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KeronCyst / OSAKv3.ahk
Last active January 22, 2021 03:53
On-Screen ANSI Keyboard v3 (AutoHotkey)
; On-Screen ANSI Keyboard version 3 (original discussion at
; This customizable, non-interactive keyboard only flashes what you type. It may be used to:
; Memorize the ANSI keyboard format without looking down
; Record your keystrokes (like in a game or something)
; Check key functionality on a damaged keyboard
; Revel in or lament over your typing speed
; Version 3:
; /u/anonymous1184 used invisible characters (to differentiate Numpad numbers from their counterparts) and
import random
secret_number = random.randint(1, 100)
print("Hello! What is your name?")
name = input()
print("Hi, " + str(name) + ". I'm thinking of a number between 1 to 100. I'll give you 7 chances to find it.")
chances = 7
while True:
KeronCyst /
Last active January 12, 2018 21:58
Vowel Counter
while 1:
number_of_vowels = 0
print('Enter a name to get a vowel count. Type "done" once' + " you're finished.")
name = input()
if name == "done":
for vowel in name:
if vowel == 'a' or vowel == 'e' or vowel == 'i' or vowel == 'o' or vowel == 'u':
number_of_vowels += 1
print('Number of vowels in "' + name + '": ' + str(number_of_vowels))
KeronCyst /
Created September 24, 2017 08:01
Number Guesser
minimum, maximum, guess_count = 0, 100, 0
print("Please think of a number between 0 and 100!")
while True:
number = int((minimum + maximum) / 2)
user_input = input("Is your secret number " + str(number) + "?\nEnter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high.\n\
Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low.\nEnter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly.\nEnter 'm' if you made a mistake.")
guess_count += 1
if user_input == "c":
KeronCyst /
Last active September 24, 2017 08:26
Hangman Draft
fully_correct_guess = False
acceptable_letters = string.ascii_letters
print("Welcome to Hangman!")
while True:
word = input("What word do you want the other player to guess? ")
# make word capital and figure out how to hide the inputted word from the console
if acceptable_letters not in word: # This isn't being used right lol.
print("You can only use the standard 26 letters of the English alphabet. Try again.")