024 03:26:30.208 [VerboseDebug] Patchloader finished
5.5.2024 03:26:30.210 [VerboseDebug] Starting to gather blocktypes, itemtypes and entities
5.5.2024 03:26:30.330 [VerboseDebug] Starting parsing ItemTypes in 6 threads
5.5.2024 03:26:30.921 [VerboseDebug] Gathered all types, starting to load items
5.5.2024 03:26:31.489 [VerboseDebug] Took time to parse 152 variants of antler
5.5.2024 03:26:32.351 [VerboseDebug] Parsed and loaded items
5.5.2024 03:26:35.365 [VerboseDebug] Parsed and loaded blocks
5.5.2024 03:26:35.376 [VerboseDebug] Parsed and loaded entities
5.5.2024 03:26:35.379 [VerboseDebug] BlockID Remapper: Begin
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Debug] Block IDs not found in savegame.
5.5.2024 03:26:35.390 [VerboseDebug] Max BlockID is 10483
5.5.2024 03:26:35.399 [VerboseDebug] Found 0 blocks requiring remapping and 10484 new blocks
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Debug] Found 0 missing blocks
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Debug] Added 10484 new blocks to the mapping
5.5.2024 03:26:35.419 [VerboseDebug] Block IDs have been written to savegame
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Debug] ItemID Remapper: Begin
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Debug] Item IDs not found in savegame.
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Debug] Found 0 Item requiring remapping
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Debug] Found 0 missing Items
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Debug] Added 3419 new Items to the mapping
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Debug] Item IDs have been written to savegame
5.5.2024 03:26:36.004 [VerboseDebug] Block simulation resolving collectibles
5.5.2024 03:26:36.014 [VerboseDebug] Resolved blocks stacks
5.5.2024 03:26:36.016 [VerboseDebug] Resolved items stacks
5.5.2024 03:26:36.016 [VerboseDebug] Entering runphase AssetsFinalize
5.5.2024 03:26:36.396 [VerboseDebug] Entering runphase LoadGamePre
5.5.2024 03:26:36.396 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: Core
5.5.2024 03:26:36.396 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: EntityPartitioning
5.5.2024 03:26:36.396 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ErrorReporter
5.5.2024 03:26:36.396 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenTerra
5.5.2024 03:26:36.397 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenSnowLayer
5.5.2024 03:26:36.398 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemControlPoints
5.5.2024 03:26:36.398 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: Core
5.5.2024 03:26:36.398 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: SurvivalCoreSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenTerraPostProcess
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModCompatiblityUtil
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModJsonPatchLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModdedFirePit
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: HVACEnvironmentUpdater
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: TextureTestLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: EntityHopper
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: FirepitLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: FirepitStoker
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: FirepitUnloader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: IceBox
5.5.2024 03:26:36.399 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: QPTECHLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.400 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: FlexNetworkManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36.400 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: AniTestLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.400 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: BEBlockSeekerLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.400 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: LoadPowerSink
5.5.2024 03:26:36.400 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: MBTLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.400 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: PathfindSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36.400 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: PathFindDebug
5.5.2024 03:26:36.400 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: PathfindingAsync
5.5.2024 03:26:36.401 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: JsonExport
5.5.2024 03:26:36.401 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModBasicBlocksLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.401 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
5.5.2024 03:26:36.401 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemSyncHarvestableDropsToClient
5.5.2024 03:26:36.401 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemEmotes
5.5.2024 03:26:36.401 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: LeafBlockDecay
5.5.2024 03:26:36.401 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: POIRegistry
5.5.2024 03:26:36.402 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: RoomRegistry
5.5.2024 03:26:36.402 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: WeatherSystemCommands
5.5.2024 03:26:36.402 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: WeatherSystemServer
5.5.2024 03:26:36.442 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: WorldMapManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36.442 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: WorldEdit
5.5.2024 03:26:36.449 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: DebugSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36.449 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: UpgradeTasks
5.5.2024 03:26:36.450 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ChiselBlockBulkSetMaterial
5.5.2024 03:26:36.450 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemDetailModeSync
5.5.2024 03:26:36.450 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: NpcControl
