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Created July 20, 2022 08:56
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
contract Kickstarter{
uint public minimumContribution;
address public mananger;
struct Request{
string title;
uint fundsRequired;
address receiver;
uint approvalCount;
bool complete;
mapping ( address => bool ) public contributers;
uint public countOfContributers;
Request[] public requestsArray;
function createRequest ( string memory _title , uint _funds , address _receiver ) public{
requestsArray.push( Request( _title, _funds, _receiver, 0 , false ) );
modifier onlyOwner(){
require(msg.sender == mananger);
mananger = msg.sender;
mapping ( address => mapping( uint => bool )) approvalsOfAllRequests;
function setMinimumContriibution ( uint _minContri ) public onlyOwner{
minimumContribution = _minContri;
function contribute() public payable{
require( msg.value > minimumContribution );
if(contributers[msg.sender] == false){
contributers[msg.sender] = true;
function approveRequest( uint idOfRequestToApprove ) public {
Request storage requestToApprove = requestsArray[idOfRequestToApprove];
// if the sender is a contributer
require( contributers[msg.sender] == true );
// if the sender is an approver of request of this index
require( approvalsOfAllRequests[msg.sender][idOfRequestToApprove] == false );
approvalsOfAllRequests[msg.sender][idOfRequestToApprove] = true;
function finaliseRequest( uint idOfRequestToApprove) public onlyOwner {
Request storage requestToApprove = requestsArray[idOfRequestToApprove];
require ( requestToApprove.approvalCount > ( countOfContributers / 2 ) );
require( requestToApprove.complete == false );
require ( address(this).balance > requestToApprove.fundsRequired );
requestToApprove.complete == true;
payable( requestToApprove.receiver ).transfer(requestToApprove.fundsRequired);
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