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Created April 21, 2018 14:34
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WarCraft assignment final version
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
// useless headers
#include <cstring>
#define SIDE(x) ((x)->getTerritory() ? "red" : "blue")
// current time
int T;
bool endOfWar = false;
// number of cities
int N;
struct Epoch {
unsigned hour;
unsigned minute;
friend void tick();
std::string format() const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << hour << ':'
<< std::setw(2) << minute;
return os.str();
bool isEnd() {
return 60 * hour + minute > T;
} epoch;
class Warrior;
class Headquarter;
using WarriorPtr = Warrior *;
using WarriorCreator = WarriorPtr(*)(int, Headquarter const &);
class City {
City *next;
City *previous;
enum {
} flag = UNSET;
bool redBuffer = false;
bool blueBuffer = false;
WarriorPtr red = nullptr;
WarriorPtr blue = nullptr;
WarriorPtr redArrival = nullptr;
int id;
int strength = 0;
friend void initCities();
friend void tick();
virtual void event0();
int getID() const { return id; }
void event5();
void event10();
virtual void event20();
virtual void event30();
void event35();
void event38();
void event40();
virtual void event40_reward() {}
virtual void event50();
void event55_red();
void event55_blue();
City(City *next, City *previous, int id)
: next(next), previous(previous), id(id) {}
City(int strength, City *next, City *previous, int id)
: strength(strength), next(next), previous(previous), id(id) {}
virtual ~City();
class Headquarter : public City {
std::string name;
int index = 1;
std::vector<WarriorCreator> warriorSequence;
int currentWarriorIndex = 0;
std::vector<WarriorPtr> warriors;
Headquarter(const std::string &name, int strength, WarriorCreator seq[]);
void event0() override;
void event20() override {}
void event30() override {}
void event40_reward() override;
void event50() override {
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< strength << " elements in "
<< name << " headquarter" << std::endl;
std::string getName() const { return name; }
int getStrength() const { return strength; }
Headquarter *redHead, *blueHead;
namespace weapon {
class Weapon;
using WeaponPtr = Weapon *;
using WeaponCreator = WeaponPtr(*)(Warrior *);
class Weapon {
int attackValue;
virtual ~Weapon() = default;
int type;
virtual bool usable() const = 0;
Weapon(int attack, int type) : attackValue(attack), type(type) {}
int getAttack() { return attackValue; }
class Sword : public Weapon {
explicit Sword(WarriorPtr);
bool usable() const override { return attackValue > 0; }
bool attack(WarriorPtr dst);
class Arrow : public Weapon {
int remaining = 3;
static int R;
explicit Arrow(WarriorPtr);
bool usable() const override { return remaining > 0; }
void use(WarriorPtr src, WarriorPtr dst);
int Arrow::R;
class Bomb : public Weapon {
explicit Bomb(WarriorPtr);
bool usable() const override { return true; }
void use(WarriorPtr src, WarriorPtr dst);
template<typename T>
Weapon *make(Warrior *param = nullptr) {
return new T{param};
WeaponCreator WeaponList[] = {make<Sword>, make<Bomb>, make<Arrow>};
class Warrior {
int id;
int attackValue;
int position;
bool territory;
bool dying = false;
weapon::WeaponPtr weapons[3]{};
bool shotToDeath = false;
int strength;
bool justWon = false;
virtual ~Warrior() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
delete weapons[i];
bool isDying() const { return dying; }
void setDying(bool a) { dying = a; }
friend class Wolf;
void takeDamage(int damage) {
strength -= damage;
virtual void walk() {
if (isDead()) { return; }
if (getTerritory()) {
} else {
if (position != N + 1 && position != 0) {
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(this) << ' ' << getName() << ' '
<< id << " marched to city " << position << ' '
<< "with " << strength << " elements and force " << attackValue
<< std::endl;
if (getTerritory() && position == N + 1) {
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(this) << ' ' << getName() << ' '
<< id << " reached blue headquarter "
<< "with " << strength << " elements and force " << attackValue
<< std::endl;
} else if (!getTerritory() && position == 0) {
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(this) << ' ' << getName() << ' '
<< id << " reached red headquarter "
<< "with " << strength << " elements and force " << attackValue
<< std::endl;
bool isDead() const { return strength <= 0; }
bool getTerritory() const { return territory; }
int getID() const { return id; }
int getStrength() const { return strength; }
int getPosition() const { return position; }
int getAttack() const { return attackValue; }
int getAttackActive() const {
auto swordAttack = (weapons[0] != nullptr) ? weapons[0]->getAttack() : 0;