5.5.2024 03:26:36.452 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
5.5.2024 03:26:36.452 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenFromHeightmap
5.5.2024 03:26:36.452 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenMaps
5.5.2024 03:26:36.453 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenRockStrataNew
5.5.2024 03:26:36.453 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenHotSprings
5.5.2024 03:26:36.453 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenCreatures
5.5.2024 03:26:36.453 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: WgenCommands
5.5.2024 03:26:36.456 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemExplosionAffectedStability
5.5.2024 03:26:36.456 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: MyceliumSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36.457 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModsystemButterflySpawnCondsExtra
5.5.2024 03:26:36.457 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemCatchCreature
5.5.2024 03:26:36.457 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemGliding
5.5.2024 03:26:36.457 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ClutterBookshelfUtil
5.5.2024 03:26:36.457 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36.457 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemResoArchiveCommands
5.5.2024 03:26:36.458 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
5.5.2024 03:26:36.459 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemAuction
5.5.2024 03:26:36.459 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemBlockReinforcement
5.5.2024 03:26:36.460 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: Core
5.5.2024 03:26:36.460 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: CharacterSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36.460 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: DialogueSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36.460 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: FruitingSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36.461 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemCommandHandbook
5.5.2024 03:26:36.461 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemTutorial
5.5.2024 03:26:36.461 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemCorpseReturnTeleporter
5.5.2024 03:26:36.461 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemNightVision
5.5.2024 03:26:36.461 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModJournal
5.5.2024 03:26:36.462 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: LiquidItemStackRenderer
5.5.2024 03:26:36.462 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemStructureLocator
5.5.2024 03:26:36.462 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModLootRandomizer
5.5.2024 03:26:36.462 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemRifts
5.5.2024 03:26:36.462 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemRiftWeather
5.5.2024 03:26:36.465 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSleeping
5.5.2024 03:26:36.465 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
5.5.2024 03:26:36.465 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: TeleporterManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36.466 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModTemperature
5.5.2024 03:26:36.466 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: SystemTemporalStability
5.5.2024 03:26:36.466 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: TemporalStabilityEffects
5.5.2024 03:26:36.466 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemWearableStats
5.5.2024 03:26:36.466 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemEditableBook
5.5.2024 03:26:36.467 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: MechanicalPowerMod
5.5.2024 03:26:36.467 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenDungeons
5.5.2024 03:26:36.530 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModRegistryObjectTypeLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.530 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenDeposits
5.5.2024 03:26:36.530 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenStoryStructures
5.5.2024 03:26:36.531 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: LoadColorMaps
5.5.2024 03:26:36.531 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenCaves
5.5.2024 03:26:36.532 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenStructures
5.5.2024 03:26:36.532 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ClothManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36.532 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenBlockLayersFlat
5.5.2024 03:26:36.533 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenBlockLayers
5.5.2024 03:26:36.533 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenPonds
5.5.2024 03:26:36.533 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenStructuresPosPass
5.5.2024 03:26:36.533 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenVegetationAndPatches
5.5.2024 03:26:36.534 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: RecipeRegistrySystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36.534 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenRivulets
5.5.2024 03:26:36.534 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenLightCreative
5.5.2024 03:26:36.534 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GenLightSurvival
5.5.2024 03:26:36.534 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: GridRecipeLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.534 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: RecipeLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36.534 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemOreMap
5.5.2024 03:26:36.534 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: ModSystemSnowballs
5.5.2024 03:26:36.534 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: TraderOutfits
5.5.2024 03:26:36.534 [VerboseDebug] Starting system: DisableRecipeRegisteringSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36.552 [VerboseDebug] Entity shape loading starting ...
