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Last active February 26, 2024 02:06
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SGM Palettized Image Creator
import argparse
from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageMath
def create_sprite(name, width=-1, differentiator='RGB', fallback=False):
Generates a palettized image from input images in the same folder.
The inputs can be: raw image, base colors, color map, and detail layer
or: shadows, highlights, color map, and detail layer.
- name
base name of input files
- width
<0: downscale such that diagonal is ~666 (preserve size if original diagonal is <666)
=0: preserve size
>0: resize to specified width
- differentiator
='R': only consider the red channel when making the color map
='RGB': differentiate all colors when making the color map
- fallback
True: run with color map in palette mode
False: run normally with color map unmodified
area = + '_area.png').convert('RGBA') # color map
if fallback:
area = area.convert('P').convert('RGBA')
line = + '_line.png').convert('RGBA') # detail layer
shadow = + '_shadow.png').convert('RGBA')
highlight = + '_highlight.png').convert('RGBA')
raw = + '_raw.png').convert('RGBA') # raw image
base = + '_base.png').convert('RGBA') # base colors
shadow = ImageChops.subtract(base, raw)
highlight = ImageChops.subtract(raw, base)
if differentiator == 'R':
r = area.getchannel(0).convert('L')
elif differentiator == 'RGB':
copy ='RGB', area.size)
copy.paste(area, mask=area) # paste removes color info in transparent areas
data = copy.getdata()
colors1 = {(a, b, c, 0) for a, b, c in data} - {(0, 0, 0, 0)}
colors2 = set()
colormap = {0: (0, 0, 0)}
while len(colors1) > 0 and len(colormap) < 256:
for a, b, c, d in colors1:
if a not in colormap:
colormap[a] = ((a - d) % 256, b, c)
colors2.add(((a + 1) % 256, b, c, d + 1))
colors1 = colors2.copy()
if len(colors1):
print('Color limit exceeded; colors excluded:', colors1)
print('Trying again with color map in palette mode.')
return create_sprite(name, width, differentiator, True)
colormapinverse = {colormap[i]: i for i in colormap}
rdata = [colormapinverse[i] for i in data]
r ='L', area.size)
print('Unsupported differentiator:', differentiator)
g = ImageMath.eval('convert(0xff - line, "L")', line=line.getchannel(3).convert('L'))
b = ImageMath.eval(
'convert(0xff - (area > 0) * (shadow * (0xff - 0x33) / 0x80) + (area > 0) * ((highlight - 0x33) * 0x33 / 0x40), "L")',
if width < 0:
diagonal = 666
area_diagonal = (area.width ** 2 + area.height ** 2) ** 0.5
width = min(area.width, int(area.width * diagonal / area_diagonal))
newsize = tuple(int(x * width / area.width) for x in area.size)
rgb = Image.merge('RGB', (
r if width == 0 else r.resize(newsize, Image.NEAREST),
g if width == 0 else g.resize(newsize), # set resample to Image.NEAREST if area has gaps
b if width == 0 else b.resize(newsize)
)) + '.png')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', type=str, help='base name')
parser.add_argument('-w', '--width', type=int, default=-1, help='width (px)')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--differentiator', type=str, default='RGB', help='differentiator (R or RGB)')
args = parser.parse_args()
create_sprite(, args.width, args.differentiator)
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Krazete commented Feb 26, 2024

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