return attackValue + swordAttack;
virtual int getAttackPassive() const {
auto swordAttack = (weapons[0] != nullptr) ? weapons[0]->getAttack() : 0;
return attackValue / 2 + swordAttack;
virtual const char *const getName() const = 0;
virtual void describe() {
if (isDead()) { return; }
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(this) << ' '
<< getName() << ' ' << id << ' '
<< "has ";
auto arrow = static_cast<weapon::Arrow *>(weapons[2]);
auto bomb = static_cast<weapon::Bomb *>(weapons[1]);
auto sword = static_cast<weapon::Sword *>(weapons[0]);
bool anyWeapons = false;
if (arrow != nullptr) {
if (arrow->usable()) {
anyWeapons = true;
std::cout << "arrow(" << arrow->remaining << ")";
} else {
weapons[2] = nullptr;
if (bomb != nullptr) {
if (anyWeapons) { std::cout << ','; }
anyWeapons = true;
std::cout << "bomb";
if (sword != nullptr) {
if (anyWeapons) { std::cout << ','; }
anyWeapons = true;
std::cout << "sword(" << sword->getAttack() << ")";
if (!anyWeapons) {
std::cout << "no weapon";
std::cout << std::endl;
void attack(WarriorPtr dst, City *city);
Warrior(int id, Headquarter const &head, int defaultStrength, int defaultAttack)
: id(id), territory(head.getName() == "red"), strength(defaultStrength),
attackValue(defaultAttack), weapons{} {
if (territory) {
position = 0;
} else {
position = N + 1;
void shoot(WarriorPtr dst) {
if ((isDead() && !isDying()) || dst->isDead()) { return; }
if (weapons[2] != nullptr) {
static_cast<weapon::Arrow *>(weapons[2])->use(this, dst);
if (dst->isDead()) {
dst->shotToDeath = true;
void blow(WarriorPtr dst) {
if (isDead() || dst->isDead()) { return; }
if (weapons[1] != nullptr) {
static_cast<weapon::Bomb *>(weapons[1])->use(this, dst);
void kill() {
strength = 0;
void cleanWeapons() {
for (auto &i : weapons) {
if (i != nullptr && !i->usable()) {
delete i;
i = nullptr;
class Dragon : public Warrior {
double morale;
constexpr static auto name = "dragon";
friend void City::event40();
static int defaultStrength;
static int defaultAttack;
const char *const getName() const override { return name; }
void reportMorale() const {
std::cout << "Its morale is ";
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << morale;
std::cout << std::endl;
Dragon(int id, Headquarter const &head)
: Warrior(id, head, defaultStrength, defaultAttack) {
// decrement life in castle first before creating warrior!
morale = static_cast<double>(head.getStrength()) / strength;
weapons[id % 3] = weapon::WeaponList[id % 3](this);
void cheer() const {
if (!isDead() && morale > 0.8) {
// cheer
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(this) << ' '
<< name << ' ' << id << ' '
<< "yelled in city " << position << std::endl;
int Dragon::defaultStrength;
int Dragon::defaultAttack;
class Ninja : public Warrior {
constexpr static auto name = "ninja";
static int defaultStrength;
static int defaultAttack;
const char *const getName() const override { return name; }
int getAttackPassive() const override {
return 0;
Ninja(int id, Headquarter const &head)
: Warrior(id, head, defaultStrength, defaultAttack) {
weapons[id % 3] = weapon::WeaponList[id % 3](this);
weapons[(id + 1) % 3] = weapon::WeaponList[(id + 1) % 3](this);
int Ninja::defaultStrength;
int Ninja::defaultAttack;
class Iceman : public Warrior {
constexpr static auto name = "iceman";
bool gainingPower = false;
static int defaultStrength;
static int defaultAttack;
const char *const getName() const override { return name; }
Iceman(int id, Headquarter const &head)
: Warrior(id, head, defaultStrength, defaultAttack) {
weapons[id % 3] = weapon::WeaponList[id % 3](this);
void walk() override {
if (gainingPower) {
if (strength > 9) {
strength -= 9;
} else {
if (!isDead()) { strength = 1; }
attackValue += 20;
gainingPower = false;
} else {
gainingPower = true;
int Iceman::defaultStrength;
int Iceman::defaultAttack;
class Lion : public Warrior {
int loyalty;
constexpr static auto name = "lion";
bool escaped = false;
friend void City::event40();
static int defaultStrength;
static int defaultAttack;
static unsigned loyaltyDecrease;
const char *const getName() const override { return name; }
bool isLoyal() const {
return loyalty > 0;
void reportLoyalty() const {
std::cout << "Its loyalty is " << loyalty << std::endl;
void describe() override {
if (escaped) { return; }
void tryEscape() {
if (escaped) { return; }
if (!isLoyal() && position != (territory ? N + 1 : 0)) {
escaped = true;
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(this) << ' ' << name << ' '
<< id << ' '
<< "ran away" << std::endl;
void walk() override {
if (escaped) { return; }
Lion(int id, Headquarter const &head)
: Warrior(id, head, defaultStrength, defaultAttack) {
// decrement life in castle first before creating warrior!
