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Created August 30, 2017 03:30
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This script specifically cleans up the Fresh Water Fishing Simulation score file for a system running Synchronet BBS software.
/*FWS-Score-Fix.js -by- KenDB3 of KD3net (
This script is meant for use with Synchronet BBSes.
It requires JSexec.exe (from SBBS) to be run from command line.
This script specifically cleans up the Fresh Water Fishing
Simulation score file. It removes the Erase Display/Clear Screen control
sequence (ESC[J), the Erase Line/Clear to End of Line control sequences
(ESC[K), and any bare CR alone on a line (Carriage Return with no Line Feed).
Add the FWS-Score-Fix.js script to your mods (/sbbs/mods/) or your
exec (/sbbs/exec/) directory.
Standard Command Line:
(be sure you're in the correct directory to call jsexec.exe, ie /sbbs/exec/)
jsexec.exe FWS-Score-Fix.js InputFile OutputFile
---InputFile and OutputFile arguments are required---
---InputFile cannot match OutputFile---
Optional Argument: "nocr"
This will also remove the bare Carriage Return that happens every 24th line
Your command line would look like this:
jsexec.exe FWS-Score-Fix.js InputFile OutputFile nocr
Version 1.0 2017-08-29 Initial Release
//Make sure we have enough arguments to handle the conversion
if(argc < 2) {
alert(format("!!!Missing Argument!!! \r\n" +
"Format should look like this: \r\n" +
"jsexec.exe FWS-Score-Fix.js InputFile OutputFile \r\n\r\n" +
"InputFile = Fresh Water Sim ANSI Scores Bulletin that needs to be cleaned up.\r\n" +
"OutputFile = Fresh Water Sim Scores Bulletin you want saved after clean up.\r\n"
, errno, FWSscoresInput));
var FWSscoresInput = argv[0];
var FWSscoresOutput = argv[1];
if(argc > 2) {
var RemoveCR = argv[2];
} else {
var RemoveCR = "keep";
if(FWSscoresInput.toLowerCase() == FWSscoresOutput.toLowerCase()) {
alert(format("!!!InputeFile Cannot Match OutputFile!!! \r\n" +
"Format should look like this: \r\n" +
"jsexec.exe FWS-Score-Fix.js InputFile OutputFile \r\n\r\n" +
"InputFile = Fresh Water Sim ANSI Scores Bulletin that needs to be cleaned up.\r\n" +
"OutputFile = Fresh Water Sim Scores Bulletin you want saved after clean up.\r\n" +
"Sorry, but unfortunately these files cannot be the same.\r\n" +
"I suggest making this part of a script that later deletes the original file.\r\n"
, errno, FWSscoresInput));
//Our input file
var file = new File(FWSscoresInput);
//Does the file open? Or are you messing with me?
if(!"r")) {
alert(format("Error %d opening %s\n", errno, FWSscoresInput));
var FWSscoresFix = file.readAll(4096);
var line_num;
var line_num_out;
//RegEx to find and replace the text
for(line_num in FWSscoresFix) {
//Remove the Erase Display/Clear Screen control sequence
FWSscoresFix[line_num] = FWSscoresFix[line_num].replace(/\033\[2J/g, '');
//Remove the Erase Line/Clear to End of Line control sequence
FWSscoresFix[line_num] = FWSscoresFix[line_num].replace(/\033\[K/, '');
//Remove any bare CR alone on a line if user adds the "nocr" argument
if(RemoveCR.toLowerCase() == "nocr") {
FWSscoresFix[line_num] = FWSscoresFix[line_num].replace(/^\r/, '');
var file = new File(FWSscoresOutput);
//Does the new file open?
if(!"w")) {
alert(format("Error %d opening %s\n", errno, FWSscoresOutput));
for(line_num_out in FWSscoresFix) {
var lineout = FWSscoresFix[line_num_out];
print(FWSscoresInput + " successfully converted to " + FWSscoresOutput);
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