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Created November 26, 2012 16:46
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from itertools import groupby
from sympy.core import S, sympify, Mul, Basic, Expr, Dummy, Symbol, Integer
from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation
from sympy.matrices.expressions import MatMul, MatrixExpr, Trace
from sympy.matrices import MatrixBase, ImmutableMatrix
from sympy.physics.matrices import mgamma
from sympy.functions.special.tensor_functions import LeviCivita
from sympy.diffgeom.einstein_notation import MetricTangentSpace, U, D
from sympy.rules.strat_pure import condition, do_one, chain
from sympy.rules.traverse import top_down, bottom_up # TODO top_down_early_stop
from sympy.printing.pretty.stringpict import prettyForm
from sympy.printing.pretty.pretty_symbology import pretty_symbol
# A globally used MetricTangentSpace
minkowski_metric_matrix = ImmutableMatrix([[-1,0,0,0],
[ 0,1,0,0],
[ 0,0,1,0],
[ 0,0,0,1]])
qft_minkowski = MetricTangentSpace('minkowski', minkowski_metric_matrix)
class DiracMatrix(MatrixExpr):
# XXX This should **not** subclass `TensorComponent` because we do not want
# the usual rules for tensors to catch it.
# This is so because we implement the "components of the tensor being
# operators" abuse of notation, instead of implementing dirac matrices as
# tensors living on the product of Lorentz and Dirac spaces.
# We choose this way because the other alternative, namely moving all the
# quantum-specific Hilbert space implementations to a more independent part
# of SymPy, would be too costly.
# The drawback is that now the devs should understand both the
# `einstein_notation` module and the `quantum` module.
If you want to create tensors in the same MetricTangentSpace use
``space = DiracMatrix.tangent_space`` or ``space =
>>> from sympy import symbols, pprint
>>> from sympy.physics.diracalgebra import *
>>> from sympy.matrices.expressions import Trace
>>> a, b, c, d, e = symbols('a b c d e')
>>> ga, gb, gc, gd, ge = [DiracMatrix(U(i)) for i in symbols('a b c d e')]
>>> g_a, g_b, g_c, g_d, g_e = [DiracMatrix(D(i)) for i in symbols('a b c d e')]
>>> g5 = DiracMatrix(U(5))
>>> g0, g1, g2, g3 = [DiracMatrix(U(i)) for i in range(4)]
>>> g_0, g_1, g_2, g_3 = [DiracMatrix(D(i)) for i in range(4)]
>>> pprint( qft_minkowski.metric(U(Symbol('a')), U(Symbol('b'))))
>>> pprint( g_0*g_2)
gamma *gamma
0 2
>>> pprint( Trace(DiracMatrix(U(a))*DiracMatrix(U(5))))
/ a 5\
Trace\gamma *gamma /
>>> dirac_simplify(Trace(ga))
>>> dirac_simplify(Trace(g5))
>>> dirac_simplify(Trace(g5*ga))
>>> dirac_simplify(Trace(gb*g5*ga))
>>> pprint( dirac_simplify(Trace(gb*gb*ga*gc)))
>>> pprint( dirac_simplify(Trace(gb*gd*ga*gc)))
#__new__(self, index):
tangent_space = qft_minkowski
is_commutative = False
shape = 4*S.One, 4*S.One # TODO these should just be 4, 4
def indices(self):
return self.args
def _entry(self, i, j):
raise NotImplementedError
def free_symbols(self):
return set((self.args[0],))
def _pretty(self, printer, *args):
index = self.indices[0]
index_pretty = printer._print(index.args[0])
gamma = prettyForm(pretty_symbol('gamma'))
if isinstance(index, U):
return gamma**index_pretty
top = prettyForm(*index_pretty.left(' '*gamma.width()))
bot = prettyForm(*gamma.right(' '*index_pretty.width()))
return prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.POW, *bot.below(top))