loyalty = head.getStrength();
int Lion::defaultStrength;
int Lion::defaultAttack;
unsigned Lion::loyaltyDecrease;
class Wolf : public Warrior {
constexpr static auto name = "wolf";
static int defaultStrength;
static int defaultAttack;
const char *const getName() const override { return name; }
void loot(WarriorPtr dst) {
if (isDead()) { return; }
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != nullptr) { continue; }
weapons[i] = dst->weapons[i];
dst->weapons[i] = nullptr;
Wolf(int id, Headquarter const &head)
: Warrior(id, head, defaultStrength, defaultAttack) {
int Wolf::defaultStrength;
int Wolf::defaultAttack;
void Warrior::attack(WarriorPtr dst, City *city) {
if (isDead() || dst->isDead()) { return; }
if (weapons[0]) {
static_cast<weapon::Sword *>(weapons[0])->attack(dst);
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(this) << ' ' << getName() << ' ' << getID() << ' '
<< "attacked " << SIDE(dst) << ' ' << dst->getName() << ' ' << dst->getID() << ' '
<< "in city " << city->getID() << ' '
<< "with " << getStrength() << ' '
<< "elements and force " << getAttack() << std::endl;
if (!dst->isDead() && dynamic_cast<Ninja *>(dst) == nullptr) {
takeDamage(dst->getAttack() / 2);
if (dst->weapons[0]) {
static_cast<weapon::Sword *>(dst->weapons[0])->attack(this);
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(dst) << ' ' << dst->getName() << ' ' << dst->getID() << ' '
<< "fought back against " << SIDE(this) << ' ' << getName() << ' ' << getID() << ' '
<< "in city " << city->getID() << std::endl;
bool weapon::Sword::attack(WarriorPtr dst) {
if (!usable()) { return false; }
attackValue = attackValue * 8 / 10;
return true;
void weapon::Arrow::use(WarriorPtr src, WarriorPtr dst) {
if (dst->getPosition() == 0 || dst->getPosition() == N + 1) {
// the target is in the headquarter
if (!usable()) { return; }
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(src) << ' '
<< src->getName() << ' '
<< src->getID() << " shot";
if (dst->isDead()) {
std::cout << " and killed "
<< SIDE(dst) << ' '
<< dst->getName() << ' '
<< dst->getID();
std::cout << std::endl;
void weapon::Bomb::use(WarriorPtr src, WarriorPtr dst) {
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(src) << ' '
<< src->getName() << ' '
<< src->getID() << " used a bomb and killed "
<< SIDE(dst) << ' '
<< dst->getName() << ' '
<< dst->getID() << std::endl;
weapon::Sword::Sword(WarriorPtr warrior)
: weapon::Weapon(warrior->getAttack() * 2 / 10, 0) {}
weapon::Arrow::Arrow(WarriorPtr warrior)
: weapon::Weapon(warrior->getAttack() * 3 / 10, 2) {}
weapon::Bomb::Bomb(WarriorPtr warrior)
: weapon::Weapon(warrior->getAttack() * 4 / 10, 1) {}
template<typename T>
Warrior *make(int param1, Headquarter const &param2) {
return new T{param1, param2};
WarriorCreator redSequence[] = {make<Iceman>, make<Lion>, make<Wolf>, make<Ninja>, make<Dragon>};
WarriorCreator blueSequence[] = {make<Lion>, make<Dragon>, make<Ninja>, make<Iceman>, make<Wolf>};
Headquarter::Headquarter(const std::string &name, int strength, WarriorCreator seq[])
: name(name),
warriorSequence(seq, seq + 5),
City(strength, nullptr, nullptr, -1) {
if (name == "red") {
id = 0;
} else {
id = N + 1;
void initCities() {
std::vector<City *> cities;
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
cities.push_back(new City(nullptr, nullptr, i));
redHead->next = cities[1];
blueHead->previous = cities[N];
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
cities[i]->previous = cities[i - 1];
cities[i]->next = cities[i + 1];
void City::event0() {}
void Headquarter::event0() {
if (strength < warriorSequence[currentWarriorIndex](0, *this)->getStrength()) {
// wait until we have enough strength to make a warrior
strength -= warriorSequence[currentWarriorIndex](0, *this)->getStrength();
auto newWarrior = warriorSequence[currentWarriorIndex](index++, *this);
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< name << ' '
<< newWarrior->getName() << ' '