5.5.2024 03:26:37.143 [VerboseDebug] Entity shape loading completed
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Debug] Loading leaf block decay system
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Debug] Finished loading leaf block decay system
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Debug] Block simulation loaded blocks
5.5.2024 03:26:37.600 [VerboseDebug] Initialised GenRockStrata
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Debug] Block simulation loaded items
5.5.2024 03:26:37.625 [VerboseDebug] Entering runphase LoadGame
5.5.2024 03:26:37.646 [VerboseDebug] Entering runphase WorldReady
5.5.2024 03:26:37.651 [VerboseDebug] Starting to build server assets packet
5.5.2024 03:26:37.653 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenTerra
5.5.2024 03:26:37.655 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenSnowLayer
5.5.2024 03:26:37.656 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenMaps
5.5.2024 03:26:37.673 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenRockStrataNew
5.5.2024 03:26:37.674 [VerboseDebug] Initialised GenRockStrata
5.5.2024 03:26:37.674 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenHotSprings
5.5.2024 03:26:37.674 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenCreatures
5.5.2024 03:26:37.686 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for WgenCommands
5.5.2024 03:26:37.996 [VerboseDebug] Initialised GenDeposits
5.5.2024 03:26:38.246 [VerboseDebug] Finished building server assets packet
5.5.2024 03:26:38.248 [VerboseDebug] Single player: sent server assets packet to client
5.5.2024 03:26:38.963 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenDeposits
5.5.2024 03:26:38.981 [VerboseDebug] Initialised GenDeposits
5.5.2024 03:26:38.981 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenStoryStructures
5.5.2024 03:26:39.885 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenCaves
5.5.2024 03:26:39.885 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenStructures
5.5.2024 03:26:41.974 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenBlockLayers
5.5.2024 03:26:41.976 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenPonds
5.5.2024 03:26:41.977 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenVegetationAndPatches
5.5.2024 03:26:42.044 [VerboseDebug] Init worldgen for GenRivulets
5.5.2024 03:26:42.044 [VerboseDebug] Done all worldgens
5.5.2024 03:26:42.050 [VerboseDebug] Starting area loading/generation: columns 49, total queue length 49
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Event] Launching server...
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Event] Server v1.19.7, network v1.19.8, api v1.19.0
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Event] Loading configuration...
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Event] Building assets...
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] Remapping blocks and items...
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 8 cooking recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 797 crafting recipes loaded from 350 files
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 9 metal alloys loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 280 smithing recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 55 clay forming recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 36 knapping recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 143 barrel recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Event] Server assets loaded, parsed, registered and finalized
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Event] Initialising systems...
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Event] Starting world generators...
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Event] Loading 7x7x8 spawn chunks...
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Event] 0% (49 in queue)
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Server logger started.
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Game Version: v1.19.7 (Stable)
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Event] Launching server...
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Event] Server v1.19.7, network v1.19.8, api v1.19.0
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Entering runphase Initialization
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Event] Loading configuration...
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Entering runphase Configuration
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Loading savegame
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Create new save game data. Playstyle: surviveandbuild
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Default spawn was set in serverconfig, resetting for safety.
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Savegame /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Saves/creepy kingdom tales.vcdbs loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] World size = 1024000 256 1024000
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Start discovering assets
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 1 base assets in category blocktypes
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category itemtypes
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 25 base assets in category lang
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 24 base assets in category config
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 48 base assets in category sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 95 base assets in category shapes
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 133 base assets in category textures
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category recipes
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldgen
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 3 base assets in category entities
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 329 base assets in total
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Event] Building assets...