# Rules.
# The general idea:
# 1. Move all gamma matrix indices up
# 2. Do the simplifications
# - traces that are zero
# - canonical ordering
# - squares of matrices that give g*Id
# - traces that give the metric or LeviCivita TODO
# 3. Contact with the metric, so the indices are back down TODO
# - contactions that give Id TODO
# - contractions that just lower the index TODO
# Simplification rules unrelated to the formalism here.
# TODO move them to a better location (inside the concerned objects)
def trace_remove_scalars(a_trace): #TODO should not be here
"""Tr(scalar*matrix) -> scalar*Tr(matrix)"""
if isinstance(a_trace, Trace) and isinstance(a_trace.args[0], MatMul):
s = [s for s in a_trace.args[0].args if not isinstance(s, (MatrixBase, MatrixExpr))]
m = [m for m in a_trace.args[0].args if isinstance(m, (MatrixBase, MatrixExpr))]
return Mul(*s)*Trace(MatMul(*m)) if m else Mul(*s) #XXX Why is Trace a MatExpr
return a_trace
# Conditions used for matching nodes on which to work.
def is_gamma_index_down(expr):
"""is a dirac matrix with lower index"""
return isinstance(expr, DiracMatrix) and isinstance(expr.indices[0], D)
def is_mul_gamma(expr):
"""is a product of gamma matrices"""
return isinstance(expr, MatMul) and all(isinstance(a, DiracMatrix) for a in expr.args)
def is_trace_gamma(expr):
"""is a trace of a gamma matrix or a product of gamma matrices"""
return isinstance(expr, Trace) and (isinstance(expr.args[0], DiracMatrix)
or is_mul_gamma(expr.args[0]))
# 1. Move all gamma matrix indices up
def rise_index(expr):
"""gamma_a -> g_ab*gamma^b"""
d = Dummy()
orig_index = expr.indices[0].args[0]
if isinstance(orig_index, Symbol):
return qft_minkowski.metric(D(orig_index), D(d))*DiracMatrix(U(d))
return qft_minkowski.metric_matrix[orig_index, orig_index]*DiracMatrix(U(orig_index))
# 2. Do te simplifications
def tr_zero(expr):
"""Tr(odd nb of gammas * gamma5) -> 0 and similar"""
g5s = sum(a == DiracMatrix(U(5)) for a in expr.args[0].args)
gs = sum(a != DiracMatrix(U(5)) for a in expr.args[0].args)
if gs % 2 == 1 or (g5s%2 == 1 and gs in (0, 2)):
return 0
return expr
def canonical_order(expr):
"""product of gammas -> numeric gammas * alphabetic gammas * g5"""
def order_args(args):
perm_id = range(len(args))
to_be_sorted = zip(args, perm_id)
def sort_key(k):
k = k[0].args[0].args[0] # DiracMatrix.U_or_D.Symbol
if k in [S.One*i for i in range(4)]:
return int(k)
elif k == S.One*5:
return 5
return -abs(hash( hash collisions
ordered, perm = zip(*sorted(to_be_sorted, key=sort_key))
return ordered, Permutation(perm).signature()
ordered, sign = order_args(expr.args)
return sign*MatMul(*ordered)
def squares(expr):
"""gamma^a*gamma^a -> g^{aa}*Id for canonically ordered products"""
args = []
margs = []
for k, g in groupby(expr.args):
print k
g = list(g)
squares = len(g)//2
if k != DiracMatrix(U(5)):
return Mul(*args)*MatMul(*margs)
# Very naive implementation
dirac_simplify = chain(
top_down( condition( is_gamma_index_down,
top_down( trace_remove_scalars),
top_down( condition( is_trace_gamma,
top_down( condition( is_mul_gamma,
chain( canonical_order,
top_down( trace_remove_scalars))
from sympy.core import Basic, Expr
from sympy.printing.pretty.stringpict import prettyForm
from sympy.printing.pretty.pretty_symbology import pretty_symbol
class U(Basic):
"""Up decorator for indices."""
class D(Basic):
"""Down decorator for indices."""
class MetricTangentSpace(Basic):
"""A tangent space with a metric.
It is usable both for abstract Penrose index notation that is independent
of coordinates as well as for coordinate dependent representation.
#__init__(self, name, metric_matrix):
# XXX args aliases that can not be implemented in __init__ because
# the rewrite rules do not call __init__
def name(self):
return self.args[0]
def metric_matrix(self):
return self.args[1]
def metric(self, *indices):
return MetricTensorComponent(self, *indices)
class TensorComponent(Expr):
It is usable both for abstract Penrose index notation that is independent
of coordinates as well as for coordinate dependent representation.
#__init__(self, name, tangent_space, *indices):
# XXX args aliases that can not be implemented in __init__ because
# the rewrite rules do not call __init__
def name(self):
return self.args[0]
def indices(self):
return self.args[2:]
def _pretty(self, printer, *args):
tensor = prettyForm(pretty_symbol(
up = down = prettyForm(' '*tensor.width())
for i in self.indices:
i_pretty = prettyForm(pretty_symbol(i.args[0].name))
if isinstance(i, U):
up = prettyForm(*up.right(i_pretty))
down = prettyForm(*down.right(' '*i_pretty.width()))
down = prettyForm(*down.right(i_pretty))
up = prettyForm(*up.right(' '*i_pretty.width()))
tensor = prettyForm(*tensor.right(' '*i_pretty.width()))
return prettyForm(*prettyForm.stack(up, tensor, down))
class MetricTensorComponent(TensorComponent):
#__init__(self, tangent_space, *indices):
# XXX args aliases that can not be implemented in __init__ because
# the rewrite rules do not call __init__
name = 'g' # for printing
def indices(self):
return self.args[1:]
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