<< newWarrior->getID() << ' '
<< "born" << std::endl;
// remove 0-attack swords
auto newLion = dynamic_cast<Lion *>(newWarrior);
if (newLion != nullptr) {
auto newDragon = dynamic_cast<Dragon *>(newWarrior);
if (newDragon != nullptr) {
if (name == "red") {
red = newWarrior;
} else {
blue = newWarrior;
currentWarriorIndex = (currentWarriorIndex + 1) % 5;
void City::event5() {
auto newRed = dynamic_cast<Lion *>(red);
if (newRed != nullptr && newRed->getPosition() != N + 1) {
auto newBlue = dynamic_cast<Lion *>(blue);
if (newBlue != nullptr && newBlue->getPosition() != 0) {
void City::event10() {
auto takenFlag = false;
if (previous != nullptr && previous->red != nullptr) {
if (getID() == N + 1 && red) {
takenFlag = true;
redArrival = previous->red;
previous->red = nullptr;
if (takenFlag) {
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< "blue headquarter was taken"
<< std::endl;
endOfWar = true;
if (getID() == N + 1) {
red = redArrival;
redArrival = nullptr;
if (previous != nullptr) {
previous->red = previous->redArrival;
previous->redArrival = nullptr;
if (next != nullptr && next->blue != nullptr) {
if (next->blue->isDead()) {
next->blue = nullptr;
} else {
if (!getID() && blue) {
takenFlag = true;
blue = next->blue;
if (takenFlag) {
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< "red headquarter was taken"
<< std::endl;
endOfWar = true;
next->blue = nullptr;
auto redLion = dynamic_cast<Lion *>(red);
auto blueLion = dynamic_cast<Lion *>(blue);
if (blue &&
(blue->isDead() ||
(blueLion && blueLion->escaped))) { blue = nullptr; }
if (red &&
(red->isDead() ||
(redLion && redLion->escaped))) { red = nullptr; }
void City::event20() {
strength += 10;
void City::event30() {
if (blue != nullptr && red == nullptr) {
blueHead->strength += strength;
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(blue) << ' '
<< blue->getName() << ' ' << blue->getID() << ' '
<< "earned " << strength << " elements for his headquarter" << std::endl;
strength = 0;
} else if (red != nullptr && blue == nullptr) {
redHead->strength += strength;
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(red) << ' '
<< red->getName() << ' ' << red->getID() << ' '
<< "earned " << strength << " elements for his headquarter" << std::endl;
strength = 0;
void City::event35() {
if (red != nullptr && next != nullptr && next->blue != nullptr) {
if (blue != nullptr && previous != nullptr && previous->red != nullptr) {
void City::event38() {
if (red == nullptr || blue == nullptr
|| red->isDead() || blue->isDead()) { return; }
bool redAttack;
if (flag == UNSET) {
redAttack = (id % 2 != 0);
} else {
redAttack = flag == RED;
if (redAttack) {
if (red->getAttackActive() >= blue->getStrength()) {
} else if (blue->getAttackPassive() >= red->getStrength()) {
} else {
if (blue->getAttackActive() >= red->getStrength()) {
} else if (red->getAttackPassive() >= blue->getStrength()) {
void City::event40() {
if (red == nullptr || blue == nullptr) { return; }
auto redOldStrength = red->getStrength();
auto blueOldStrength = blue->getStrength();
if (redOldStrength < 0) { redOldStrength = 0; }
if (blueOldStrength < 0) { blueOldStrength = 0; }
auto newDragonRed = dynamic_cast<Dragon *>(red);
auto newDragonBlue = dynamic_cast<Dragon *>(blue);
bool redAttack;
if (flag == UNSET) {
redAttack = (id % 2 != 0);
} else {
redAttack = flag == RED;
if (redAttack) {
red->attack(blue, this);
} else {
blue->attack(red, this);
if (!(red->isDead() || blue->isDead())) {
blueBuffer = redBuffer = false;
if (newDragonRed) {
newDragonRed->morale -= 0.2;
if (redAttack) {
if (newDragonBlue) {
newDragonBlue->morale -= 0.2;
if (!redAttack) {
} else if (red->isDead() && blue->isDead()) {}
else {
if (red->isDead()) {
if (!red->shotToDeath) {
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(red) << ' ' << red->getName() << ' ' << red->getID() << ' '
<< "was killed in city " << id << std::endl;
if (newDragonBlue) {