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadAssets
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Found 4 mods (0 disabled)
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: qptech, game, creative, survival
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Instantiated 125 mod systems from 4 enabled mods
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@/usr/share/vintagestory/assets/creative/, modorigin@/usr/share/vintagestory/assets/survival/,
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 519 external assets in category blocktypes
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 281 external assets in category itemtypes
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 3 external assets in category lang
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 11 external assets in category patches
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 64 external assets in category config
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 25 external assets in category worldproperties
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 443 external assets in category sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 3817 external assets in category shapes
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 5785 external assets in category textures
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 493 external assets in category recipes
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 478 external assets in category worldgen
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 65 external assets in category entities
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category compatibility
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Reloaded lang file with mod assets
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 0 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 14 patches total, successfully applied 14 patches, unmet conditions on 28 patches, no errors
5.5.2024 03:26:32 [Notification] Loaded 3419 unique items
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Notification] Loaded 10482 unique blocks
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Notification] Loaded 607 unique entities
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Notification] BlockLoader: Entities, Blocks and Items loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] Remapping blocks and items...
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 8 cooking recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 797 crafting recipes loaded from 350 files
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 9 metal alloys loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 280 smithing recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 55 clay forming recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 36 knapping recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Warning] Barrel recipe barrel recipe machines:recipes/barrel/cable.json, ingredient machines:liquidrubberportion does not define a litres attribute but a quantity, will assume quantity=litres for backwards compatibility.
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] 143 barrel recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Entering runphase AssetsFinalize
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Event] Server assets loaded, parsed, registered and finalized
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Event] Initialising systems...
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadGamePre
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Reloaded 19 weather patterns, 5 wind patterns and 5 weather events
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Started 109 systems on Server:
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game):
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModCompatiblityUtil
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.Essentials.PathFindDebug
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindingAsync
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.JsonExport
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModBasicBlocksLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSyncHarvestableDropsToClient
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEmotes
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.LeafBlockDecay
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemServer
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModRegistryObjectTypeLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ClothManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GridRecipeLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival):
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerra
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenSnowLayer
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemControlPoints
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerraPostProcess
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ChiselBlockBulkSetMaterial
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemDetailModeSync
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NpcControl
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRockStrataNew
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenHotSprings
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCreatures
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.WgenCommands
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemExplosionAffectedStability
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.MyceliumSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModsystemButterflySpawnCondsExtra
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCatchCreature
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemGliding
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ClutterBookshelfUtil
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemResoArchiveCommands
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemAuction
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.Core
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.DialogueSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.FruitingSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCommandHandbook
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemTutorial
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCorpseReturnTeleporter
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemNightVision
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.LiquidItemStackRenderer
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemStructureLocator
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRifts
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRiftWeather
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.TemporalStabilityEffects
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEditableBook
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDungeons
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDeposits
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.GenStoryStructures
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCaves
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructures
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayers
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenPonds
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructuresPosPass
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenVegetationAndPatches
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.RecipeRegistrySystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.RecipeLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemOreMap
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSnowballs
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.DisableRecipeRegisteringSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative):
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayersFlat
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightCreative
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Mod '' (qptech):
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModdedFirePit
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.HVACEnvironmentUpdater
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.TextureTestLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.EntityHopper
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.FirepitLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.FirepitStoker
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.FirepitUnloader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.IceBox
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.QPTECHLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.networks.FlexNetworkManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.misc.AniTestLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.misc.BEBlockSeekerLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.misc.LoadPowerSink
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Notification] qptech.src.misc.MBTLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Notification] Server map set
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadGame
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Notification] Entering runphase WorldReady
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Event] Starting world generators...
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Notification] Sending server identification with remap False. Server control privilege is True
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Notification] Reloaded 35 tree generators
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Event] Loading 7x7x8 spawn chunks...
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Event] 0% (49 in queue)
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Event] It begins...
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Event] It senses...
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Event] It remembers...
5.5.2024 03:26:32 [Event] All that came before...
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] Taste and smell...
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] Grand inventions...
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] Glimmers in the soil...
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] Burning sparks...
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] Molded forms...
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Event] Simple tools...
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Event] A world unbroken...
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Event] The center unfolding...
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Event] The carved mountains...
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Client Notification] Client logger started.
