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Last active September 6, 2020 02:07
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quene #asyncio
import asyncio
import itertools as it
import os
import random
import time
async def makeitem(size: int = 5) -> str:
return os.urandom(size).hex()
async def randsleep(a: int = 1, b: int = 5, caller=None) -> None:
i = random.randint(0, 10)
if caller:
print(f"{caller} sleeping for {i} seconds.")
await asyncio.sleep(i)
async def produce(name: int, q: asyncio.Queue) -> None:
n = random.randint(0, 10)
for _ in it.repeat(None, n): # Synchronous loop for each single producer
await randsleep(caller=f"Producer {name}")
i = await makeitem()
t = time.perf_counter()
await q.put((i, t))
print(f"Producer {name} added <{i}> to queue.")
async def consume(name: int, q: asyncio.Queue) -> None:
while True:
await randsleep(caller=f"Consumer {name}")
i, t = await q.get()
now = time.perf_counter()
print(f"Consumer {name} got element <{i}>"
f" in {now-t:0.5f} seconds.")
async def main(nprod: int, ncon: int):
q = asyncio.Queue()
producers = [asyncio.create_task(produce(n, q)) for n in range(nprod)]
consumers = [asyncio.create_task(consume(n, q)) for n in range(ncon)]
await asyncio.gather(*producers)
await q.join() # Implicitly awaits consumers, too
for c in consumers:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-p", "--nprod", type=int, default=5)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--ncon", type=int, default=10)
ns = parser.parse_args()
start = time.perf_counter()**ns.__dict__))
elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start
print(f"Program completed in {elapsed:0.5f} seconds.")
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