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Last active April 12, 2016 05:57
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Function Get-Diacritic
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})][String]$Path,
$email = @{
'To' = $Recepient;
'SmtpServer' = '';
'From' = 'powershelldudey';
'Subject' = "Diacritic files $([datetime]::now)"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Files = gci $Path -Recurse | ? {[int[]][char[]]$ -gt 192} | select Name, @{l='Directory'; e={$_.DirectoryName}}, `
@{l='Created'; e={$_.CreationTime}}, `
@{l='Modified'; e={$_.LastWriteTime}},`
@{l='Size'; e={switch ($_.Length){ `
{$_ -lt [math]::pow(2,20)} {"$([math]::Round($_/[math]::pow(2,10),2)) Kb"; break}
{$_ -lt [math]::pow(2,30)} {"$([math]::Round($_/[math]::pow(2,20),2)) Mb"; break}
{$_ -lt [math]::pow(2,40)} {"$([math]::Round($_/[math]::pow(2,30),2)) GB"; break}
if ($files.Count -gt 0){
$filepath = "$([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('TEMP','Machine'))\$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd)_FileNamesWithDiacritics.csv"
$files | Export-Csv -Path $filepath
if ($AsHTML){ $email.Add('BodyAsHtml',$true)}
Send-MailMessage @email
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