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Client Notification] Game Version: v1.19.7 (Stable)
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Client Notification] Process path: /usr/share/vintagestory/Vintagestory
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Client Notification] Operating System: Linux (Garuda Linux) [Kernel]
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Client Notification] CPU Cores: 16
5.5.2024 03:26:20 [Client Notification] Available RAM: 32013 MB
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Debug] Creating game window with window mode Fullscreen
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] OpenAL Initialized. Available Mono/Stereo Sources: 255/1
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Graphics Card Vendor: AMD
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Graphics Card Version: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.0.6-arch1.2
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Graphics Card Renderer: AMD Radeon RX 5700 (radeonsi, navi10, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.57, 6.8.9-zen1-1-zen)
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Graphics Card ShadingLanguageVersion: 4.60
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] GL.MaxVertexUniformComponents: 16384
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] GL.MaxUniformBlockSize: 2147483647
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] C# Framework: .net 7.0.18
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Cairo Graphics Version: 1.18.0
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] OpenAL Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.23.0
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Zstd Version: 1.5.5
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Start discovering assets
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 25 base assets in category lang
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 24 base assets in category config
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 48 base assets in category sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 95 base assets in category shapes
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 72 base assets in category shaders
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 16 base assets in category shaderincludes
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 133 base assets in category textures
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 4 base assets in category music
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 0 base assets in category dialog
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Found 417 base assets in total
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loading sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass .
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Sounds loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Begin loading shaders
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Load shaders now
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loading shaders...
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass standard.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlescube.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sky.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass nightsky.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass woittest.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass transparentcompose.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass debugdepthbuffer.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass helditem.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkopaque.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkliquid.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass decals.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass final.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass gui.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blur.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktransparent.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass findbright.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktopsoil.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass godrays.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass autocamera.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blockhighlights.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass wireframe.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass luma.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blit.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad2d.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapentityanimated.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapgeneric.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass texture2texture.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass celestialobject.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guitopsoil.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass colorgrade.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guigear.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass ssao.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.
5.5.2024 03:26:21 [Client Notification] Cached session key is valid, validating with server
5.5.2024 03:26:23 [Client Notification] Server validation response: Good
5.5.2024 03:26:23 [Client Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
5.5.2024 03:26:23 [Client Notification] /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:23 [Client Notification] /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Client Notification] Initialized GUI Manager
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Client Notification] Initialized Server Connection
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Client Notification] Server args parsed
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Client Debug] GuiScreenConnectingToServer constructed
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Server logger started.
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Game Version: v1.19.7 (Stable)
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Client Notification] Server main instantiated
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Event] Launching server...
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Event] Server v1.19.7, network v1.19.8, api v1.19.0
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Entering runphase Initialization
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Event] Loading configuration...
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Entering runphase Configuration
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Loading savegame
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Create new save game data. Playstyle: surviveandbuild
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Default spawn was set in serverconfig, resetting for safety.
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Savegame /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Saves/creepy kingdom tales.vcdbs loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] World size = 1024000 256 1024000
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Start discovering assets
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 1 base assets in category blocktypes
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 0 base assets in category itemtypes
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 25 base assets in category lang
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 24 base assets in category config
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 48 base assets in category sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 95 base assets in category shapes
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 133 base assets in category textures
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 0 base assets in category recipes
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldgen
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 3 base assets in category entities
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 329 base assets in total
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Event] Building assets...