newDragonBlue->morale += 0.2;
if (!redAttack) {
blueHead->strength += strength;
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(blue) << ' '
<< blue->getName() << ' ' << blue->getID() << ' '
<< "earned " << strength << " elements for his headquarter" << std::endl;
strength = 0;
if (dynamic_cast<Lion *>(red)) {
blue->strength += redOldStrength;
auto newBlue = dynamic_cast<Wolf *>(blue);
if (newBlue != nullptr) {
redBuffer = false;
if (blueBuffer && flag != BLUE) {
// blue has already won once
blueBuffer = false;
flag = BLUE;
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< "blue flag raised in city " << id << std::endl;
} else {
blueBuffer = true;
blue->justWon = true;
} else {
if (!blue->shotToDeath) {
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(blue) << ' ' << blue->getName() << ' ' << blue->getID() << ' '
<< "was killed in city " << id << std::endl;
if (newDragonRed) {
newDragonRed->morale += 0.2;
if (redAttack) {
redHead->strength += strength;
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< SIDE(red) << ' '
<< red->getName() << ' ' << red->getID() << ' '
<< "earned " << strength << " elements for his headquarter" << std::endl;
strength = 0;
if (dynamic_cast<Lion *>(blue)) {
red->strength += blueOldStrength;
auto newRed = dynamic_cast<Wolf *>(red);
if (newRed != nullptr) {
blueBuffer = false;
if (redBuffer && flag != RED) {
// blue has already won once
redBuffer = false;
flag = RED;
std::cout << epoch.format() << ' '
<< "red flag raised in city " << id << std::endl;
} else {
redBuffer = true;
red->justWon = true;
auto newLionRed = dynamic_cast<Lion *>(red);
auto newLionBlue = dynamic_cast<Lion *>(blue);
if (newLionRed != nullptr) {
if (!newLionRed->isDead() && !blue->isDead()) {
newLionRed->loyalty -= Lion::loyaltyDecrease;
if (newLionBlue != nullptr) {
if (!newLionBlue->isDead() && !red->isDead()) {
newLionBlue->loyalty -= Lion::loyaltyDecrease;
void Headquarter::event40_reward() {
sort(warriors.begin(), warriors.end(),
[this](WarriorPtr a, WarriorPtr b) {
if (this->getID()) { // we are blue; red's id is N + 1
return a->getPosition() < b->getPosition();
} else {
return a->getPosition() > b->getPosition();
for (auto &a : warriors) {
if (a->isDead() || !a->justWon) { continue; }
if (strength >= 8) {
a->strength += 8;
strength -= 8;
a->justWon = false;
void City::event50() {}
void City::event55_red() {
if (red != nullptr) {
void City::event55_blue() {
if (blue != nullptr) {
City::~City() {
delete red;
delete blue;
delete redArrival;
using eventType = void (City::*)();
const eventType events[] = {
const unsigned checkpoints[] = {
0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 35, 38, 40, 40, 50, 55, 55,
void tick() {
City *curr = redHead;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(checkpoints) / sizeof(checkpoints[0]); i++) {
epoch.minute = checkpoints[i];
if (epoch.isEnd()) {
endOfWar = true;
const auto currEvent = events[i];
while (curr != nullptr) {
curr = curr->next;
// reset the curr pointer
curr = redHead;
if (endOfWar) { return; }
void runEval(int caseNo) {
std::cout << "Case " << caseNo << ":" << std::endl;
// initialization
epoch = Epoch();
int M;
endOfWar = false;
std::cin >> M;
std::cin >> N;
std::cin >> weapon::Arrow::R;
std::cin >> Lion::loyaltyDecrease;
std::cin >> T;
std::cin >> Dragon::defaultStrength;
std::cin >> Ninja::defaultStrength;
std::cin >> Iceman::defaultStrength;
std::cin >> Lion::defaultStrength;
std::cin >> Wolf::defaultStrength;
std::cin >> Dragon::defaultAttack;
std::cin >> Ninja::defaultAttack;
std::cin >> Iceman::defaultAttack;
std::cin >> Lion::defaultAttack;
std::cin >> Wolf::defaultAttack;
redHead = new Headquarter("red", M, redSequence);
blueHead = new Headquarter("blue", M, blueSequence);
while (!endOfWar) {
delete redHead;
delete blueHead;
int main() {
int n;
std::cin >> n;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
return 0;
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