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Entering runphase LoadAssets
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Found 4 mods (0 disabled)
5.5.2024 03:26:29 [Server Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: qptech, game, creative, survival
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Instantiated 125 mod systems from 4 enabled mods
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@/usr/share/vintagestory/assets/creative/, modorigin@/usr/share/vintagestory/assets/survival/,
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 519 external assets in category blocktypes
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 281 external assets in category itemtypes
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 3 external assets in category lang
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 11 external assets in category patches
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 64 external assets in category config
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 25 external assets in category worldproperties
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 443 external assets in category sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 3817 external assets in category shapes
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 5785 external assets in category textures
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 493 external assets in category recipes
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 478 external assets in category worldgen
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 65 external assets in category entities
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Found 0 external assets in category compatibility
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Reloaded lang file with mod assets
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] Compatibility lib: 0 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
5.5.2024 03:26:30 [Server Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 14 patches total, successfully applied 14 patches, unmet conditions on 28 patches, no errors
5.5.2024 03:26:32 [Server Notification] Loaded 3419 unique items
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Notification] Loaded 10482 unique blocks
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Notification] Loaded 607 unique entities
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Notification] BlockLoader: Entities, Blocks and Items loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Event] Remapping blocks and items...
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Debug] Block IDs not found in savegame.
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Debug] Found 0 missing blocks
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Debug] Added 10484 new blocks to the mapping
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Debug] ItemID Remapper: Begin
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Debug] Item IDs not found in savegame.
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Debug] Found 0 Item requiring remapping
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Debug] Found 0 missing Items
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Debug] Added 3419 new Items to the mapping
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Debug] Item IDs have been written to savegame
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Event] 8 cooking recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Event] 797 crafting recipes loaded from 350 files
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Event] 9 metal alloys loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Event] 280 smithing recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Event] 55 clay forming recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Event] 36 knapping recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Warning] Barrel recipe barrel recipe machines:recipes/barrel/cable.json, ingredient machines:liquidrubberportion does not define a litres attribute but a quantity, will assume quantity=litres for backwards compatibility.
5.5.2024 03:26:35 [Server Event] 143 barrel recipes loaded
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Entering runphase AssetsFinalize
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Event] Server assets loaded, parsed, registered and finalized
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Event] Initialising systems...
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Entering runphase LoadGamePre
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Reloaded 19 weather patterns, 5 wind patterns and 5 weather events
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Started 109 systems on Server:
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game):
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModCompatiblityUtil
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.Essentials.PathFindDebug
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindingAsync
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.JsonExport
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModBasicBlocksLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSyncHarvestableDropsToClient
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEmotes
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.LeafBlockDecay
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemServer
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModRegistryObjectTypeLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ClothManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GridRecipeLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival):
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerra
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenSnowLayer
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemControlPoints
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerraPostProcess
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ChiselBlockBulkSetMaterial
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemDetailModeSync
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NpcControl
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRockStrataNew
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenHotSprings
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCreatures
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.WgenCommands
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemExplosionAffectedStability
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.MyceliumSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModsystemButterflySpawnCondsExtra
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCatchCreature
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemGliding
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ClutterBookshelfUtil
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemResoArchiveCommands
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemAuction
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.Core
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.DialogueSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.FruitingSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCommandHandbook
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemTutorial
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCorpseReturnTeleporter
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemNightVision
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.LiquidItemStackRenderer
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemStructureLocator
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRifts
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRiftWeather
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.TemporalStabilityEffects
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEditableBook
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDungeons
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDeposits
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.GenStoryStructures
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCaves
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructures
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayers
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenPonds
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructuresPosPass
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenVegetationAndPatches
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.RecipeRegistrySystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.RecipeLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemOreMap
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSnowballs
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.DisableRecipeRegisteringSystem
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative):
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayersFlat
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightCreative
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Mod '' (qptech):
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModdedFirePit
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.HVACEnvironmentUpdater
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.TextureTestLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.EntityHopper
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.FirepitLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.FirepitStoker
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.FirepitUnloader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.IceBox
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.QPTECHLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.networks.FlexNetworkManager
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.misc.AniTestLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.misc.BEBlockSeekerLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.misc.LoadPowerSink
5.5.2024 03:26:36 [Server Notification] qptech.src.misc.MBTLoader
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Server Debug] Loading leaf block decay system
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Server Debug] Finished loading leaf block decay system
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Server Debug] Block simulation loaded blocks
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Server Debug] Block simulation loaded items
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Server Notification] Server map set
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Server Notification] Entering runphase LoadGame
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Server Notification] Entering runphase WorldReady
5.5.2024 03:26:37 [Server Event] Starting world generators...
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Server Notification] Sending server identification with remap False. Server control privilege is True
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Processed server identification
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Map initialized
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Received server assets
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Loading and pre-starting client side mods...
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] /usr/share/vintagestory/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] /home/kaziita/.config/VintagestoryData/Mods
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 4 mods (0 disabled)
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: qptech, game, creative, survival
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Instantiated 125 mod systems from 4 enabled mods
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Done loading and pre-starting client side mods.
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@/usr/share/vintagestory/assets/creative/, modorigin@/usr/share/vintagestory/assets/survival/,
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 3 external assets in category lang
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 11 external assets in category patches
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 64 external assets in category config
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 25 external assets in category worldproperties
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 443 external assets in category sounds
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 3817 external assets in category shapes
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 13 external assets in category shaders
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 0 external assets in category shaderincludes
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 5785 external assets in category textures
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 68 external assets in category music
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 18 external assets in category dialog
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Found 0 external assets in category compatibility
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Reloaded lang file now with mod assets
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] Compatibility lib: 0 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
5.5.2024 03:26:38 [Client Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 14 patches total, successfully applied 6 patches, unmet conditions on 28 patches, no errors
5.5.2024 03:26:39 [Client Notification] Reloaded sounds, now with mod assets
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Client Notification] Received 3420 item types from server
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Client Notification] Loaded 10484 block types from server
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Client Notification] Composed 1 4096x2048 entities texture atlases from 434 textures
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Client Warning] Did not find required shape machines:shapes/block/metal/electric/light/bulb-on.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for block machines:lightbulb-on)
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Client Warning] Did not find required shape machines:shapes/block/metal/electric/light/bulb-off.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for block machines:lightbulb-off)
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Client Warning] Did not find required shape machines:shapes/block/vacuumtube.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for item machines:vacuum-casing)
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Client Warning] Did not find required shape machines:shapes/item/liquid.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for item machines:liquidrubberportion)
5.5.2024 03:26:40 [Client Notification] Collected 2235 shapes to tesselate.
5.5.2024 03:26:41 [Client Warning] Texture asset 'machines:textures/qptech/assets/machines/textures/block/castiron.png' not found (defined in Shape file machines:block/element-unlit).
5.5.2024 03:26:41 [Client Warning] Texture asset 'game:textures/block/rubber/cable.png' not found (defined in Item machines:industrialchannel-rubber).
5.5.2024 03:26:41 [Client Warning] Texture asset 'machines:textures/item/resource/orepowder/orepowder-iron.png' not found (defined in Item machines:orepowder-iron).
5.5.2024 03:26:41 [Client Notification] Composed 1 4096x2048 items texture atlases from 1715 textures
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Client Warning] Texture asset 'machines:textures/item/resource/orepowder/orepowder-iron.png' not found (defined in Item code machines:orepowder-iron).
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Server Notification] Reloaded 35 tree generators
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Server Event] Loading 7x7x8 spawn chunks...
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Server Event] 0% (49 in queue)
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Client Warning] Texture asset 'machines:textures/block/wood/hopper/frame.png' not found (defined in Baked variant of block machines:ringedbarrel).
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Client Warning] Texture asset 'machines:textures/block/tempblocks/seeker.png' not found (defined in Baked variant of block machines:seeker-test-north).
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Client Warning] Texture asset 'machines:textures/block/wood/cabinets/acacia/detail.png' not found (defined in Baked variant of block machines:cabinets-normal-north).
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Client Warning] Texture asset 'machines:textures/block/wood/cabinets/acacia/cabinet.png' not found (defined in Baked variant of block machines:cabinets-normal-north).
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Client Notification] Composed 1 4096x2048 blocks texture atlases from 4595 textures
5.5.2024 03:26:42 [Client Notification] Server assets loaded
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